/** * Nextcloud - News * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. See the COPYING file. * * @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2014 */ app.controller('ContentController', function (Publisher, FeedResource, ItemResource, SettingsResource, data, $route, $routeParams, $location, FEED_TYPE, ITEM_AUTO_PAGE_SIZE, Loading) { 'use strict'; this.showDropdown = []; var self = this; ItemResource.clear(); // distribute data to models based on key Publisher.publishAll(data); var isOldestFirst = function () { var ordering = SettingsResource.get('oldestFirst'); if (self.isFeed()) { var feed = FeedResource.getById($routeParams.id); if (feed && feed.ordering === 1) { ordering = true; } else if (feed && feed.ordering === 2) { ordering = false; } } return ordering; }; this.getFirstItem = function () { var orderedItems = this.getItems(); var item = orderedItems[0]; if (item === undefined) { return undefined; } else { return item.id; } }; this.isAutoPagingEnabled = true; // the interface should show a hint if there are not enough items sent // it's assumed that theres nothing to autpage this.isNothingMoreToAutoPage = ItemResource.size() < ITEM_AUTO_PAGE_SIZE; this.getItems = function () { return ItemResource.getAll(); }; this.isItemActive = function (id) { return this.activeItem === id; }; this.setItemActive = function (id) { this.activeItem = id; }; this.toggleStar = function (itemId) { ItemResource.toggleStar(itemId); }; this.toggleItem = function (item) { // TODO: unittest if (this.isCompactView()) { item.show = !item.show; } }; this.isShowAll = function () { return SettingsResource.get('showAll'); }; this.markRead = function (itemId) { var item = ItemResource.get(itemId); if (!item.keepUnread && item.unread === true) { ItemResource.markItemRead(itemId); FeedResource.markItemOfFeedRead(item.feedId); } }; this.getFeed = function (feedId) { return FeedResource.getById(feedId); }; this.toggleKeepUnread = function (itemId) { var item = ItemResource.get(itemId); if (!item.unread) { FeedResource.markItemOfFeedUnread(item.feedId); ItemResource.markItemRead(itemId, false); } item.keepUnread = !item.keepUnread; }; this.sortIds = function(first, second) { var firstInt = parseInt(first.value); var secondInt = parseInt(second.value); return (firstInt < secondInt) ? 1 : -1; }; this.isCompactView = function () { return SettingsResource.get('compact'); }; this.isCompactExpand = function () { return SettingsResource.get('compactExpand'); }; this.autoPagingEnabled = function () { return this.isAutoPagingEnabled; }; this.markReadEnabled = function () { return !SettingsResource.get('preventReadOnScroll'); }; this.scrollRead = function (itemIds) { var ids = []; var feedIds = []; itemIds.forEach(function (itemId) { var item = ItemResource.get(itemId); if (!item.keepUnread) { ids.push(itemId); feedIds.push(item.feedId); } }); if (ids.length > 0) { FeedResource.markItemsOfFeedsRead(feedIds); ItemResource.markItemsRead(ids); } }; this.isFeed = function () { return $route.current.$$route.type === FEED_TYPE.FEED; }; this.oldestFirst = isOldestFirst(); this.autoPage = function () { if (this.isNothingMoreToAutoPage) { return; } // in case a subsequent autopage request comes in wait until // the current one finished and execute a request immediately // afterwards if (!this.isAutoPagingEnabled) { this.autoPageAgain = true; return; } this.isAutoPagingEnabled = false; this.autoPageAgain = false; var type = $route.current.$$route.type; var id = $routeParams.id; var showAll = SettingsResource.get('showAll'); var self = this; var search = $location.search().search; Loading.setLoading('autopaging', true); ItemResource.autoPage(type, id, this.oldestFirst, showAll, search).then(function (response) { Publisher.publishAll(response.data); if (response.data.items.length >= ITEM_AUTO_PAGE_SIZE) { self.isAutoPagingEnabled = true; } else { self.isNothingMoreToAutoPage = true; } if (self.isAutoPagingEnabled && self.autoPageAgain) { self.autoPage(); } return response.data; }, function () { self.isAutoPagingEnabled = true; }).finally(function () { Loading.setLoading('autopaging', false); }); }; this.refresh = function () { $route.reload(); }; this.getMediaType = function (type) { if (type && type.indexOf('audio') === 0) { return 'audio'; } else if (type && type.indexOf('video') === 0) { return 'video'; } else { return undefined; } }; this.activeItem = this.getFirstItem(); this.openDropdown = function(itemId){ let actualItem = this.showDropdown[itemId]; this.showDropdown = []; this.showDropdown[itemId] = !actualItem; }; this.hide = function(){ this.showDropdown = []; }; });