window.News = News || {}; (function (window, document, $, exports, undefined) { 'use strict'; var articleActionPlugins = []; var articleActionPluginsById = {}; /** * @param function action An article action plugin should look like this: * function (article, baseUrl) { * this.title = 'A title that is displayed on hover'; * this.iconUrl = 'An url for the icon'; * this.onClick = function (event, element) { * * }; * } */ exports.addArticleAction = function (action) { articleActionPlugins.push(action); articleActionPluginsById[] = action; }; exports.getArticleActionPlugins = function () { return articleActionPlugins; }; exports.getArticleActionPluginById = function (id) { return articleActionPluginsById[id]; }; })(window, document, jQuery, News);