* @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Alessandro Cosentino 2012 * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2012, 2014 */ namespace OCA\News\Utility; /** * Exports the OPML */ class OPMLExporter { /** * Generates the OPML for the active user * * @param Folder[] $folders * @param Feed[] $feeds * @return \DomDocument the document */ public function build($folders, $feeds){ $document = new \DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $document->formatOutput = true; $root = $document->createElement('opml'); $root->setAttribute('version', '2.0'); // head $head = $document->createElement('head'); $title = $document->createElement('title', 'Subscriptions'); $head->appendChild( $title ); $root->appendChild($head); // body $body = $document->createElement('body'); // feeds with folders foreach($folders as $folder) { $folderOutline = $document->createElement('outline'); $folderOutline->setAttribute('title', $folder->getName()); $folderOutline->setAttribute('text', $folder->getName()); // feeds in folders foreach ($feeds as $feed) { if ($feed->getFolderId() === $folder->getId()) { $feedOutline = $this->createFeedOutline($feed, $document); $folderOutline->appendChild($feedOutline); } } $body->appendChild($folderOutline); } // feeds without folders foreach ($feeds as $feed) { if ($feed->getFolderId() === 0) { $feedOutline = $this->createFeedOutline($feed, $document); $body->appendChild($feedOutline); } } $root->appendChild($body); $document->appendChild($root); return $document; } protected function createFeedOutline($feed, $document) { $feedOutline = $document->createElement('outline'); $feedOutline->setAttribute('title', $feed->getTitle()); $feedOutline->setAttribute('text', $feed->getTitle()); $feedOutline->setAttribute('type', 'rss'); $feedOutline->setAttribute('xmlUrl', $feed->getUrl()); $feedOutline->setAttribute('htmlUrl', $feed->getLink()); return $feedOutline; } }