* @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright 2012 Alessandro Cosentino * @copyright 2012-2014 Bernhard Posselt */ namespace OCA\News\Fetcher; use DateTime; use Favicon\Favicon; use FeedIo\Feed\ItemInterface; use FeedIo\FeedInterface; use FeedIo\FeedIo; use Net_URL2; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\ITempManager; use OCA\News\Db\Item; use OCA\News\Db\Feed; use OCA\News\Utility\Time; use OCA\News\Scraper\Scraper; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use SimpleXMLElement; class FeedFetcher implements IFeedFetcher { /** * @var Favicon */ private $faviconFactory; /** * @var FeedIo */ private $reader; /** * @var Scraper */ private $scraper; /** * @var IL10N */ private $l10n; /** * @var ITempManager */ private $ITempManager; /** * @var Time */ private $time; /** * @var LoggerInterface */ private $logger; public function __construct( FeedIo $fetcher, Favicon $favicon, Scraper $scraper, IL10N $l10n, ITempManager $ITempManager, Time $time, LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->reader = $fetcher; $this->faviconFactory = $favicon; $this->scraper = $scraper; $this->l10n = $l10n; $this->ITempManager = $ITempManager; $this->time = $time; $this->logger = $logger; } /** * This fetcher handles all the remaining urls therefore always returns true. * * @param string $url The URL to check * * @return bool */ public function canHandle(string $url): bool { return true; } /** * Fetch a feed from remote * * @inheritdoc */ public function fetch( string $url, bool $fullTextEnabled, ?string $user, ?string $password ): array { $url2 = new Net_URL2($url); if (!is_null($user) && trim($user) !== '') { $url2->setUserinfo(urlencode($user), urlencode($password)); } $url = $url2->getNormalizedURL(); $this->reader->resetFilters(); $resource = $this->reader->read($url); $location = $resource->getUrl(); $parsedFeed = $resource->getFeed(); $feed = $this->buildFeed( $parsedFeed, $url, $location ); $items = []; $RTL = $this->determineRtl($parsedFeed); $feedName = $parsedFeed->getTitle(); $this->logger->debug( 'Feed {url} was modified since last fetch. #{count} items', [ 'url' => $url, 'count' => count($parsedFeed), ] ); foreach ($parsedFeed as $item) { $body = null; $currRTL = $RTL; // Scrape the content if full-text is enabled and if the feed provides a URL if ($fullTextEnabled) { $itemLink = $item->getLink(); if ($itemLink !== null && $this->scraper->scrape($itemLink)) { $body = $this->scraper->getContent(); $currRTL = $this->scraper->getRTL($currRTL); } } $builtItem = $this->buildItem($item, $body, $currRTL); $this->logger->debug( 'Added item {title} for feed {feed} lastmodified: {datetime}', [ 'title' => $builtItem->getTitle(), 'feed' => $feedName, 'datetime' => $builtItem->getLastModified(), ] ); $items[] = $builtItem; } return [$feed, $items]; } /** * Decode the string twice * * @param string $string String to decode * * @return string */ private function decodeTwice(string $string): string { return html_entity_decode( html_entity_decode( $string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8' ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8' ); } /** * Check if a feed is RTL or not * * @param FeedInterface $parsedFeed The feed that was parsed * * @return bool */ protected function determineRtl(FeedInterface $parsedFeed): bool { $language = $parsedFeed->getLanguage(); $language = strtolower($language); $rtl_languages = array( 'ar', // Arabic (ar-**) 'fa', // Farsi (fa-**) 'ur', // Urdu (ur-**) 'ps', // Pashtu (ps-**) 'syr', // Syriac (syr-**) 'dv', // Divehi (dv-**) 'he', // Hebrew (he-**) 'yi', // Yiddish (yi-**) ); foreach ($rtl_languages as $prefix) { if (strpos($language, $prefix) === 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Build an item based on a feed. * * @param ItemInterface $parsedItem The item to use * @param string|null $body Text of the item, if not provided use description from $parsedItem * @param bool $RTL True if the feed is RTL (Right-to-left) * * @return Item */ protected function buildItem(ItemInterface $parsedItem, ?string $body = null, bool $RTL = false): Item { $item = new Item(); $item->setUnread(true); $item->setUrl($parsedItem->getLink()); $item->setGuid($parsedItem->getPublicId()); $item->setGuidHash(md5($item->getGuid())); $lastModified = $parsedItem->getLastModified() ?? new DateTime(); if ($parsedItem->getValue('pubDate') !== null) { $pubDT = new DateTime($parsedItem->getValue('pubDate')); } elseif ($parsedItem->getValue('published') !== null) { $pubDT = new DateTime($parsedItem->getValue('published')); } else { $pubDT = $lastModified; } $item->setPubDate($pubDT->getTimestamp()); $item->setLastModified($lastModified->getTimestamp()); $item->setRtl($RTL); // unescape content because angularjs helps against XSS if ($parsedItem->getTitle() !== null) { $item->setTitle($this->decodeTwice($parsedItem->getTitle())); } $author = $parsedItem->getAuthor(); if ($author !== null && $author->getName() !== null) { $item->setAuthor($this->decodeTwice($author->getName())); } $categories = []; foreach ($parsedItem->getCategories() as $category) { if ($category->getLabel() !== null) { $categories[] = $this->decodeTwice($category->getLabel()); } } $item->setCategories($categories); // Use description from feed if body is not provided (by a scraper) if ($body === null) { $body = $parsedItem->getValue('content:encoded') ?? $parsedItem->getContent() ?? $parsedItem->getSummary(); } // purification is done in the service layer $body = mb_convert_encoding( $body, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($body) ); if (strpos($body, 'CDATA') !== false) { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $data = simplexml_load_string( "$body", SimpleXMLElement::class, LIBXML_NOCDATA ); if ($data !== false && libxml_get_last_error() === false) { $body = (string) $data; } libxml_clear_errors(); } $item->setBody($body); if ($parsedItem->hasMedia()) { // TODO: Fix multiple media support foreach ($parsedItem->getMedias() as $media) { if (!$item->isSupportedMime($media->getType()) && !$media->getThumbnail() && !$media->getDescription() ) { continue; } $item->setEnclosureMime($media->getType()); $item->setEnclosureLink($media->getUrl()); $item->setMediaThumbnail($media->getThumbnail()); if ($media->getDescription()) { $description = str_replace("\n", "
", $media->getDescription()); $item->setMediaDescription($description); } } } $item->generateSearchIndex(); return $item; } /** * Return the favicon for a given feed and url * * @param FeedInterface $feed Feed to check for a logo * @param string $url Original URL for the feed * * @return string|mixed|bool */ protected function getFavicon(FeedInterface $feed, string $url) { $favicon = $feed->getLogo(); // check if feed has a logo if (is_null($favicon)) { return $this->faviconFactory->get($url); } $favicon_path = join("/", [$this->ITempManager->getTempBaseDir(), basename($favicon)]); copy( $favicon, $favicon_path ); $is_image = substr(mime_content_type($favicon_path), 0, 5) === "image"; // check if file is actually an image if (!$is_image) { return $this->faviconFactory->get($url); } list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($favicon_path); // check if image is square else fall back to favicon if ($width !== $height) { return $this->faviconFactory->get($url); } return $favicon; } /** * Build a feed based on provided info * * @param FeedInterface $feed Feed to build from * @param string $url URL to use * @param string $location String base URL * * @return Feed */ protected function buildFeed(FeedInterface $feed, string $url, string $location): Feed { $newFeed = new Feed(); // unescape content because angularjs helps against XSS if ($feed->getTitle() !== null) { $title = strip_tags($this->decodeTwice($feed->getTitle())); $newFeed->setTitle($title); } $newFeed->setUrl($url); // the url used to add the feed $newFeed->setLocation($location); // the url where the feed was found $newFeed->setLink($feed->getLink()); // attribute in the feed if ($feed->getLastModified() instanceof DateTime) { $newFeed->setHttpLastModified($feed->getLastModified()->format(DateTime::RSS)); } $newFeed->setAdded($this->time->getTime()); $favicon = $this->getFavicon($feed, $url); $newFeed->setFaviconLink($favicon); return $newFeed; } }