import axios from '@nextcloud/axios' import { Feed } from '../../../../src/types/Feed' import { AppState } from '../../../../src/store' import { FEED_ACTION_TYPES, mutations, actions } from '../../../../src/store/feed' import { FEED_MUTATION_TYPES } from '../../../../src/types/MutationTypes' jest.mock('@nextcloud/axios') describe('feed.ts', () => { 'use strict' describe('actions', () => { describe('ADD_FEED', () => { it('should call POST and commit feed to state', async () => { (axios as any).post.mockResolvedValue({ data: { feeds: [] }}) const commit = jest.fn() await actions[FEED_ACTION_TYPES.ADD_FEED]({ commit }, { feedReq: { url: '' } }) expect( expect(commit).toBeCalled() }) it('should call POST and not call commit if error', async () => { (axios as any).post.mockRejectedValue() const commit = jest.fn() await actions[FEED_ACTION_TYPES.ADD_FEED]({ commit }, { feedReq: { url: '' } }) expect( expect(commit).not.toBeCalled() }) }) it('FETCH_FEEDS should call GET and commit returned feeds to state', async () => { (axios as any).get.mockResolvedValue({ data: { feeds: [] } }) const commit = jest.fn() await (actions[FEED_ACTION_TYPES.FETCH_FEEDS] as any)({ commit }) expect(axios.get).toBeCalled() expect(commit).toBeCalled() }) }) describe('mutations', () => { describe('SET_FEEDS', () => { it('should add feeds to state', () => { const state = { feeds: [] as Feed[], folders: [] as any[] } as AppState let feeds = [] as any mutations[FEED_MUTATION_TYPES.SET_FEEDS](state, feeds) expect(state.feeds.length).toEqual(0) feeds = [{ title: 'test' }] as Feed[] mutations[FEED_MUTATION_TYPES.SET_FEEDS](state, feeds) expect(state.feeds.length).toEqual(1) expect(state.feeds[0]).toEqual(feeds[0]) }) }) describe('ADD_FEED', () => { it('should add a single feed to state', () => { const state = { feeds: [] as Feed[], folders: [] as any[] } as AppState let feed = { title: 'test' } as any; mutations[FEED_MUTATION_TYPES.ADD_FEED](state, feed) expect(state.feeds.length).toEqual(1) expect(state.feeds[0]).toEqual(feed) }) }) }) })