. * */ namespace OCA\News\Utility; use \OCA\AppFramework\Core\API; use \OCA\News\Db\Item; use \OCA\News\Db\Feed; class FeedFetcher implements IFeedFetcher { private $api; private $cacheDirectory; private $cacheDuration; public function __construct(API $api, $cacheDirectory, $cacheDuration){ $this->api = $api; $this->cacheDirectory = $cacheDirectory; $this->cacheDuration = $cacheDuration; } public function canHandle($url){ // This fetcher handles all the remaining urls therefore // return true return true; } /** * Fetch a feed from remote * @param string url remote url of the feed * @throws FetcherException if simple pie fails * @return array an array containing the new feed and its items */ public function fetch($url) { // TODO: write unittests! $simplePie = new \SimplePie_Core(); $simplePie->set_feed_url( $url ); $simplePie->enable_cache(true); $simplePie->set_cache_location($this->cacheDirectory); $simplePie->set_cache_duration($this->cacheDuration); if (!$simplePie->init()) { throw new FetcherException('Could not initialize simple pie'); } // temporary try-catch to bypass SimplePie bugs try { $simplePie->handle_content_type(); $items = array(); if ($feedItems = $simplePie->get_items()) { foreach($feedItems as $feedItem) { $item = new Item(); $item->setStatus(0); $item->setUnread(); $item->setUrl( $feedItem->get_permalink() ); $item->setTitle( $feedItem->get_title() ); $item->setGuid( $feedItem->get_id() ); $item->setGuidHash( md5($feedItem->get_id()) ); $item->setBody( $feedItem->get_content() ); $item->setPubDate( $feedItem->get_date('U') ); $item->setLastModified(time()); $author = $feedItem->get_author(); if ($author !== null) { $item->setAuthor( $author->get_name() ); } // TODO: make it work for video files also $enclosure = $feedItem->get_enclosure(); if($enclosure !== null) { $enclosureType = $enclosure->get_type(); if(stripos($enclosureType, "audio/") !== false) { $item->setEnclosureMime($enclosureType); $item->setEnclosureLink($enclosure->get_link()); } } array_push($items, $item); } } $feed = new Feed(); $feed->setTitle($simplePie->get_title()); $feed->setUrl($url); $feed->setLink($simplePie->get_link()); $feed->setUrlHash(md5($url)); $feed->setAdded(time()); // get the favicon from the feed $favicon = $simplePie->get_image_url(); if ($favicon) { $feed->setFaviconLink($favicon); // or the webpage } else { $webFavicon = $this->discoverFavicon($feed->getLink()); if ($webFavicon !== null) { $feed->setFaviconLink($webFavicon); } } return array($feed, $items); } catch(\Exception $ex){ throw new FetcherException($ex->getMessage()); } } private function isValidFavIcon($favicon) { if (!$favicon){ return false; } $file = new \SimplePie_File($favicon); if($file->success) { $sniffer = new \SimplePie_Content_Type_Sniffer($file); $mimeType = $sniffer->get_type(); if(substr($mimeType, 0, 6) === 'image/') { return true; } elseif($mimeType === 'application/octet-stream' && strpos($favicon, 'favicon.ico') === strlen($favicon) - 11){ return true; } } return false; } private function discoverFavicon($url) { $url = rtrim($url, '/'); //try to extract favicon from web page $page = $this->api->getUrlContent($url); if ( FALSE !== $page ) { $doc = @\DOMDocument::loadHTML($page); if ( $doc !== FALSE ) { $xpath = new \DOMXpath($doc); $elements = $xpath->query("//link[contains(@rel, 'icon')]"); if ( $elements->length > 0 ) { if ( $favicon = $elements->item(0)->getAttribute('href') ) { // remove // $favicon = ltrim($favicon, '/'); // if it does not start with http, add it if (strpos($favicon, 'http') !== 0){ $favicon = 'http://' . $favicon; $httpsFavicon = 'https://' . $favicon; } // if its already valid, return it if ($this->isValidFavIcon($favicon)){ return $favicon; } elseif ($this->isValidFavIcon($httpsFavicon)){ return $httpsFavicon; // assume its a realtive path or absolute path } else { // add slash to make it absolute $favicon = '/' . $favicon; $favicon = $url . $favicon; if($this->isValidFavIcon($favicon)){ return $favicon; } } } } } } // try the /favicon.ico as a last resort $parseUrl = parse_url($url); if (!array_key_exists('scheme', $parseUrl)){ $scheme = 'http'; } else { $scheme = $parseUrl['scheme']; } if(!array_key_exists('host', $parseUrl)){ error_log($url); return null; } $baseFavicon = $scheme . '://' . $parseUrl['host'] . '/favicon.ico'; if($this->isValidFavIcon($baseFavicon)){ return $baseFavicon; } return null; } }