import { ITEM_TYPES, ItemService } from '../../../../src/dataservices/item.service' import axios from '@nextcloud/axios' jest.mock('@nextcloud/axios') describe('item.service.ts', () => { 'use strict' beforeEach(() => { (axios.get as any).mockReset(); ( as any).mockReset() }) describe('fetchStarred', () => { it('should call GET with offset set to start param and STARRED item type', async () => { (axios as any).get.mockResolvedValue({ data: { feeds: [] } }) await ItemService.fetchStarred(0) expect(axios.get).toBeCalled() const queryParams = (axios.get as any).mock.calls[0][1].params expect(queryParams.offset).toEqual(0) expect(queryParams.type).toEqual(ITEM_TYPES.STARRED) }) }) describe('fetchUnread', () => { it('should call GET with offset set to start param and UNREAD item type', async () => { (axios as any).get.mockResolvedValue({ data: { feeds: [] } }) await ItemService.fetchUnread(2) expect(axios.get).toBeCalled() const queryParams = (axios.get as any).mock.calls[0][1].params expect(queryParams.offset).toEqual(2) expect(queryParams.type).toEqual(ITEM_TYPES.UNREAD) }) }) describe('fetchFeedItems', () => { it('should call GET with offset set to start param, UNREAD item type, and id set to feedId', async () => { (axios as any).get.mockResolvedValue({ data: { feeds: [] } }) await ItemService.fetchFeedItems(123, 0) expect(axios.get).toBeCalled() const queryParams = (axios.get as any).mock.calls[0][1].params expect( expect(queryParams.offset).toEqual(0) expect(queryParams.type).toEqual(ITEM_TYPES.ALL) }) }) describe('markRead', () => { it('should call POST with item id in URL and read param', async () => { await ItemService.markRead({ id: 123 } as any, true) expect( const args = ( as any).mock.calls[0] expect(args[0]).toContain('123') expect(args[1].isRead).toEqual(true) }) }) describe('markStarred', () => { it('should call POST with item feedId and guidHash in URL and read param', async () => { await ItemService.markStarred({ feedId: 1, guidHash: 'abc' } as any, false) expect( const args = ( as any).mock.calls[0] expect(args[0]).toContain('1') expect(args[0]).toContain('abc') expect(args[1].isStarred).toEqual(false) }) }) })