import { shallowMount, createLocalVue, Wrapper } from '@vue/test-utils' import FeedItemDisplay from '../../../../../src/components/feed-display/FeedItemDisplay.vue' import { ACTIONS, MUTATIONS } from '../../../../../src/store' describe('FeedItemDisplay.vue', () => { 'use strict' const localVue = createLocalVue() let wrapper: Wrapper const mockItem = { feedId: 1, title: 'feed item', pubDate: / 1000, } const mockFeed = { id: 1, } const dispatchStub = jest.fn() const commitStub = jest.fn() beforeAll(() => { wrapper = shallowMount(FeedItemDisplay, { propsData: { item: mockItem, }, localVue, mocks: { $store: { getters: { feeds: [mockFeed], }, state: { feeds: [], folders: [], }, dispatch: dispatchStub, commit: commitStub, }, }, }) }) beforeEach(() => { dispatchStub.mockReset() commitStub.mockReset() }) it('should send SET_SELECTED_ITEM with undefined id', () => { (wrapper.vm as any).clearSelected() expect(commitStub).toBeCalledWith(MUTATIONS.SET_SELECTED_ITEM, { id: undefined }) }) it('should format date to match locale', () => { const epoch = // Provide an epoch timestamp const formattedDate = (wrapper.vm as any).formatDate(epoch) expect(formattedDate).toEqual(new Date(epoch).toLocaleString()) }) it('should format datetime to match international standard', () => { const epoch = // Provide an epoch timestamp const formattedDate = (wrapper.vm as any).formatDatetime(epoch) expect(formattedDate).toEqual(new Date(epoch).toISOString()) }) it('should retrieve feed by ID', () => { const feed = (wrapper.vm as any).getFeed( expect(feed).toEqual(mockFeed) }) it('should toggle starred state', () => { wrapper.vm.$props.item.starred = true; (wrapper.vm as any).toggleStarred(wrapper.vm.$props.item) expect(dispatchStub).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ACTIONS.UNSTAR_ITEM, { item: wrapper.vm.$props.item, }) wrapper.vm.$props.item.starred = false; (wrapper.vm as any).toggleStarred(wrapper.vm.$props.item) expect(dispatchStub).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ACTIONS.STAR_ITEM, { item: wrapper.vm.$props.item, }) }) it('should send SET_PLAYING_ITEM with item', () => { const item = { id: 123 }; (wrapper.vm as any).playAudio(item) expect(commitStub).toBeCalledWith(MUTATIONS.SET_PLAYING_ITEM, item) }) it('should stop all audio elements in page when playing video', () => { const pauseStub = jest.fn() document.getElementsByTagName = jest.fn().mockReturnValue([{ pause: pauseStub }]); (wrapper.vm as any).stopAudio() expect(pauseStub).toBeCalled() }) })