* @author Bernhard Posselt * @author Paul Tirk * @copyright 2012 Alessandro Cosentino * @copyright 2012-2014 Bernhard Posselt * @copyright 2020 Paul Tirk */ namespace OCA\News\Db; use OCP\AppFramework\Db\Entity; /** * Class Item * * @package OCA\News\Db * @Embeddable */ class Item extends Entity implements IAPI, \JsonSerializable { use EntityJSONSerializer; /** @var string|null */ protected $contentHash; /** @var string */ protected $guidHash; /** @var string */ protected $guid; /** @var string|null */ protected $url; /** @var string|null */ protected $title; /** @var string|null */ protected $author; /** @var int|null */ protected $pubDate; /** @var string|null */ protected $body; /** @var string|null */ protected $enclosureMime; /** @var string|null */ protected $enclosureLink; /** @var string|null */ protected $mediaThumbnail; /** @var string|null */ protected $mediaDescription; /** @var int|null */ protected $feedId; /** @var string|null */ protected $lastModified = '0'; /** @var string|null */ protected $searchIndex; /** @var bool */ protected $rtl = false; /** @var string|null */ protected $fingerprint; /** @var bool */ protected $unread = false; /** @var bool */ protected $starred = false; /** @var string|null */ protected $categoriesJson; /** @var string */ protected $sharedBy = ''; /** @var string */ protected $sharedWith = ''; public function __construct() { $this->addType('contentHash', 'string'); $this->addType('guidHash', 'string'); $this->addType('guid', 'string'); $this->addType('url', 'string'); $this->addType('title', 'string'); $this->addType('author', 'string'); $this->addType('pubDate', 'integer'); $this->addType('body', 'string'); $this->addType('enclosureMime', 'string'); $this->addType('enclosureLink', 'string'); $this->addType('mediaThumbnail', 'string'); $this->addType('mediaDescription', 'string'); $this->addType('feedId', 'integer'); $this->addType('lastModified', 'string'); $this->addType('searchIndex', 'string'); $this->addType('rtl', 'boolean'); $this->addType('fingerprint', 'string'); $this->addType('unread', 'boolean'); $this->addType('starred', 'boolean'); $this->addType('categoriesJson', 'string'); $this->addType('sharedBy', 'string'); $this->addType('sharedWith', 'string'); } /** * @return int */ public function cropApiLastModified(): int { $lastModified = $this->getLastModified(); if (strlen((string)$lastModified) > 10) { return (int)substr($lastModified, 0, -6); } else { return (int)$lastModified; } } public static function fromImport($import): Item { $item = new Item(); $item->setGuid($import['guid']); $item->setGuidHash(md5($import['guid'])); $item->setUrl($import['url']); $item->setTitle($import['title']); $item->setAuthor($import['author']); $item->setPubDate($import['pubDate']); $item->setBody($import['body']); $item->setEnclosureMime($import['enclosureMime']); $item->setEnclosureLink($import['enclosureLink']); $item->setMediaThumbnail($import['mediaThumbnail']); $item->setMediaDescription($import['mediaDescription']); $item->setRtl($import['rtl']); $item->setUnread($import['unread']); $item->setStarred($import['starred']); return $item; } public function generateSearchIndex(): void { $categoriesString = !is_null($this->getCategories()) ? implode('', $this->getCategories()) : ''; $this->setSearchIndex( mb_strtolower( html_entity_decode(strip_tags($this->getBody())) . html_entity_decode($this->getAuthor()) . html_entity_decode($this->getTitle()) . html_entity_decode($categoriesString) . $this->getUrl(), 'UTF-8' ) ); $this->setFingerprint($this->computeFingerprint()); $this->setContentHash($this->computeContentHash()); } /** * @return null|string */ public function getAuthor(): ?string { return $this->author; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getBody(): ?string { return $this->body; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getContentHash(): ?string { return $this->contentHash; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getEnclosureLink(): ?string { return $this->enclosureLink; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getMediaThumbnail(): ?string { return $this->mediaThumbnail; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getMediaDescription(): ?string { return $this->mediaDescription; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getEnclosureMime(): ?string { return $this->enclosureMime; } /** * @return null|int */ public function getFeedId(): ?string { return $this->feedId; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getFingerprint(): ?string { return $this->fingerprint; } public function getGuid(): string { return $this->guid; } public function getGuidHash(): string { return $this->guidHash; } public function getIntro(): string { return strip_tags($this->getBody()); } /** * @return string|null */ public function getLastModified(): ?string { return $this->lastModified; } /** * @return int|null */ public function getPubDate(): ?int { return $this->pubDate; } public function getRtl(): bool { return $this->rtl; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getSearchIndex(): ?string { return $this->searchIndex; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getTitle(): ?string { return $this->title; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getUrl(): ?string { return $this->url; } public function isStarred(): bool { return $this->starred; } public function isShared(): bool { return $this->getSharedWith() != '' || $this->getSharedBy() != ''; } public function isUnread(): bool { return $this->unread; } public function getSharedBy(): string { return $this->sharedBy; } public function getSharedWith(): string { return $this->sharedWith; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getCategoriesJson(): ?string { return $this->categoriesJson; } /** * @return null|array */ public function getCategories(): ?array { return json_decode($this->getCategoriesJson()); } /** * Turns entity attributes into an array */ public function jsonSerialize(): array { return [ 'id' => $this->getId(), 'guid' => $this->getGuid(), 'guidHash' => $this->getGuidHash(), 'url' => $this->getUrl(), 'title' => $this->getTitle(), 'author' => $this->getAuthor(), 'pubDate' => $this->getPubDate(), 'updatedDate' => null, 'body' => $this->getBody(), 'enclosureMime' => $this->getEnclosureMime(), 'enclosureLink' => $this->getEnclosureLink(), 'mediaThumbnail' => $this->getMediaThumbnail(), 'mediaDescription' => $this->getMediaDescription(), 'feedId' => $this->getFeedId(), 'unread' => $this->isUnread(), 'starred' => $this->isStarred(), 'lastModified' => $this->getLastModified(), 'rtl' => $this->getRtl(), 'intro' => $this->getIntro(), 'fingerprint' => $this->getFingerprint(), 'categories' => $this->getCategories(), 'sharedBy' => $this->getSharedBy(), 'sharedWith' => $this->getSharedWith(), 'isShared' => $this->isShared() ]; } public function setAuthor(string $author = null): self { $author = strip_tags($author); if ($this->author !== $author) { $this->author = $author; $this->markFieldUpdated('author'); } return $this; } public function setBody(string $body = null): self { // FIXME: this should not happen if the target="_blank" is already // on the link $body = str_replace('body !== $body) { $this->body = $body; $this->markFieldUpdated('body'); } return $this; } public function setContentHash(string $contentHash = null): self { if ($this->contentHash !== $contentHash) { $this->contentHash = $contentHash; $this->markFieldUpdated('contentHash'); } return $this; } public function setEnclosureLink(string $enclosureLink = null): self { if ($this->enclosureLink !== $enclosureLink) { $this->enclosureLink = $enclosureLink; $this->markFieldUpdated('enclosureLink'); } return $this; } public function setEnclosureMime(string $enclosureMime = null): self { if ($this->enclosureMime !== $enclosureMime) { $this->enclosureMime = $enclosureMime; $this->markFieldUpdated('enclosureMime'); } return $this; } public function setMediaThumbnail(string $mediaThumbnail = null): self { if ($this->mediaThumbnail !== $mediaThumbnail) { $this->mediaThumbnail = $mediaThumbnail; $this->markFieldUpdated('mediaThumbnail'); } return $this; } public function setMediaDescription(string $mediaDescription = null): self { if ($this->mediaDescription !== $mediaDescription) { $this->mediaDescription = $mediaDescription; $this->markFieldUpdated('mediaDescription'); } return $this; } public function setFeedId(?int $feedId = null): self { if ($this->feedId !== $feedId) { $this->feedId = $feedId; $this->markFieldUpdated('feedId'); } return $this; } public function setFingerprint(string $fingerprint = null): self { if ($this->fingerprint !== $fingerprint) { $this->fingerprint = $fingerprint; $this->markFieldUpdated('fingerprint'); } return $this; } public function setGuid(string $guid): self { if ($this->guid !== $guid) { $this->guid = $guid; $this->markFieldUpdated('guid'); } return $this; } public function setGuidHash(string $guidHash): self { if ($this->guidHash !== $guidHash) { $this->guidHash = $guidHash; $this->markFieldUpdated('guidHash'); } return $this; } public function setLastModified(string $lastModified = null): self { if ($this->lastModified !== $lastModified) { $this->lastModified = $lastModified; $this->markFieldUpdated('lastModified'); } return $this; } public function setPubDate(int $pubDate = null): self { if ($this->pubDate !== $pubDate) { $this->pubDate = $pubDate; $this->markFieldUpdated('pubDate'); } return $this; } public function setRtl(bool $rtl): self { if ($this->rtl !== $rtl) { $this->rtl = $rtl; $this->markFieldUpdated('rtl'); } return $this; } public function setSearchIndex(string $searchIndex = null): self { if ($this->searchIndex !== $searchIndex) { $this->searchIndex = $searchIndex; $this->markFieldUpdated('searchIndex'); } return $this; } public function setStarred(bool $starred): self { if ($this->starred !== $starred) { $this->starred = $starred; $this->markFieldUpdated('starred'); } return $this; } public function setTitle(string $title = null): self { $title = trim(strip_tags($title)); if ($this->title !== $title) { $this->title = $title; $this->markFieldUpdated('title'); } return $this; } public function setSharedBy(string $sharedBy): self { if ($this->sharedBy !== $sharedBy) { $this->sharedBy = $sharedBy; $this->markFieldUpdated('sharedBy'); } return $this; } public function setSharedWith(string $sharedWith): self { if ($this->sharedWith !== $sharedWith) { $this->sharedWith = $sharedWith; $this->markFieldUpdated('sharedWith'); } return $this; } public function setUnread(bool $unread): self { if ($this->unread !== $unread) { $this->unread = $unread; $this->markFieldUpdated('unread'); } return $this; } public function setUrl(string $url = null): self { $url = trim($url); if ((strpos($url, 'http') === 0 || strpos($url, 'magnet') === 0) && $this->url !== $url ) { $this->url = $url; $this->markFieldUpdated('url'); } return $this; } public function setCategoriesJson(string $categoriesJson = null): self { if ($this->categoriesJson !== $categoriesJson) { $this->categoriesJson = $categoriesJson; $this->markFieldUpdated('categoriesJson'); } return $this; } public function setCategories(array $categories = null): self { $categoriesJson = !is_null($categories) ? json_encode($categories) : null; $this->setCategoriesJson($categoriesJson); return $this; } public function toAPI(): array { return [ 'id' => $this->getId(), 'guid' => $this->getGuid(), 'guidHash' => $this->getGuidHash(), 'url' => $this->getUrl(), 'title' => $this->getTitle(), 'author' => $this->getAuthor(), 'pubDate' => $this->getPubDate(), 'updatedDate' => null, 'body' => $this->getBody(), 'enclosureMime' => $this->getEnclosureMime(), 'enclosureLink' => $this->getEnclosureLink(), 'mediaThumbnail' => $this->getMediaThumbnail(), 'mediaDescription' => $this->getMediaDescription(), 'feedId' => $this->getFeedId(), 'unread' => $this->isUnread(), 'starred' => $this->isStarred(), 'lastModified' => $this->cropApiLastModified(), 'rtl' => $this->getRtl(), 'fingerprint' => $this->getFingerprint(), 'contentHash' => $this->getContentHash() ]; } public function toAPI2(bool $reduced = false): array { if ($reduced) { return [ 'id' => $this->getId(), 'isUnread' => $this->isUnread(), 'isStarred' => $this->isStarred() ]; } return [ 'id' => $this->getId(), 'url' => $this->getUrl(), 'title' => $this->getTitle(), 'author' => $this->getAuthor(), 'publishedAt' => date('c', $this->getPubDate()), 'lastModifiedAt' => date('c', $this->cropApiLastModified()), 'enclosure' => [ 'mimeType' => $this->getEnclosureMime(), 'url' => $this->getEnclosureLink() ], 'body' => $this->getBody(), 'feedId' => $this->getFeedId(), 'isUnread' => $this->isUnread(), 'isStarred' => $this->isStarred(), 'fingerprint' => $this->getFingerprint(), 'contentHash' => $this->getContentHash() ]; } /** * Format for exporting. * * @param array $feeds List of feeds * * @return array */ public function toExport(array $feeds): array { return [ 'guid' => $this->getGuid(), 'url' => $this->getUrl(), 'title' => $this->getTitle(), 'author' => $this->getAuthor(), 'pubDate' => $this->getPubDate(), 'updatedDate' => null, 'body' => $this->getBody(), 'enclosureMime' => $this->getEnclosureMime(), 'enclosureLink' => $this->getEnclosureLink(), 'mediaThumbnail' => $this->getMediaThumbnail(), 'mediaDescription' => $this->getMediaDescription(), 'unread' => $this->isUnread(), 'starred' => $this->isStarred(), 'feedLink' => $feeds['feed' . $this->getFeedId()]->getLink(), 'rtl' => $this->getRtl(), ]; } private function computeContentHash(): string { return md5( $this->getTitle() . $this->getUrl() . $this->getBody() . $this->getEnclosureLink() . $this->getEnclosureMime() . $this->getAuthor() ); } private function computeFingerprint(): string { return md5( $this->getTitle() . $this->getUrl() . $this->getBody() . $this->getEnclosureLink() ); } /** * Check if a given mimetype is supported * * @param string|null $mime mimetype to check * * @return boolean */ public function isSupportedMime(?string $mime): bool { return ( $mime !== null && ( stripos($mime, 'audio/') !== false || stripos($mime, 'image/') !== false || stripos($mime, 'video/') !== false)); } }