OC.L10N.register( "news", { "Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "Request failed, network connection unavailable!", "Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "Request unauthorised. Are you logged in?", "Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "Request forbidden. Are you an admin?", "Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!", "Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!", "Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!", "News" : "News", "An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "An RSS/Atom feed reader", "The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](https://github.com/nextcloud/news)\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron](https://docs.nextcloud.org/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_server/background_jobs_configuration.html#cron) or use [an updater](https://github.com/nextcloud/news-updater) which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](https://github.com/nextcloud/news)." : "The News app is an RSS/Atom feed reader for Nextcloud which can be synced with many mobile devices. A list of all clients and requirements can be found [in the README](https://github.com/nextcloud/news)\n\nBefore you update to a new version, [check the changelog](https://github.com/nextcloud/news/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) to avoid surprises.\n\n**Important**: To enable feed updates you will need to enable either [Nextcloud system cron](https://docs.nextcloud.org/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_server/background_jobs_configuration.html#cron) or use [an updater](https://github.com/nextcloud/news-updater) which uses the built in update API and disable cron updates. More information can be found [in the README](https://github.com/nextcloud/news).", "Use system cron for updates" : "Use system cron for updates", "Purge interval" : "Purge interval", "Maximum read count per feed" : "Maximum read count per feed", "Maximum redirects" : "Maximum redirects", "Feed fetcher timeout" : "Feed fetcher timeout", "Explore Service URL" : "Explore Service URL", "Saved" : "Saved", "Download" : "Download", "Close" : "Close", "No articles available" : "No articles available", "No unread articles available" : "No unread articles available", "Open website" : "Open website", "Star article" : "Star article", "Unstar article" : "Unstar article", "Keep article unread" : "Keep article unread", "Remove keep article unread" : "Remove keep article unread", "Username" : "Username", "by" : "by", "from" : "from", "Play audio" : "Play audio", "Download audio" : "Download audio", "Download video" : "Download video", "Keyboard shortcut" : "Keyboard shortcut", "Description" : "Description", "right" : "right", "Jump to next article" : "Jump to next article", "left" : "left", "Jump to previous article" : "Jump to previous article", "Toggle star article" : "Toggle star article", "Star article and jump to next one" : "Star article and jump to next one", "Toggle keep current article unread" : "Toggle keep current article unread", "Open article in new tab" : "Open article in new tab", "Toggle expand article in compact view" : "Toggle expand article in compact view", "Refresh" : "Refresh", "Load next feed" : "Load next feed", "Load previous feed" : "Load previous feed", "Load next folder" : "Load next folder", "Load previous folder" : "Load previous folder", "Scroll to active navigation entry" : "Scroll to active navigation entry", "Focus search field" : "Focus search field", "Mark current article's feed/folder read" : "Mark current article's feed/folder read", "Ajax or webcron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!" : "Ajax or webcron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!", "How to set up the operating system cron" : "How to set up the operating system cron", "Install and set up a faster parallel updater that uses the News app's update API" : "Install and set up a faster parallel updater that uses the News app's update API", "Subscribe" : "Subscribe", "Web address" : "Web address", "Feed exists already!" : "Feed exists already!", "Folder" : "Folder", "No folder" : "No folder", "New folder" : "New folder", "Folder name" : "Folder name", "Go back" : "Go back", "Folder exists already!" : "Folder exists already!", "Credentials" : "Credentials", "HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!", "Password" : "Password", "New Folder" : "New Folder", "Create" : "Create", "Explore" : "Explore", "Update failed more than 50 times" : "Update failed more than 50 times", "Deleted feed" : "Deleted feed", "Undo delete feed" : "Undo delete feed", "Rename" : "Rename", "Menu" : "Menu", "Mark read" : "Mark read", "Unpin from top" : "Unpin from top", "Pin to top" : "Pin to top", "Newest first" : "Newest first", "Oldest first" : "Oldest first", "Default order" : "Default order", "Enable full text" : "Enable full text", "Disable full text" : "Disable full text", "Unread updated" : "Unread updated", "Ignore updated" : "Ignore updated", "Open feed URL" : "Open feed URL", "Delete" : "Delete", "Dismiss" : "Dismiss", "Collapse" : "Collapse", "Deleted folder" : "Deleted folder", "Undo delete folder" : "Undo delete folder", "Starred" : "Starred", "Unread articles" : "Unread articles", "All articles" : "All articles", "Settings" : "Settings", "Disable mark read through scrolling" : "Disable mark read through scrolling", "Compact view" : "Compact view", "Expand articles on key navigation" : "Expand articles on key navigation", "Show all articles" : "Show all articles", "Reverse ordering (oldest on top)" : "Reverse ordering (oldest on top)", "Subscriptions (OPML)" : "Subscriptions (OPML)", "Import" : "Import", "Export" : "Export", "Error when importing: File does not contain valid OPML" : "Error when importing: File does not contain valid OPML", "Error when importing: OPML is does neither contain feeds nor folders" : "Error when importing: OPML contains neither feeds nor folders", "Unread/Starred Articles" : "Unread/Starred Articles", "Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" : "Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON", "Help" : "Help", "Keyboard shortcuts" : "Keyboard shortcuts", "Documentation" : "Documentation", "Report a bug" : "Report a bug" }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");