path: root/l10n/ca.php
blob: a777818a349d75e2555fd90607c20896341a80f7 (plain)
"Can not add feed: Exists already" => "No es pot afegir la font: ja existeix",
"Can not add feed: URL does not exist, SSL Certificate can not be validated or feed has invalid xml" => "No es pot afegir la font: la URL no existeix, el certificat SLL no es pot validar o la xml de la font no és vàlida",
"Articles without feed" => "Articles sense font",
"Can not add folder: Exists already" => "No es pot afegir la carpeta: ja existeix",
"Saved" => "Desat",
"Refresh" => "Refresca",
"by" => "per",
"from" => "des de",
"Download" => "Baixa",
"Description" => "Descripció",
"Subscribe" => "Subscriu",
"Web address" => "Adreça web",
"Feed exists already!" => "La font ja existeix!",
"Folder" => "Carpeta",
"No folder" => "Sense carpeta",
"New folder" => "Carpeta nova",
"Folder name" => "Nom de la carpeta",
"Folder exists already!" => "La carpeta ja existeix!",
"Create" => "Crea",
"Rename" => "Reanomena",
"Rename feed" => "Reanomena la font",
"Delete feed" => "Elimina font",
"Collapse" => "Col·lapsa",
"Rename folder" => "Reanomena carpeta",
"Delete folder" => "Elimina carpeta",
"Starred" => "Estrelles",
"Unread articles" => "Articles sense llegir",
"All articles" => "Tots els articles",
"Settings" => "Arranjament",
"Keyboard shortcuts" => "Dreceres de teclat",
"Subscriptions (OPML)" => "Subscripcions (OPML)",
"Import" => "Importa",
"Export" => "Exporta",
"Error when importing: file does not contain valid OPML" => "Error en importar: el fitxer no conté un OPML vàlid",
"Unread/Starred Articles" => "Articles no llegits/amb estrelles",
"Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" => "Error en importar: el fitxer no conté un JSON vàlid"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
s="n">s[2])) *base = 16; else *base = 8; } else *base = 10; } if (*base == 16 && s[0] == '0' && _tolower(s[1]) == 'x') s += 2; return s; } /* * Convert non-negative integer string representation in explicitly given radix * to an integer. * Return number of characters consumed maybe or-ed with overflow bit. * If overflow occurs, result integer (incorrect) is still returned. * * Don't you dare use this function. */ unsigned int _parse_integer(const char *s, unsigned int base, unsigned long long *p) { unsigned long long res; unsigned int rv; int overflow; res = 0; rv = 0; overflow = 0; while (*s) { unsigned int val; if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') val = *s - '0'; else if ('a' <= _tolower(*s) && _tolower(*s) <= 'f') val = _tolower(*s) - 'a' + 10; else break; if (val >= base) break; /* * Check for overflow only if we are within range of * it in the max base we support (16) */ if (unlikely(res & (~0ull << 60))) { if (res > div_u64(ULLONG_MAX - val, base)) overflow = 1; } res = res * base + val; rv++; s++; } *p = res; if (overflow) rv |= KSTRTOX_OVERFLOW; return rv; } static int _kstrtoull(const char *s, unsigned int base, unsigned long long *res) { unsigned long long _res; unsigned int rv; s = _parse_integer_fixup_radix(s, &base); rv = _parse_integer(s, base, &_res); if (rv & KSTRTOX_OVERFLOW) return -ERANGE; if (rv == 0) return -EINVAL; s += rv; if (*s == '\n') s++; if (*s) return -EINVAL; *res = _res; return 0; } /** * kstrtoull - convert a string to an unsigned long long * @s: The start of the string. The string must be null-terminated, and may also * include a single newline before its terminating null. The first character * may also be a plus sign, but not a minus sign. * @base: The number base to use. The maximum supported base is 16. If base is * given as 0, then the base of the string is automatically detected with the * conventional semantics - If it begins with 0x the number will be parsed as a * hexadecimal (case insensitive), if it otherwise begins with 0, it will be * parsed as an octal number. Otherwise it will be parsed as a decimal. * @res: Where to write the result of the conversion on success. * * Returns 0 on success, -ERANGE on overflow and -EINVAL on parsing error. * Used as a replacement for the obsolete simple_strtoull. Return code must * be checked. */ int kstrtoull(const char *s, unsigned int base, unsigned long long *res) { if (s[0] == '+') s++; return _kstrtoull(s, base, res); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(kstrtoull); /** * kstrtoll - convert a string to a long long * @s: The start of the string. The string must be null-terminated, and may also * include a single newline before its terminating null. The first character * may also be a plus sign or a minus sign. * @base: The number base to use. The maximum supported base is 16. If base is * given as 0, then the base of the string is automatically detected with the * conventional semantics - If it begins with 0x the number will be parsed as a * hexadecimal (case insensitive), if it otherwise begins with 0, it will be * parsed as an octal number. Otherwise it will be parsed as a decimal. * @res: Where to write the result of the conversion on success. * * Returns 0 on success, -ERANGE on overflow and -EINVAL on parsing error. * Used as a replacement for the obsolete simple_strtoull. Return code must * be checked. */ int kstrtoll(const char *s, unsigned int base, long long *res) { unsigned long long tmp; int rv; if (s[0] == '-') { rv = _kstrtoull(s + 1, base, &tmp); if (rv < 0) return rv; if ((long long)(-tmp) >= 0) return -ERANGE; *res = -tmp; } else { rv = kstrtoull(s, base, &tmp); if (rv < 0) return rv; if ((long long)tmp < 0) return -ERANGE; *res = tmp; } return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(kstrtoll); /* Internal, do not use. */ int _kstrtoul(const char *s, unsigned int base, unsigned long *res) { unsigned long long tmp; int rv; rv = kstrtoull(s, base, &tmp); if (rv < 0) return rv; if (tmp != (unsigned long long)(unsigned long)tmp) return -ERANGE; *res = tmp; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(_kstrtoul); /* Internal, do not use. */ int _kstrtol(const char *s, unsigned int base, long *res) { long long tmp; int rv; rv = kstrtoll(s, base, &tmp); if (rv < 0) return rv; if (tmp != (long long)(long)tmp) return -ERANGE; *res = tmp; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(_kstrtol); /** * kstrtouint - convert a string to an unsigned int * @s: The start of the string. The string must be null-terminated, and may also * include a single newline before its terminating null. The first character * may also be a plus sign, but not a minus sign. * @base: The number base to use. The maximum supported base is 16. If base is * given as 0, then the base of the string is automatically detected with the * conventional semantics - If it begins with 0x the number will be parsed as a * hexadecimal (case insensitive), if it otherwise begins with 0, it will be * parsed as an octal number. Otherwise it will be parsed as a decimal. * @res: Where to write the result of the conversion on success. * * Returns 0 on success, -ERANGE on overflow and -EINVAL on parsing error. * Used as a replacement for the obsolete simple_strtoull. Return code must * be checked. */ int kstrtouint(const char *s, unsigned int base, unsigned int *res) { unsigned long long tmp; int rv; rv = kstrtoull(s, base, &tmp); if (rv < 0) return rv; if (tmp != (unsigned long long)(unsigned int)tmp) return -ERANGE; *res = tmp; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(kstrtouint); /** * kstrtoint - convert a string to an int * @s: The start of the string. The string must be null-terminated, and may also * include a single newline before its terminating null. The first character * may also be a plus sign or a minus sign. * @base: The number base to use. The maximum supported base is 16. If base is * given as 0, then the base of the string is automatically detected with the * conventional semantics - If it begins with 0x the number will be parsed as a * hexadecimal (case insensitive), if it otherwise begins with 0, it will be * parsed as an octal number. Otherwise it will be parsed as a decimal. * @res: Where to write the result of the conversion on success. * * Returns 0 on success, -ERANGE on overflow and -EINVAL on parsing error. * Used as a replacement for the obsolete simple_strtoull. Return code must * be checked. */ int kstrtoint(const char *s, unsigned int base, int *res) { long long tmp; int rv; rv = kstrtoll(s, base, &tmp); if (rv < 0) return rv; if (tmp != (long long)(int)tmp) return -ERANGE; *res = tmp; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(kstrtoint); int kstrtou16(const char *s, unsigned int base, u16 *res) { unsigned long long tmp; int rv; rv = kstrtoull(s, base, &tmp); if (rv < 0) return rv; if (tmp != (unsigned long long)(u16)tmp) return -ERANGE; *res = tmp; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(kstrtou16); int kstrtos16(const char *s, unsigned int base, s16 *res) { long long tmp; int rv; rv = kstrtoll(s, base, &tmp); if (rv < <