OC.L10N.register( "photos", { "Public link" : "Esteka publikoa", "Photos" : "Argazkiak", "Your memories under your control" : "Zure oroitzapenak zure kontrolpean", "All media" : "Fitxategi guztiak", "Videos" : "Bideoak", "Albums" : "Albumak", "Collaborative albums" : "Elkarlaneko albumak", "People" : "Jendea", "Folders" : "Karpetak", "Favorites" : "Gogokoak", "On this day" : "Egun honetan", "Shared with you" : "Zurekin partekatua", "Tags" : "Etiketak", "Places" : "Lekuak", "Map" : "Mapa", "Photos settings" : "Argazkien ezarpenak", "Mark selection as favorite" : "Markatu hautatutakoak gogoko gisa", "Add selection to favorites" : "Gehitu hautatutakoak gogokoetara", "Remove selection from favorites" : "Kendu hautatutakoak gogokoetatik", "Name of the album" : "Albumaren izena", "Location of the album" : "Albumaren kokapena", "Back" : "Atzera", "Add collaborators" : "Gehitu kolaboratzaileak", "Save" : "Gorde", "Create album" : "Sortu albuma", "Add to Album" : "Gehitu album batera", "Add selection to album {albumName}" : "Gehitu hautapena {albumName} albumera", "Shared by" : "Honek partekatua", "Create a new album." : "Sortu album berria.", "Create new album" : "Sortu album berria", "New album" : "Album berria", "_%n item_::_%n photos and videos_" : ["%n fitxategi","%n argazki eta bideo"], "Add people or groups who can edit your album" : "Gehitu zure albuma editatu dezaketen pertsona edo taldeak", "Search people or groups" : "Bilatu erabiltzaile edo taldeak", "No recommendations. Start typing." : "Gomendiorik ez. Hasi idazten.", "Group" : "Taldea", "Remove {collaboratorLabel} from the collaborators list" : "Kendu {collaboratorLabel} kolaboratzaile zerrendatik", "Copy the public link" : "Kopiatu esteka publikoa", "Public link copied!" : "Esteka publikoa kopiatuta!", "Copy public link" : "Kopiatu esteka publikoa", "Delete the public link" : "Ezabatu esteka publikoa", "Create public link share" : "Sortu partekatze esteka publikoa", "Share via public link" : "Partekatu esteka publiko bidez", "Failed to fetch collaborators list." : "Ezin izan da kolaboratzaile zerrenda lortu.", "Failed to update album." : "Ezin izan da albuma eguneratu.", "This collection does not exist" : "Bilduma hau ez da existitzen", "An error occurred" : "Errore bat gertatu da", "_%n unassigned photo_::_%n unassigned photos_" : ["Esleitu gabeko argazki %n","%n esleitu gabeko argazki"], "Favorite" : "Egin gogoko", "Select image {imageName}" : "Hautatu irudia {imageName}", "Open the full size \"{name}\" image" : "Ireki \"{name}\" neurri handian", "Go back" : "Atzera", "Back to {folder}" : "Itzuli {folder}(e)ra", "Share this folder" : "Partekatu karpeta hau", "Add to {destination}" : "Gehitu hona: {destination}", "There are no photos or videos yet!" : "Ez dago argazki edo bideorik oraindik!", "_{years} year ago_::_{years} years ago_" : ["orain dela urte {years}","orain dela {years} urte"], "Enable squared photos view" : "Gaitu lauki formako argazki ikuspegia", "Home" : "Etxea", "Choose default Photos upload and Albums location" : "Aukeratu argazkien igoera eta albumen kokaleku lehenetsia", "View" : "Ikusi", "_%n photo_::_%n photos_" : ["argazki %n","%n argazki"], "Unselect all" : "Desautatu dena", "Manage collaborators for this album" : "Kudeatu album honen kolaboratzaileak", "Open actions menu" : "Ireki ekintzen menua", "Edit album details" : "Editatu albumaren xehetasunak", "Download all files in album" : "Deskargatu albumeko fitxategi guztiak", "Delete album" : "Ezabatu albuma", "Download selected files" : "Deskargatu hautatutakoak", "Remove selection from album" : "Kendu hautatutakoak albumetik", "This album does not have any photos or videos yet!" : "Album honek ez du argazki edo bideorik oraindik!", "Add photos to this album" : "Gehitu argazkiak album honetara ", "Add photos to {albumName}" : "Gehitu argazkiak {albumName}(e)ra", "Manage collaborators" : "Kudeatu kolaboratzaileak", "Save collaborators for this album." : "Gorde album honen kolaboratzaileak.", "Cover photo for album {albumName}" : "{albumName} albumaren azaleko argazkia", "There is no album yet!" : "Ez dago albumik oraindik!", "This person could not be found" : "Ezin izan da pertsona hori aurkitu", "Rename person" : "Berridatzi pertsonaren izena", "Merge with different person" : "Bateratu beste pertsona batekin", "Download selected photos" : "Deskargatu hautatutako argazkiak", "Remove from favorites" : "Kendu gogokoetatik", "Remove person" : "Kendu pertsona", "Name of this person" : "Pertsona honen izena", "Save." : "Gorde.", "Merge person" : "Bateratu pertsona", "Move to different person" : "Mugitu beste pertsona batera", "_Move photo to a different person_::_Move photos to a different person_" : ["Mugitu argazkia beste pertsona batera","Mugitu argazkiak beste pertsona batera"], "_Remove photo from person_::_Remove photos from person_" : ["Kendu argazkia pertsonatik","Kendu argazkiak pertsonatik"], "This might take some time depending on the size of your photo library." : "Honek luze jo dezake, zure argazki liburutegiaren tamainaren arabera.", "Recognized people will show up here" : "Ezagutu diren pertsonak hemen agertuko dira", "This folder does not exist" : "Karpeta hau ez da existitzen", "Loading folders …" : "Karpetak kargatzen ...", "No photos in here" : "Argazkirik ez hemen", "This place does not have any photos or videos yet!" : "Toki honek ez du argazki edo bideorik oraindik!", "Add photos to this place" : "Gehitu argazkiak leku honetara", "Cover photo for place {placeName}" : "{placeName} tokiaren azaleko argazkia", "There is no place yet!" : "Oraindik ez dago lekurik!", "Cover photo for shared album {albumName}." : "{albumName} album partekatuko azaleko argazkia", "Back to tags overview" : "Itzuli etiketen ikuspegira", "No photos with this tag yet" : "Ez dago etiketa hau duen argazkirik oraindik", "No tags yet" : "Etitketarik ez oraindik", "Photos with tags will show up here" : "Etiketadun argazkiak hemen erakutsiko dira", "Popular tags" : "Etiketa ohikoak", "Add" : "Gehitu", "Add to album" : "Gehitu albumera", "Delete selection" : "Ezabatu hautatutakoak", "No photos or videos in here" : "Ez dago argazki edo bideorik hemen", "Unassigned faces" : "Esleitu gabeko aurpegiak", "_%n photos_::_%n photos_" : ["argazki %n","%n argazki"], "Failed to fetch collection." : "Ezin izan da bilduma eskuratu.", "Failed to fetch collections list." : "Ezin izan da bildumen zerrenda eskuratu.", "Failed to fetch faces list." : "Ezin izan da aurpegien zerrenda eskuratu.", "All your media" : "Zure multimedia guztia", "Album {title}" : "{title} albuma", "Shared Albums" : "Partekatutako albumak", "Shared album {title}" : "{title} partekatutako albuma", "Public album {title}" : "{title} album publikoa", "Tagged photos" : "Etiketaturiko argazkiak", "Tagged photo {title}" : "{title} etiketaturiko argazkia", "{title}'s face" : "{title}(r)en aurpegia", "{startDate} to {endDate}" : "{startDate} - {endDate}", "Details" : "Xehetasunak", "Failed to rename {oldName} to {faceName}." : "Ezin izan da {oldName} berrizendatu {faceName} gisa.", "Failed to delete {faceName}." : "Ezin izan da {faceName} ezabatu.", "Failed to delete {fileId}." : "{fileId} ezabatzeak huts egin du.", "Failed to delete {fileName}." : "{fileName} ezabatzeak huts egin du.", "Failed to set favorite state for {fileId}." : "Ezin izan da ezarri gogoko egoera {fileId}(r)entzat.", "Failed to set favorite state for {fileName}." : "Ezin izan da ezarri gogoko egoera {fileName}(r)entzat.", "Go back to the previous view." : "Itzuli aurreko ikuspegira.", "Go to the add collaborators view." : "Joan kolaboratzaileak gehitzeko ikuspegira.", "Create the album." : "Sortu albuma.", "Back to the new album form." : "Itzuli album berrien formulariora", "_Share with %n user_::_Share with %n users_" : ["Partekatu %n erabiltzailearekin","Partekatu %n erabiltzaileekin"], "Search for collaborators" : "Bilatu kolaboratzaileak", "Add {collaboratorLabel} to the collaborators list" : "Gehitu {collaboratorLabel} kolaboratzaile zerrendara", "No collaborators available" : "Ez dago kolaboratzailerik eskuragarri", "Failed to fetch album." : "Ezin izan da albuma lortu.", "The file is in the favorites" : "Fitxategia gogokoetan dago", "Open the \"{name}\" sub-directory" : "Ireki \"{name}\" azpi-direktorioa", "Default Photos upload and Albums location" : "Argazkien karga eta albumen kokaleku lehenetsia", "Select the default location for your media" : "Hautatu zure multimediaren kokaleku lehenetsia", "Invalid location selected" : "Kokaleku baliogabea hautatu da", "Photos directory" : "Argazkien direktorioa", "Add photos to the album" : "Gehitu argazkiak albumera", "Failed to fetch albums list." : "Ezin izan da album zerrenda eskuratu.", "Shared albums" : "Partekaturiko albumak", "Create a new album" : "Sortu album berri bat", "Add selection to an album" : "Gehitu hautatutakoak album batera", "Failed to create {albumName}." : "Ezin izan da {albumName} sortu.", "Failed to rename {currentAlbumName} to {newAlbumName}." : "Ezin izan da {currentAlbumName} berrizendatu {newAlbumName} gisa." }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");