Web scraper =========== The web scraper is useful for feeds that display only a summary of articles, the scraper can download and parse the full content from the original website. How the content grabber works? ------------------------------ 1. Try with rules first (XPath queries) for the domain name (see `PicoFeed\Rules\`) 2. Try to find the text content by using common attributes for class and id 3. Finally, if nothing is found, the feed content is displayed **The best results are obtained with XPath rules file.** Standalone usage ---------------- ```php download(); $grabber->parse(); // Get raw HTML content echo $grabber->getRawContent(); // Get relevant content echo $grabber->getContent(); // Get filtered relevant content echo $grabber->getFilteredContent(); ``` Fetch full item contents during feed parsing -------------------------------------------- Before parsing all items, just call the method `$parser->enableContentGrabber()`: ```php download('http://www.egscomics.com/rss.php'); // Return the right parser instance according to the feed format $parser = $reader->getParser( $resource->getUrl(), $resource->getContent(), $resource->getEncoding() ); // Enable content grabber before parsing items $parser->enableContentGrabber(); // Return a Feed object $feed = $parser->execute(); } catch (PicoFeedException $e) { // Do Something... } ``` When the content scraper is enabled, everything will be slower. **For each item a new HTTP request is made** and the HTML downloaded is parsed with XML/XPath. Configuration ------------- ### Enable content grabber for items - Method name: `enableContentGrabber()` - Default value: false (content grabber is disabled by default) - Argument value: none ```php $parser->enableContentGrabber(); ``` ### Ignore item urls for the content grabber - Method name: `setGrabberIgnoreUrls()` - Default value: empty (fetch all item urls) - Argument value: array (list of item urls to ignore) ```php $parser->setGrabberIgnoreUrls(['http://foo', 'http://bar']); ``` How to write a grabber rules file? ---------------------------------- Add a PHP file to the directory `PicoFeed\Rules`, the filename must be the same as the domain name: Example with the BBC website, `www.bbc.co.uk.php`: ```php 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23911833', 'body' => array( '//div[@class="story-body"]', ), 'strip' => array( '//script', '//form', '//style', '//*[@class="story-date"]', '//*[@class="story-header"]', '//*[@class="story-related"]', '//*[contains(@class, "byline")]', '//*[contains(@class, "story-feature")]', '//*[@id="video-carousel-container"]', '//*[@id="also-related-links"]', '//*[contains(@class, "share") or contains(@class, "hidden") or contains(@class, "hyper")]', ) ); ``` Actually, only `body`, `strip` and `test_url` are supported. Don't forget to send a pull request or a ticket to share your contribution with everybody, List of content grabber rules ----------------------------- Rules are stored inside the directory [lib/PicoFeed/Rules](https://github.com/fguillot/picoFeed/tree/master/lib/PicoFeed/Rules)