/** * ownCloud - News * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. See the COPYING file. * * @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014 */ describe('ItemResource', function () { 'use strict'; var http; beforeEach(module('News', function ($provide) { $provide.value('BASE_URL', 'base'); $provide.constant('ITEM_BATCH_SIZE', 5); })); beforeEach(inject(function ($httpBackend) { http = $httpBackend; })); afterEach(function () { http.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(); http.verifyNoOutstandingRequest(); }); it('should receive the newestItemId', inject(function (ItemResource) { ItemResource.receive(3, 'newestItemId'); expect(ItemResource.getNewestItemId()).toBe(3); })); it('should filter out item duplicates', inject(function (ItemResource) { ItemResource.receive([{ id: 3, fingerprint: 'a' }, { id: 4, fingerprint: 'a' }, { id: 2, fingerprint: 'b' }], 'items'); expect(ItemResource.get(3).fingerprint).toBe('a'); expect(ItemResource.get(2).fingerprint).toBe('b'); expect(ItemResource.get(4)).toBe(undefined); expect(ItemResource.highestId).toBe(4); expect(ItemResource.lowestId).toBe(2); })); it('should receive the newestItemId', inject(function (ItemResource) { ItemResource.receive(2, 'starred'); expect(ItemResource.getStarredCount()).toBe(2); })); it('should mark item as read', inject(function (ItemResource) { http.expectPOST('base/items/3/read', {isRead: true}).respond(200, {}); ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, unread: true, fingerprint: 'a' }, { id: 4, feedId: 3, unread: true, fingerprint: 'b' } ], 'items'); ItemResource.markItemRead(3); http.flush(); expect(ItemResource.get(3).unread).toBe(false); })); it('should mark multiple item as read', inject(function (ItemResource) { http.expectPOST('base/items/read/multiple', { itemIds: [3, 4] }).respond(200, {}); ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, unread: true, fingerprint: 'a' }, { id: 4, feedId: 3, unread: true, fingerprint: 'b' } ], 'items'); ItemResource.markItemsRead([3, 4]); http.flush(); expect(ItemResource.get(3).unread).toBe(false); expect(ItemResource.get(4).unread).toBe(false); })); it('should star item', inject(function (ItemResource) { http.expectPOST('base/items/4/a/star', {isStarred: true}) .respond(200, {}); ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'a', starred: false, guidHash: 'a' }, { id: 4, feedId: 3, fingerprint: 'b', starred: false } ], 'items'); ItemResource.star(3); http.flush(); expect(ItemResource.get(3).starred).toBe(true); expect(ItemResource.getStarredCount()).toBe(1); })); it('should mark feed as read', inject(function (ItemResource) { http.expectPOST('base/feeds/4/read', { highestItemId: 5 }).respond(200, {}); ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'a', unread: true }, { id: 4, feedId: 3, fingerprint: 'b', unread: true }, { id: 5, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'c', unread: true } ], 'items'); ItemResource.receive(5, 'newestItemId'); ItemResource.markFeedRead(4); http.flush(); expect(ItemResource.get(3).unread).toBe(false); expect(ItemResource.get(5).unread).toBe(false); })); it('should mark all as read', inject(function (ItemResource) { http.expectPOST('base/items/read', { highestItemId: 5 }).respond(200, {}); ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'a', unread: true }, { id: 5, feedId: 3, fingerprint: 'b', unread: true }, { id: 4, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'c', unread: true } ], 'items'); ItemResource.receive(5, 'newestItemId'); ItemResource.markRead(); http.flush(); expect(ItemResource.get(3).unread).toBe(false); expect(ItemResource.get(4).unread).toBe(false); expect(ItemResource.get(5).unread).toBe(false); })); it('toggle star', inject(function (ItemResource) { ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, fingerprint: 'a', starred: true }, { id: 5, fingerprint: 'b', starred: false } ], 'items'); ItemResource.star = jasmine.createSpy('star'); ItemResource.toggleStar(3); expect(ItemResource.star).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3, false); ItemResource.toggleStar(5); expect(ItemResource.star).toHaveBeenCalledWith(5, true); })); it('should auto page newest first', inject(function (ItemResource) { http.expectGET( 'base/items?id=4&limit=5&offset=3&oldestFirst=false&type=3') .respond(200, {}); ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'a', unread: true }, { id: 5, feedId: 3, fingerprint: 'b', unread: true }, { id: 4, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'c', unread: true } ], 'items'); ItemResource.autoPage(3, 4, false); http.flush(); })); it('should auto page oldest first', inject(function (ItemResource) { http.expectGET( 'base/items?id=4&limit=5&offset=5&oldestFirst=true&type=3') .respond(200, {}); ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'a', unread: true }, { id: 5, feedId: 3, fingerprint: 'b', unread: true }, { id: 4, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'c', unread: true } ], 'items'); ItemResource.autoPage(3, 4, true); http.flush(); })); it('should auto page all', inject(function (ItemResource) { http.expectGET( 'base/items?id=4&limit=5&offset=5&oldestFirst=true' + '&search=some+string&showAll=true&type=3') .respond(200, {}); ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'a', unread: true }, { id: 5, feedId: 3, fingerprint: 'b', unread: true }, { id: 4, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'c', unread: true } ], 'items'); ItemResource.autoPage(3, 4, true, true, 'some string'); http.flush(); })); it('should clear all state', inject(function (ItemResource) { ItemResource.receive([ { id: 3, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'a', unread: true }, { id: 5, feedId: 3, fingerprint: 'b', unread: true }, { id: 4, feedId: 4, fingerprint: 'c', unread: true } ], 'items'); ItemResource.receive(5, 'newestItemId'); ItemResource.receive(4, 'starred'); ItemResource.clear(); expect(ItemResource.size()).toBe(0); expect(ItemResource.highestId).toBe(0); expect(ItemResource.lowestId).toBe(0); expect(ItemResource.starredCount).toBe(0); })); it('should import articles', inject(function (ItemResource) { var json = 'test'; http.expectPOST('base/feeds/import/articles', { json: json }).respond(200, {}); ItemResource.importArticles(json); http.flush(); })); });