. * */ class StatusFlag{ const Unread = 0x02; const Important = 0x04; const Deleted = 0x08; const Updated = 0x16; } /* * This class models an item. * * It encapsulate a SimplePie_Item object and adds a status flag to it */ class OC_News_Item { private $url; private $title; private $body; private $status; //a bit-field set with status flags private $id; //id of the item in the database table public function __construct($url, $title, $id = null){ $this->title = $title; $this->url = $url; $this->status |= StatusFlag::Unread; } public function getId(){ return $this->$id;; } public function setId($id){ $this->$id = $id; } public function setRead(){ $this->status |= ~StatusFlag::Unread; } public function setUnread(){ $this->status |= StatusFlag::Unread; } public function isRead(){ return ($this->status & ~StatusFlag::Unread); } public function getTitle(){ return $this->title; } public function setTitle($title){ $this->title = $title; } public function getUrl(){ return $this->url; } public function setUrl($url){ $this->url = $url; } }