. * */ namespace OCA\News\Utility; use OCP\IRequest; use OCP\AppFramework\Http\Response; /** * Simple utility class for testing controllers */ abstract class ControllerTestUtility extends TestUtility { /** * Checks if a controllermethod has the expected annotations * @param Controller/string $controller name or instance of the controller * @param array $expected an array containing the expected annotations * @param array $valid if you define your own annotations, pass them here */ protected function assertAnnotations($controller, $method, array $expected, array $valid=array()){ $standard = array( 'Ajax', 'CSRFExemption', 'IsAdminExemption', 'IsSubAdminExemption', 'IsLoggedInExemption', 'API' ); $possible = array_merge($standard, $valid); // check if expected annotations are valid foreach($expected as $annotation){ $this->assertTrue(in_array($annotation, $possible)); } $reader = new MethodAnnotationReader($controller, $method); foreach($expected as $annotation){ $this->assertTrue($reader->hasAnnotation($annotation)); } } /** * Shortcut for testing expected headers of a response * @param array $expected an array with the expected headers * @param Response $response the response which we want to test for headers */ protected function assertHeaders(array $expected=array(), Response $response){ $headers = $reponse->getHeaders(); foreach($expected as $header){ $this->assertTrue(in_array($header, $headers)); } } /** * Instead of using positional parameters this function instantiates * a request by using a hashmap so its easier to only set specific params * @param array $params a hashmap with the parameters for request * @return Request a request instance */ protected function getRequest(array $params=array()) { $mock = $this->getMockBuilder('\OCP\IRequest') ->getMock(); $merged = array(); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $merged = array_merge($value, $merged); } $mock->expects($this->any()) ->method('getParam') ->will($this->returnCallback(function($index, $default) use ($merged) { if (array_key_exists($index, $merged)) { return $merged[$index]; } else { return $default; } })); // attribute access if(array_key_exists('server', $params)) { $mock->server = $params['server']; } return $mock; } }