path: root/admin/admin.php
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-07-23Adjust copyright headerBernhard Posselt
2015-08-07fix line issuesBernhard Posselt
2015-08-07more ::class migrations and fix user deletion hookBernhard Posselt
2015-01-18first stab at intelligent containerBernhard Posselt
2014-10-20add admin settings stubBernhard Posselt
1'>51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
{ "translations": {
    "Feed contains invalid XML" : "Feed contains invalid XML",
    "Could not find a feed" : "Could not find a feed",
    "Detected feed format is not supported" : "Detected feed format is not supported",
    "SSL Certificate is invalid" : "SSL Certificate is invalid",
    "Website not found" : "Website not found",
    "More redirects than allowed, aborting" : "More redirects than allowed, aborting",
    "Bigger than maximum allowed size" : "Bigger than maximum allowed size",
    "Request timed out" : "Request timed out",
    "Can not add feed: Exists already" : "Can not add feed: Exists already",
    "Articles without feed" : "Articles without feed",
    "Can not add folder: Exists already" : "Can not add folder: Exists already",
    "Use ownCloud cron for updates" : "Use ownCloud cron for updates",
    "Disable this if you run a custom updater such as the Python updater included in the app" : "Disable this if you run a custom updater such as the Python updater included in the app",
    "Purge interval" : "Purge interval",
    "Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored" : "Minimum number of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored",
    "Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximum read count per feed",
    "Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off completely" : "Defines the maximum number of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off completely",
    "Maximum redirects" : "Maximum redirects",
    "How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow" : "How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow",
    "Maximum feed page size" : "Maximum feed page size",
    "Maximum feed size in bytes. If the RSS/Atom page is bigger than this value, the update will be aborted" : "Maximum feed size in bytes. If the RSS/Atom page is bigger than this value, the update will be aborted",
    "Feed fetcher timeout" : "Feed fetcher timeout",
    "Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted" : "Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted",
    "Saved" : "Saved",
    "Ajax cron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated correctly. It is recommended to either use the operating system cron or a custom updater." : "Ajax cron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated correctly. It is recommended to either use the operating system cron or a custom updater.",
    "How to set up the operating system cron" : "How to set up the operating system cron",
    "How to set up a custom updater (faster and no possible deadlock) " : "How to set up a custom updater (faster and no possible deadlock) ",
    "Subscribe" : "Subscribe",
    "Refresh" : "Refresh",
    "Open website" : "Open website",
    "Star article" : "Star article",
    "Unstar article" : "Unstar article",
    "Keep article unread" : "Keep article unread",
    "Remove keep article unread" : "Remove keep article unread",
    "by" : "by",
    "from" : "from",
    "Browser can not play media type" : "Browser cannot play media type",
    "Download" : "Download",
    "Keyboard shortcut" : "Keyboard shortcut",
    "Description" : "Description",
    "right" : "right",
    "Jump to next article" : "Jump to next article",
    "left" : "left",
    "Jump to previous article" : "Jump to previous article",
    "Toggle star article" : "Toggle star article",
    "Star article and jump to next one" : "Star article and jump to next one",
    "Toggle keep current article unread" : "Toggle keep current article unread",
    "Open article in new tab" : "Open article in new tab",
    "Toggle expand article in compact view" : "Toggle expand article in compact view",
    "Load next feed" : "Load next feed",
    "Load previous feed" : "Load previous feed",
    "Load next folder" : "Load next folder",
    "Load previous folder" : "Load previous folder",
    "Scroll to active navigation entry" : "Scroll to active navigation entry",
    "Web address" : "Web address",
    "Feed exists already!" : "Feed exists already!",
    "Folder" : "Folder",
    "No folder" : "No folder",
    "New folder" : "New folder",
    "Folder name" : "Folder name",
    "Go back" : "Go back",
    "Folder exists already!" : "Folder exists already!",
    "New Folder" : "New Folder",
    "Create" : "Create",
    "Deleted feed" : "Deleted feed",
    "Undo delete feed" : "Undo delete feed",
    "Rename" : "Rename",
    "Menu" : "Menu",
    "Rename feed" : "Rename feed",
    "Delete feed" : "Delete feed",
    "Read all" : "Read all",
    "Dismiss" : "Dismiss",
    "Collapse" : "Collapse",
    "Deleted folder" : "Deleted folder",
    "Undo delete folder" : "Undo delete folder",
    "Rename folder" : "Rename folder",
    "Delete folder" : "Delete folder",
    "Starred" : "Starred",
    "Unread articles" : "Unread articles",
    "All articles" : "All articles",
    "Settings" : "Settings",
    "Keyboard shortcuts" : "Keyboard shortcuts",
    "Compact view" : "Compact view",
    "Show all articles" : "Show all articles",
    "Reverse ordering" : "Reverse ordering",
    "Disable mark read through scrolling" : "Disable mark read through scrolling",
    "Subscriptions (OPML)" : "Subscriptions (OPML)",
    "Import" : "Import",
    "Export" : "Export",
    "Error when importing: file does not contain valid OPML" : "Error when importing: file does not contain valid OPML",
    "Unread/Starred Articles" : "Unread/Starred Articles",
    "Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" : "Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"