/** * ownCloud - News * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. See the COPYING file. * * @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014 */ /** * Code in here acts only as a click shortcut mechanism. That's why its not * being put into a directive since it has to be tested with protractor * anyways and theres no benefit from wiring it into the angular app */ (function (window, document, $) { 'use strict'; var noInputFocused = function (element) { return !( element.is('input') || element.is('select') || element.is('textarea') || element.is('checkbox') ); }; var noModifierKey = function (event) { return !( event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ); }; var reloadFeed = function (navigationArea) { navigationArea.find('.active > a:visible').trigger('click'); }; var nextFeed = function (navigationArea) { var current = navigationArea.find('.active'); var elements = navigationArea.find('.subscriptions:visible,' + '.starred:visible,' + '.feed:visible'); for (var i=0; i0; i-=1) { var element = elements[i]; if (element === current[0]) { var previous = elements[i-1]; $(previous).children('a:visible').trigger('click'); break; } } }; var onActiveItem = function (scrollArea, callback) { var items = scrollArea.find('.item'); items.each(function (index, item) { item = $(item); // 130px of the item should be visible if ((item.height() + item.position().top) > 30) { callback(item); return false; } }); }; var toggleUnread = function (scrollArea) { onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) { item.find('.toggle-keep-unread').trigger('click'); }); }; var toggleStar = function (scrollArea) { onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) { item.find('.star').trigger('click'); }); }; var expandItem = function (scrollArea) { onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) { item.find('.utils').trigger('click'); }); }; var openLink = function (scrollArea) { onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) { item.trigger('click'); // mark read window.open(item.find('.external:visible').attr('href'), '_blank'); }); }; var scrollToItem = function (scrollArea, item, isCompactMode) { // if you go to the next article in compact view, it should // expand the current one scrollArea.scrollTop( item.offset().top - scrollArea.offset().top + scrollArea.scrollTop() ); if (isCompactMode) { onActiveItem(scrollArea, function (item) { if (!item.hasClass('open')) { item.find('.utils').trigger('click'); } }); } }; var scrollToNextItem = function (scrollArea, isCompactMode) { var items = scrollArea.find('.item'); var jumped = false; items.each(function (index, item) { item = $(item); if (item.position().top > 1) { scrollToItem(scrollArea, item, isCompactMode); jumped = true; return false; } }); // in case this is the last item it should still scroll below the top if (!jumped) { scrollArea.scrollTop(scrollArea.prop('scrollHeight')); } }; var scrollToPreviousItem = function (scrollArea, isCompactMode) { var items = scrollArea.find('.item'); var jumped = false; items.each(function (index, item) { item = $(item); if (item.position().top >= 0) { var previous = item.prev(); // if there are no items before the current one if (previous.length > 0) { scrollToItem(scrollArea, previous, isCompactMode); } jumped = true; return false; } }); // if there was no jump jump to the last element if (!jumped && items.length > 0) { scrollToItem(scrollArea, items.last()); } }; $(document).keyup(function (event) { if (noInputFocused($(':focus')) && noModifierKey(event)) { var keyCode = event.keyCode; var scrollArea = $('#app-content'); var navigationArea = $('#app-navigation'); var isCompactMode = $('#app-content-wrapper > .compact').length > 0; // j, n, right arrow if ([74, 78, 39].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); scrollToNextItem(scrollArea, isCompactMode); // k, p, left arrow } else if ([75, 80, 37].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); scrollToPreviousItem(scrollArea, isCompactMode); // u } else if ([85].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); toggleUnread(scrollArea); // e } else if ([69].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); expandItem(scrollArea); // s, i, l } else if ([73, 83, 76].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); toggleStar(scrollArea); // h } else if ([72].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); toggleStar(scrollArea); scrollToNextItem(scrollArea); // o } else if ([79].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); openLink(scrollArea); // r } else if ([82].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); reloadFeed(navigationArea); // f } else if ([70].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); nextFeed(navigationArea); // d } else if ([68].indexOf(keyCode) >= 0) { event.preventDefault(); previousFeed(navigationArea); } } }); }(window, document, $));