/** * ownCloud - News * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. See the COPYING file. * * @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014 */ app.directive('newsScroll', function ($timeout) { 'use strict'; var timer; // autopaging var autoPage = function (limit, elem, scope) { var counter = 0; var articles = elem.find('.item'); for (var i = articles.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { var item = $(articles[i]); // if the counter is higher than the size it means // that it didnt break to auto page yet and that // there are more items, so break if (counter >= limit) { break; } // this is only reached when the item is not is // below the top and we didnt hit the factor yet so // autopage and break if (item.position().top < 0) { scope.$apply(scope.newsScrollAutoPage); break; } counter += 1; } }; // mark read var markRead = function (enabled, elem, scope) { if (enabled) { var ids = []; var articles = elem.find('.item:not(.read)'); articles.each(function(index, article) { var item = $(article); if (item.position().top <= -50) { ids.push(parseInt(item.data('id'), 10)); } else { return false; } }); scope.itemIds = ids; scope.$apply(scope.newsScrollMarkRead); } }; return { restrict: 'A', scope: { 'newsScroll': '@', 'newsScrollAutoPage': '&', 'newsScrollMarkRead': '&', 'newsScrollEnabledMarkRead': '=', 'newsScrollMarkReadTimeout': '@', // optional, defaults to 1 second 'newsScrollTimeout': '@', // optional, defaults to 1 second 'newsScrollAutoPageWhenLeft': '@' // optional, defaults to 50 }, link: function (scope, elem) { var allowScroll = true; var scrollArea = elem; if (scope.newsScroll) { scrollArea = $(scope.newsScroll); } var scrollTimeout = scope.newsScrollTimeout || 1; var markReadTimeout = scope.newsScrollMarkReadTimeout || 1; var autoPageLimit = scope.newsScrollAutoPageWhenLeft || 50; var scrollHandler = function () { // allow only one scroll event to trigger every 300ms if (allowScroll) { allowScroll = false; $timeout(function () { allowScroll = true; }, scrollTimeout*1000); autoPage(autoPageLimit, elem, scope); // dont stack mark read requests if (timer) { $timeout.cancel(timer); } // allow user to undo accidental scroll timer = $timeout(function () { markRead(scope.newsScrollEnabledMarkRead, elem, scope); timer = undefined; }, markReadTimeout*1000); } }; scrollArea.on('scroll', scrollHandler); // remove scroll handler if element is destroyed scope.$on('$destroy', function () { scrollArea.off('scroll', scrollHandler); }); } }; });