### ownCloud - News @author Bernhard Posselt @copyright 2012 Bernhard Posselt nukeawhale@gmail.com This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this library. If not, see . ### describe 'ItemController', -> beforeEach module 'News' beforeEach module ($provide) => @imagePath = jasmine.createSpy('imagePath') @utils = imagePath: @imagePath $provide.value 'Utils', @utils @persistence = getItems: -> readItem: -> $provide.value 'Persistence', @persistence return beforeEach inject ($controller, @ItemBusinessLayer, @FeedBusinessLayer, $rootScope, @FeedLoading, @AutoPageLoading, @FeedModel, @ItemModel, @ActiveFeed, @FeedType, @NewestItem) => @ActiveFeed.handle({type: @FeedType.Folder, id: 3}) @scope = $rootScope.$new() replace = $scope: @scope @controller = $controller('ItemController', replace) it 'should make ItemBusinessLayer availabe', => expect(@scope.itemBusinessLayer).toBe(@ItemBusinessLayer) it 'should make FeedBusinessLayer availabe', => expect(@scope.feedBusinessLayer).toBe(@FeedBusinessLayer) it 'should make feedloading available', => expect(@scope.isLoading()).toBe(false) @FeedLoading.increase() expect(@scope.isLoading()).toBe(true) it 'should make autopagin available', => expect(@scope.isAutoPaging()).toBe(false) @AutoPageLoading.increase() expect(@scope.isAutoPaging()).toBe(true) it 'should return the feedtitle', => item = {id: 3, faviconLink: null, url: 'hi', title: 'heheh'} @FeedModel.add(item) expect(@scope.getFeedTitle(3)).toBe(item.title) it 'should return no value if feedtitle is not found', => expect(@scope.getFeedTitle(3)).toBe('') it 'should return no value if relative date gets no value', => expect(@scope.getRelativeDate()).toBe('') it 'should set an item read on readItem broadcast', => item1 = {id: 4, guidHash: 'abc', feedId: 3} @ItemModel.add(item1) item1.setUnread() expect(item1.isRead()).toBe(false) @scope.$broadcast 'readItem', 4 expect(item1.isRead()).toBe(true) it 'should not autopage if there are no items', => @persistence.getItems = jasmine.createSpy('getItems') @scope.$broadcast 'autoPage' expect(@persistence.getItems).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'should autoPage with the lowest Item Id', => @NewestItem.handle(25) @persistence.getItems = jasmine.createSpy('getItems') item1 = {id: 4, guidHash: 'abc', feedId: 3} @ItemModel.add(item1) item1 = {id: 3, guidHash: 'abcd', feedId: 3} @ItemModel.add(item1) item1 = {id: 6, guidHash: 'abce', feedId: 1} @ItemModel.add(item1) @scope.$broadcast 'autoPage' expect(@persistence.getItems).toHaveBeenCalledWith( @FeedType.Folder, 3, 3, jasmine.any(Function) ) it 'should not prevent autopaging if there are no items', => @scope.$broadcast 'autoPage' @persistence.getItems = jasmine.createSpy('getItems') item1 = {id: 3, guidHash: 'abcd', feedId: 3} @ItemModel.add(item1) @scope.$broadcast 'autoPage' expect(@persistence.getItems).toHaveBeenCalledWith( @FeedType.Folder, 3, 3, jasmine.any(Function) ) it 'should not send multiple autopage requests at once', => @persistence.getItems = jasmine.createSpy('getItems') item1 = {id: 3, guidHash: 'abcd', feedId: 3} @ItemModel.add(item1) @scope.$broadcast 'autoPage' item1 = {id: 2, guidHash: 'abcd', feedId: 3} @ItemModel.add(item1) @scope.$broadcast 'autoPage' expect(@persistence.getItems).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( @FeedType.Folder, 2, 3, jasmine.any(Function) ) it 'should allow another autopaging request if the last one finished', => @NewestItem.handle(25) @persistence.getItems = jasmine.createSpy('getItems') @persistence.getItems.andCallFake (type, id, offset, onSuccess) -> onSuccess() item1 = {id: 3, guidHash: 'abcd', feedId: 3} @ItemModel.add(item1) @scope.$broadcast 'autoPage' item1 = {id: 2, guidHash: 'abcd', feedId: 3} @ItemModel.add(item1) @scope.$broadcast 'autoPage' expect(@persistence.getItems.callCount).toBe(2)