/** * ownCloud - News * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. See the COPYING file. * * @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014 */ app.factory('FeedResource', function (Resource, $http, BASE_URL, $q) { 'use strict'; var FeedResource = function ($http, BASE_URL, $q) { Resource.call(this, $http, BASE_URL, 'url'); this.ids = {}; this.unreadCount = 0; this.folderUnreadCount = {}; this.folderIds = {}; this.deleted = null; this.$q = $q; }; FeedResource.prototype = Object.create(Resource.prototype); FeedResource.prototype.receive = function (data) { Resource.prototype.receive.call(this, data); this.updateUnreadCache(); this.updateFolderCache(); }; FeedResource.prototype.updateUnreadCache = function () { this.unreadCount = 0; this.folderUnreadCount = {}; var self = this; this.values.forEach(function (feed) { if (feed.unreadCount) { self.unreadCount += feed.unreadCount; } if (feed.folderId !== undefined) { self.folderUnreadCount[feed.folderId] = self.folderUnreadCount[feed.folderId] || 0; self.folderUnreadCount[feed.folderId] += feed.unreadCount; } }); }; FeedResource.prototype.updateFolderCache = function () { this.folderIds = {}; var self = this; this.values.forEach(function (feed) { self.folderIds[feed.folderId] = self.folderIds[feed.folderId] || []; self.folderIds[feed.folderId].push(feed); }); }; FeedResource.prototype.add = function (value) { Resource.prototype.add.call(this, value); if (value.id !== undefined) { this.ids[value.id] = this.hashMap[value.url]; } }; FeedResource.prototype.delete = function (url) { var feed = this.get(url); this.deleted = feed; delete this.ids[feed.id]; Resource.prototype.delete.call(this, url); this.updateUnreadCache(); this.updateFolderCache(); return this.http.delete(this.BASE_URL + '/feeds/' + feed.id); }; FeedResource.prototype.markRead = function () { this.values.forEach(function (feed) { feed.unreadCount = 0; }); this.unreadCount = 0; this.folderUnreadCount = {}; }; FeedResource.prototype.markFeedRead = function (feedId) { this.ids[feedId].unreadCount = 0; this.updateUnreadCache(); }; FeedResource.prototype.markFolderRead = function (folderId) { this.values.forEach(function (feed) { if (feed.folderId === folderId) { feed.unreadCount = 0; } }); this.updateUnreadCache(); }; FeedResource.prototype.markItemOfFeedRead = function (feedId) { this.ids[feedId].unreadCount -= 1; this.updateUnreadCache(); }; FeedResource.prototype.markItemsOfFeedsRead = function (feedIds) { var self = this; feedIds.forEach(function (feedId) { self.ids[feedId].unreadCount -= 1; }); this.updateUnreadCache(); }; FeedResource.prototype.markItemOfFeedUnread = function (feedId) { this.ids[feedId].unreadCount += 1; this.updateUnreadCache(); }; FeedResource.prototype.getUnreadCount = function () { return this.unreadCount; }; FeedResource.prototype.getFolderUnreadCount = function (folderId) { return this.folderUnreadCount[folderId]; }; FeedResource.prototype.getByFolderId = function (folderId) { return this.folderIds[folderId] || []; }; FeedResource.prototype.getById = function (feedId) { return this.ids[feedId]; }; FeedResource.prototype.rename = function (url, name) { var feed = this.get(url); feed.title = name; return this.http({ method: 'POST', url: this.BASE_URL + '/feeds/' + feed.id + '/rename', data: { feedTitle: name } }); }; FeedResource.prototype.move = function (feedId, folderId) { var feed = this.getById(feedId); feed.folderId = folderId; this.updateFolderCache(); return this.http({ method: 'POST', url: this.BASE_URL + '/feeds/' + feed.id + '/move', data: { parentFolderId: folderId } }); }; FeedResource.prototype.create = function (url, folderId, title) { if (title) { title = title.toUpperCase(); } // FIXME: use OC.generateUrl() var feed = { url: url, folderId: folderId || 0, title: title, faviconLink: OC.generateUrl('/apps/news/css/loading.gif') }; if (!this.get(url)) { this.add(feed); } this.updateFolderCache(); var deferred = this.$q.defer(); this.http({ method: 'POST', url: this.BASE_URL + '/feeds', data: { url: feed.url, parentFolderId: feed.folderId, title: feed.title } }).success(function (data) { deferred.resolve(data); }).error(function (data) { feed.faviconLink = ''; feed.error = data.message; }); return deferred.promise; }; FeedResource.prototype.undoDelete = function () { if (this.deleted) { this.add(this.deleted); return this.http.post( this.BASE_URL + '/feeds/' + this.deleted.id + '/restore' ); } this.updateFolderCache(); this.updateUnreadCache(); }; return new FeedResource($http, BASE_URL, $q); });