* @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright 2020 Sean Molenaar */ namespace OCA\News\Db; use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\Literal; use OCA\News\Service\Exceptions\ServiceValidationException; use Doctrine\DBAL\FetchMode; use OCA\News\Utility\Time; use OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException; use OCP\AppFramework\Db\Entity; use OCP\AppFramework\Db\MultipleObjectsReturnedException; use OCP\DB\Exception as DBException; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\IDBConnection; /** * Class ItemMapper * * @package OCA\News\Db */ class ItemMapperV2 extends NewsMapperV2 { const TABLE_NAME = 'news_items'; /** * ItemMapper constructor. * * @param IDBConnection $db * @param Time $time */ public function __construct(IDBConnection $db, Time $time) { parent::__construct($db, $time, Item::class); } /** * Find all feeds for a user. * * @param string $userId The user identifier * @param array $params Filter parameters * * @return Entity[] */ public function findAllFromUser(string $userId, array $params = []): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->where('(feeds.user_id = :user_id AND items.shared_by = \'\') OR items.shared_with = :shared_with') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0') ->setParameter('user_id', $userId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ->setParameter('shared_with', $userId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $builder->andWhere("${key} = " . $builder->createNamedParameter($value)); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * Find all items * * @return Entity[] */ public function findAll(): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('*') ->from($this->tableName) ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0'); return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function findFromUser(string $userId, int $id): Entity { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->where('(feeds.user_id = :user_id AND items.shared_by = \'\') OR items.shared_with = :shared_with') ->andWhere('items.id = :item_id') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0') ->setParameter('user_id', $userId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ->setParameter('shared_with', $userId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ->setParameter('item_id', $id, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT); return $this->findEntity($builder); } /** * Find an item by a GUID hash. * * @param int $feedId ID of the feed * @param string $guidHash hash to find with * * @return Item|Entity * * @throws DoesNotExistException * @throws MultipleObjectsReturnedException */ public function findByGuidHash(int $feedId, string $guidHash): Entity { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('*') ->from($this->tableName) ->andWhere('feed_id = :feed_id') ->andWhere('guid_hash = :guid_hash') ->setParameter('feed_id', $feedId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT) ->setParameter('guid_hash', $guidHash, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR); return $this->findEntity($builder); } /** * Find a user item by a GUID hash. * * @param string $userId * @param int $feedId ID of the feed * @param string $guidHash hash to find with * * @return Item * * @throws DoesNotExistException * @throws MultipleObjectsReturnedException */ public function findForUserByGuidHash(string $userId, int $feedId, string $guidHash): Entity { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->andWhere('(feeds.user_id = :user_id AND items.shared_by = \'\') OR items.shared_with = :shared_with') ->andWhere('feeds.id = :feed_id') ->andWhere('items.guid_hash = :guid_hash') ->setParameter('user_id', $userId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ->setParameter('shared_with', $userId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ->setParameter('feed_id', $feedId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT) ->setParameter('guid_hash', $guidHash, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR); return $this->findEntity($builder); } /** * @param int $feedId * * @return array */ public function findAllForFeed(int $feedId): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('*') ->from($this->tableName) ->where('feed_id = :feed_identifier') ->setParameter('feed_identifier', $feedId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT); return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * Delete items from feed that are over the max item threshold * * @param int $threshold Deletion threshold * @param bool $removeUnread If unread articles should be removed * * @return int|null Removed items * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Exception */ public function deleteOverThreshold(int $threshold, bool $removeUnread = false): ?int { $feedQb = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $feedQb->select('feed_id', $feedQb->func()->count('*', 'itemCount')) ->selectAlias($feedQb->func()->max('feeds.articles_per_update'), 'articlesPerUpdate') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->groupBy('feed_id'); $feeds = $this->db->executeQuery($feedQb->getSQL()) ->fetchAll(FetchMode::ASSOCIATIVE); if ($feeds === []) { return null; } $rangeQuery = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $rangeQuery->select('id') ->from($this->tableName) ->where('feed_id = :feedId') ->andWhere('starred = false') ->orderBy('last_modified', 'DESC') ->addOrderBy('id', 'DESC'); if ($removeUnread === false) { $rangeQuery->andWhere('unread = false'); } $total_items = []; foreach ($feeds as $feed) { if ($feed['itemCount'] < $threshold) { continue; } $rangeQuery->setFirstResult(max($threshold, $feed['articlesPerUpdate'])); $items = $this->db->executeQuery($rangeQuery->getSQL(), ['feedId' => $feed['feed_id']]) ->fetchAll(FetchMode::COLUMN); $total_items = array_merge($total_items, $items); } $deleteQb = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $deleteQb->delete($this->tableName) ->where('id IN (?)'); $affected_rows = 0; // split $total_items into multiple chunks because of the parameter limit foreach (array_chunk($total_items, NewsMapperV2::PDO_PARAMS_LIMIT) as $items_chunk) { $affected_rows += $this->db->executeUpdate( $deleteQb->getSQL(), [$items_chunk], [IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY] ); } return $affected_rows; } /** * No-op clear deleted items. * * @param string|null $userID * @param int|null $oldestDelete */ public function purgeDeleted(?string $userID, ?int $oldestDelete): void { //NO-OP } /** * @param string $userId * @param int $maxItemId * * @TODO: Update this for NC 21 * * @return int * * @throws DBException */ public function readAll(string $userId, int $maxItemId): int { $idBuilder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $idBuilder->select('items.id') ->from(ItemMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->andWhere('feeds.user_id = :userId') ->andWhere('items.id <= :maxItemId') ->setParameter('userId', $userId) ->setParameter('maxItemId', $maxItemId); $idList = array_map(function ($value): int { return intval($value['id']); }, $this->db->executeQuery($idBuilder->getSQL(), $idBuilder->getParameters())->fetchAll()); $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->update(self::TABLE_NAME) ->set('unread', $builder->createParameter('unread')) ->andWhere('id IN (:idList)') ->andWhere('unread != :unread') ->setParameter('unread', false, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_BOOL) ->setParameter('idList', $idList, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY); return $this->db->executeUpdate($builder->getSQL(), $builder->getParameters(), $builder->getParameterTypes()); } /** * @param string $userId * * @return Entity|Item * * @throws DoesNotExistException The item is not found * @throws MultipleObjectsReturnedException Multiple items found */ public function newest(string $userId): Entity { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->where('(feeds.user_id = :userId AND items.shared_by = \'\') OR items.shared_with = :sharedWith') ->setParameter('userId', $userId) ->setParameter('sharedWith', $userId) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', 'DESC') ->addOrderBy('items.id', 'DESC') ->setMaxResults(1); return $this->findEntity($builder); } /** * @param string $userId * @param int $feedId * @param int $updatedSince * @param bool $hideRead * * @return Item[] */ public function findAllInFeedAfter( string $userId, int $feedId, int $updatedSince, bool $hideRead ): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->andWhere('items.last_modified >= :updatedSince') ->andWhere('items.shared_by = \'\'') ->andWhere('feeds.user_id = :userId') ->andWhere('feeds.id = :feedId') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0') ->setParameters([ 'updatedSince' => $updatedSince, 'feedId' => $feedId, 'userId'=> $userId, ]) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', 'DESC') ->addOrderBy('items.id', 'DESC'); if ($hideRead === true) { $builder->andWhere('items.unread = :unread') ->setParameter('unread', true); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * @param string $userId * @param int|null $folderId * @param int $updatedSince * @param bool $hideRead * * @return Item[] */ public function findAllInFolderAfter( string $userId, ?int $folderId, int $updatedSince, bool $hideRead ): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->innerJoin('feeds', FolderMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'folders', 'feeds.folder_id = folders.id') ->andWhere('items.last_modified >= :updatedSince') ->andWhere('items.shared_by = \'\'') ->andWhere('feeds.user_id = :userId') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0') ->andWhere('folders.id = :folderId') ->setParameters(['updatedSince' => $updatedSince, 'folderId' => $folderId, 'userId' => $userId]) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', 'DESC') ->addOrderBy('items.id', 'DESC'); if ($hideRead === true) { $builder->andWhere('items.unread = :unread') ->setParameter('unread', true); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * @param string $userId * @param int|null $folderId * @param int $updatedSince * @param bool $hideRead * * @return Item[] */ public function findAllSharedAfter( string $userId, int $updatedSince, bool $hideRead ): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->andWhere('items.last_modified >= :updatedSince') ->andWhere('items.shared_with = :sharedWith') ->setParameters(['updatedSince' => $updatedSince, 'sharedWith' => $userId]) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', 'DESC') ->addOrderBy('items.id', 'DESC'); if ($hideRead === true) { $builder->andWhere('items.unread = 1'); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * @param string $userId * @param int $updatedSince * @param int $feedType * * @return Item[]|Entity[] * @throws ServiceValidationException */ public function findAllAfter(string $userId, int $feedType, int $updatedSince): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->andWhere('items.last_modified >= :updatedSince') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0') ->andWhere('(feeds.user_id = :userId AND items.shared_by = \'\') OR items.shared_with = :sharedWith') ->setParameters(['updatedSince' => $updatedSince, 'userId' => $userId, 'sharedWith' => $userId]) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', 'DESC') ->addOrderBy('items.id', 'DESC'); switch ($feedType) { case ListType::STARRED: $builder->andWhere('items.starred = :starred') ->setParameter('starred', true); break; case ListType::UNREAD: $builder->andWhere('items.unread = :unread') ->setParameter('unread', true); break; case ListType::ALL_ITEMS: break; default: throw new ServiceValidationException('Unexpected Feed type in call'); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * Generate an expression for the offset. * * @param bool $oldestFirst Sorting direction * * @return string */ private function offsetWhere(bool $oldestFirst): string { if ($oldestFirst === true) { return 'items.id > :offset'; } return 'items.id < :offset'; } /** * @param string $userId User identifier * @param int $feedId Feed identifier * @param int $limit Max items to retrieve * @param int $offset First item ID to retrieve * @param bool $hideRead Hide read items * @param bool $oldestFirst Chronological sort * @param array $search Search terms * * @return Item[] */ public function findAllFeed( string $userId, int $feedId, int $limit, int $offset, bool $hideRead, bool $oldestFirst, array $search ): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0') ->andWhere('feeds.user_id = :userId') ->andWhere('items.feed_id = :feedId') ->andWhere('items.shared_by = \'\'') ->setParameter('userId', $userId) ->setParameter('feedId', $feedId) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', ($oldestFirst ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')) ->addOrderBy('items.id', ($oldestFirst ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')); if ($search !== []) { foreach ($search as $key => $term) { $term = $this->db->escapeLikeParameter($term); $builder->andWhere("items.search_index LIKE :term${key}") ->setParameter("term${key}", "%$term%"); } } if ($limit >= 1) { $builder->setMaxResults($limit); } if ($offset !== 0) { $builder->andWhere($this->offsetWhere($oldestFirst)) ->setParameter('offset', $offset); } if ($hideRead === true) { $builder->andWhere('items.unread = :unread') ->setParameter('unread', true); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * @param string $userId User identifier * @param int|null $folderId Folder identifier (null for root) * @param int $limit Max items to retrieve * @param int $offset First item ID to retrieve * @param bool $hideRead Hide read items * @param bool $oldestFirst Chronological sort * @param array $search Search terms * * @return Item[] */ public function findAllFolder( string $userId, ?int $folderId, int $limit, int $offset, bool $hideRead, bool $oldestFirst, array $search ): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); if ($folderId === null) { $folderWhere = $builder->expr()->isNull('feeds.folder_id'); } else { $folderWhere = $builder->expr()->eq('feeds.folder_id', new Literal($folderId), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT); } $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->andWhere('feeds.user_id = :userId') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0') ->andWhere('items.shared_by = \'\'') ->andWhere($folderWhere) ->setParameter('userId', $userId) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', ($oldestFirst ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')) ->addOrderBy('items.id', ($oldestFirst ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')); if ($search !== []) { foreach ($search as $key => $term) { $term = $this->db->escapeLikeParameter($term); $builder->andWhere("items.search_index LIKE :term${key}") ->setParameter("term${key}", "%$term%"); } } if ($limit >= 1) { $builder->setMaxResults($limit); } if ($offset !== 0) { $builder->andWhere($this->offsetWhere($oldestFirst)) ->setParameter('offset', $offset); } if ($hideRead === true) { $builder->andWhere('items.unread = :unread') ->setParameter('unread', true); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * Returns all items shared with a user * * @param string $userId * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @param bool $hideRead * @param bool $oldestFirst * @param array $search * * @return Item[] */ public function findAllSharedWithUser( string $userId, int $limit, int $offset, bool $hideRead, bool $oldestFirst, array $search ): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->andWhere('items.shared_with = :sharedWith') ->setParameter('sharedWith', $userId) ->setMaxResults($limit) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', ($oldestFirst ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')) ->addOrderBy('items.id', ($oldestFirst ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')); if ($search !== []) { foreach ($search as $key => $term) { $term = $this->db->escapeLikeParameter($term); $builder->andWhere("items.search_index LIKE :term${key}") ->setParameter("term${key}", "%$term%"); } } if ($offset !== 0) { $builder->andWhere($this->offsetWhere($oldestFirst)) ->setParameter('offset', $offset); } if ($hideRead === true) { $builder->andWhere('items.unread = 1'); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } /** * @param string $userId * @param int $type * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @param bool $oldestFirst * @param array $search * * @return Item[] * @throws ServiceValidationException */ public function findAllItems( string $userId, int $type, int $limit, int $offset, bool $oldestFirst, array $search ): array { $builder = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $builder->select('items.*') ->from($this->tableName, 'items') ->innerJoin('items', FeedMapperV2::TABLE_NAME, 'feeds', 'items.feed_id = feeds.id') ->andWhere('(feeds.user_id = :userId AND items.shared_by = \'\') OR items.shared_with = :sharedWith') ->andWhere('feeds.deleted_at = 0') ->setParameter('userId', $userId) ->setParameter('sharedWith', $userId) ->orderBy('items.last_modified', ($oldestFirst ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')) ->addOrderBy('items.id', ($oldestFirst ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')); if ($search !== []) { foreach ($search as $key => $term) { $term = $this->db->escapeLikeParameter($term); $builder->andWhere("items.search_index LIKE :term${key}") ->setParameter("term${key}", "%$term%"); } } if ($limit >= 1) { $builder->setMaxResults($limit); } if ($offset !== 0) { $builder->andWhere($this->offsetWhere($oldestFirst)) ->setParameter('offset', $offset); } switch ($type) { case ListType::STARRED: $builder->andWhere('items.starred = :starred') ->setParameter('starred', true); break; case ListType::UNREAD: $builder->andWhere('items.unread = :unread') ->setParameter('unread', true); break; case ListType::ALL_ITEMS: break; default: throw new ServiceValidationException('Unexpected Feed type in call'); } return $this->findEntities($builder); } }