"Nun pue amestase'l feed: Yá esiste", "Articles without feed" => "Artículos ensin fonte", "Can not add folder: Exists already" => "Nun pue amestase la carpeta: Yá esiste", "Use ownCloud cron for updates" => "Usa'l cron d'ownCloud pa los anovamientos", "Disable this if you run a custom updater such as the Python updater included in the app" => "Desavilita esto si tas executando un anovador personalizáu como l'anovador Python incluyío nesta app", "Purge interval" => "Intervalu de purga", "Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored" => "Los Feeds y les carpetes son borraes de la base de datos darréu; los valores embaxu 60 segudos son inoraos. ", "Maximum read count per feed" => "Númberu máximu de llectura per feed", "Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off completely" => "Define las cantidá máxima d'artículos que pueden lleese per feed y que nun serán borraos pol procesu de llimpieza; si reapaecen vieyos artículos dempués de lleese, auméntase esti valor; valores negativos como -1 desaniciaránse dafechu", "Maximum redirects" => "Redirecciones máximes", "Feed fetcher timeout" => "Tiempo escosao p'algamar el feed", "Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted" => "Númeru máximu de segundos d'espera pa que cargue una RSS o un feed Atom; si lleva más tiempu, la xubida albortarase. ", "Saved" => "Guardáu", "Add a feed" => "Amestar un feed", "There are no feeds yet. Go ahead and add some" => "Nun hai más feeds. Sigue alantre y amesta dalgún.", "Import feeds and articles" => "Importar feed y artículos", "Refresh" => "Anovar", "Open website" => "Abrir sitiu web", "Star article" => "Artículu favoritu", "Unstar article" => "Artículu non destacáu", "Keep article unread" => "Caltener artículu ensín lleer", "Remove keep article unread" => "Desaniciar artículu ensín lleer", "by" => "por", "from" => "Dende", "Browser can not play media type" => "Restolador nun pue reproducir tipos multimedia", "Download" => "Descargar", "Keyboard shortcut" => "Atayu de tecláu", "Description" => "Descripción", "right" => "Derecha", "Jump to next article" => "Salta a l'artículu siguiente", "left" => "Izquierda", "Jump to previous article" => "Salta a l'artículu previu", "Star article and jump to next one" => "Fae favoritu l'artículu y salta'l siguiente", "Open article in new tab" => "Abre l'artículu nuna pestaña nueva", "Load next feed" => "Carga'l siguiente feed", "Load previous feed" => "Carga'l feed anterior", "Load next folder" => "Carga'l siguiente direutoriu", "Load previous folder" => "Carga'l direutoriu anterior", "Subscribe" => "Soscríbete", "Web address" => "Direición web", "Feed exists already!" => "¡Esti feed yá esiste!", "Folder" => "Carpeta", "No folder" => "Ensín carpeta", "New folder" => "Carpeta nueva", "Folder name" => "Nome de la carpeta", "Go back" => "Atrás", "Folder exists already!" => "¡La carpeta yá esiste!", "New Folder" => "Carpeta nueva", "Create" => "Crear", "Deleted feed" => "Desaniciar feed", "Undo delete feed" => "Desfacer desaniciu del feed", "Rename" => "Renomar", "Menu" => "Menú", "Rename feed" => "Renomar fonte", "Delete feed" => "Desaniciar feed", "Read all" => "Lleer too", "Dismiss" => "Encaboxar", "Collapse" => "Contrayer", "Deleted folder" => "Desaniciar carpeta", "Undo delete folder" => "Desfacer desaniciu de la carpeta", "Rename folder" => "Renomar carpeta", "Delete folder" => "Desaniciar carpeta", "Starred" => "Favoritos", "Unread articles" => "Artículos ensin lleer", "All articles" => "Tolos artículos", "Settings" => "Axustes", "Keyboard shortcuts" => "Atayos de tecláu", "Compact view" => "Vista compauta", "Show all articles" => "Amosar tolos artículos", "Reverse ordering" => "Ordenación al revés", "Disable mark read through scrolling" => "Deshabilita marcar como lleíu al desplazar", "Subscriptions (OPML)" => "Soscripciones (OPML)", "Import" => "Importar", "Export" => "Esportar", "Error when importing: file does not contain valid OPML" => "Fallu al importar: el ficheru nun contién OPML válidu", "Unread/Starred Articles" => "Artículos Non lleíos y Favoritos", "Error when importing: file does not contain valid JSON" => "Fallu al importar: el ficheru nun contién JSON válidu" ); $PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";