path: root/templates
d in /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin do if [ -x "$d/postqueue" ] then postfix_postqueue="$d/postqueue" break fi done fi fi if [ -z "$postfix_postqueue" -o ! -x "$postfix_postqueue" ] then echo >&2 "$PROGRAM_NAME: postfix: cannot find postqueue. Please set 'postfix_postqueue=/path/to/postqueue' in $confd/postfix.conf" return 1 fi return 0 } postfix_create() { cat <<EOF CHART postfix.qemails '' "Postfix Queue Emails" "emails" queue postfix.queued.emails line $[postfix_priority + 1] $postfix_update_every DIMENSION emails '' absolute 1 1 CHART postfix.qsize '' "Postfix Queue Emails Size" "emails size in KB" queue postfix.queued.size area $[postfix_priority + 2] $postfix_update_every DIMENSION size '' absolute 1 1 EOF return 0 } postfix_update() { # the first argument to this function is the microseconds since last update # pass this parameter to the BEGIN statement (see bellow). # do all the work to collect / calculate the values # for each dimension # remember: KEEP IT SIMPLE AND SHORT # 1. execute postqueue -p # 2. get the line that begins with -- # 3. match the 2 numbers on the line and output 2 lines like these: # local postfix_q_size=NUMBER # local postfix_q_emails=NUMBER # 4. then execute this a script with the eval # # be very carefull with eval: # prepare the script and always egrep at the end the lines that are usefull, so that # even if something goes wrong, no other code can be executed postfix_q_emails=0 postfix_q_size=0 eval "`$postfix_postqueue -p |\ grep "^--" |\ sed -e "s/-- \([0-9]\+\) Kbytes in \([0-9]\+\) Requests.$/local postfix_q_size=\1\nlocal postfix_q_emails=\2/g" |\ egrep "^local postfix_q_(emails|size)=[0-9]+$"`" # write the result of the work. cat <<VALUESEOF BEGIN postfix.qemails $1 SET emails = $postfix_q_emails END BEGIN postfix.qsize $1 SET size = $postfix_q_size END VALUESEOF return 0 }