/** * Nextcloud - News * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. See the COPYING file. * * @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014 */ describe('ExploreController', function () { 'use strict'; var controller, scope, sites; beforeEach(module('News', function ($provide) { $provide.constant('BASE_URL', 'base'); $provide.constant('ITEM_BATCH_SIZE', 5); $provide.constant('ITEM_AUTO_PAGE_SIZE', 1); $provide.constant('FEED_TYPE', { FEED: 0, FOLDER: 1, STARRED: 2, SUBSCRIPTIONS: 3, SHARED: 4 }); })); beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope) { scope = $rootScope.$new(); sites = { data: [ ] }; controller = $controller('ExploreController', { $rootScope: scope, sites: sites }); })); it('should broadcast add feed', inject(function () { scope.$broadcast = jasmine.createSpy('broadcast'); controller.subscribeTo('test'); expect(scope.$broadcast).toHaveBeenCalledWith('addFeed', 'test'); })); it('should check if a feed is available sites', inject( function (FeedResource) { FeedResource.add({id: 3, location: 'test', url: 'a'}); expect(controller.feedExists('test')).toBe(true); expect(controller.feedExists('amen')).toBe(false); })); it('should hide categories without unadded sites', inject( function (FeedResource) { FeedResource.add({id: 3, location: 'test', url: 'a'}); var data1 = [{feed: 'test'}, {feed: 'test2'}]; var data2 = [{feed: 'test'}]; expect(controller.isCategoryShown(data1)).toBe(true); expect(controller.isCategoryShown(data2)).toBe(false); })); });