# ui-template directives #### NOTE: This template is going to be replaced in very near future ### These directives are boilerplates for creating your own directives. ## Usage Add the template module as a dependency to your application module: var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.directives.template']) Apply the directive to your html elements: Default styles are in angular-ui.css and are pretty boring, you could just override these in your stylesheet and make things more interesting ### Options All the options can be passed through the directive or set on the html element. NOTE: attributes override controller options myAppModule.controller('MyController', function($scope) { $scope.SomeNumber = 123; $scope.uiTemplateOptions = { }; }); // two-way binding with default for scoped.options uiTemplateOptions // one way binding with your own name for scoped options ### Notes ui-template - one-way binding unless you have in an ng-repeat - does not currently work with ng-model. - is supported only for attribute style elements ### Todo - support ng-model