. * */ namespace OCA\News; /** * This is used to wrap the owncloud static api calls into an object to make the * code better abstractable for use in the dependency injection container * * Extend this to your needs */ class API { private $appName; /** * @param string $appName: the name of your application */ public function __construct($appName){ $this->appName = $appName; } /** * @return the name of your application */ public function getAppName(){ return $this->appName; } /** * @return: the user id of the current user */ public function getUserId(){ return \OCP\USER::getUser(); } /** * Sets the current navigation entry to the currently running app */ public function activateNavigationEntry(){ \OCP\App::setActiveNavigationEntry($this->appName); } /** * Adds a new javascript file * @param string $scriptName: the name of the javascript in js/ * without the suffix */ public function addScript($scriptName){ \OCP\Util::addScript($this->appName, $scriptName); } /** * Adds a new css file * @param string $styleName: the name of the css file in css/ * without the suffix */ public function addStyle($styleName){ \OCP\Util::addStyle($this->appName, $styleName); } /** * @brief shorthand for addScript for files in the 3rdparty directory * @param string $name: the name of the file without the suffix */ public function add3rdPartyScript($name){ \OCP\Util::addScript($this->appName . '/3rdparty', $name); } /** * @brief shorthand for addStyle for files in the 3rdparty directory * @param string $name: the name of the file without the suffix */ public function add3rdPartyStyle($name){ \OCP\Util::addStyle($this->appName . '/3rdparty', $name); } /** * Looks up a systemwide defined value * @param string $key: the key of the value, under which it was saved * @return the saved value */ public function getSystemValue($key){ return \OCP\Config::getSystemValue($key, ''); } /** * Sets a new systemwide value * @param string $key: the key of the value, under which will be saved * @param $value: the value that should be stored */ public function setSystemValue($key, $value){ return \OCP\Config::setSystemValue($key, $value); } /** * Shortcut for setting a user defined value * @param $key the key under which the value is being stored * @param $value the value that you want to store */ public function setUserValue($key, $value){ \OCP\Config::setUserValue($this->getUserId(), $this->appName, $key, $value); } /** * Shortcut for getting a user defined value * @param $key the key under which the value is being stored */ public function getUserValue($key){ return \OCP\Config::getUserValue($this->getUserId(), $this->appName, $key); } /** * Returns the translation object * @return the translation object */ public function getTrans(){ return \OC_L10N::get($this->appName); } public function getLocalFilePath($path){ return \OC_Filesystem::getLocalFile($path); } public function openEventSource(){ return new \OC_EventSource(); } }