* @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2012, 2014 */ namespace OCA\News\Fetcher; class YoutubeFetcher implements IFeedFetcher { private $feedFetcher; public function __construct(FeedFetcher $feedFetcher) { $this->feedFetcher = $feedFetcher; } private function buildUrl($url) { $baseRegex = '%(?:https?://|//)?(?:www.)?youtube.com'; $playRegex = $baseRegex . '.*?list=([^&]*)%'; if (preg_match($playRegex, $url, $matches)) { $id = $matches[1]; return 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/' . $id; } else { return $url; } } /** * This fetcher handles all the remaining urls therefore always returns true */ public function canHandle($url): bool { return $this->buildUrl($url) !== $url; } /** * Fetch a feed from remote * * @inheritdoc */ public function fetch(string $url, bool $favicon, $lastModified, bool $fullTextEnabled, $user, $password): array { $transformedUrl = $this->buildUrl($url); $result = $this->feedFetcher->fetch( $transformedUrl, $favicon, $lastModified, $fullTextEnabled, $user, $password ); // reset feed url so we know the correct added url for the feed $result[0]->setUrl($url); return $result; } }