/** * ownCloud - News * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. See the COPYING file. * * @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014 */ app.directive('newsSearch', function ($document, $location) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', scope: { 'onSearch': '=' }, link: function (scope) { var box = $('#searchbox'); box.val($location.search().search); box.on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { var value = $(this).val(); scope.$apply(function () { scope.onSearch(value); }); } }); // carry over search on route change scope.$watch(function () { return $location.search(); }, function (search) { if (search && search.search) { box.val(search.search); } else { box.val(''); } }); } }; });