### ownCloud - News @author Bernhard Posselt @copyright 2012 Bernhard Posselt nukeawhale@gmail.com This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this library. If not, see . ### angular.module('News').factory 'FolderModel', ['_Model', '_EqualQuery', (_Model, _EqualQuery) -> class FolderModel extends _Model constructor: -> @_nameCache = {} super() add: (data, clearCache=true) -> ### We want to add a folder on the client side before we have an id from the server. Once the server returns an id, we have to update the existing item without id ### data.name = @_transformName(data.name) item = @_nameCache[data.name] # update in the following cases: # * the id is defined and the item exists # * the id is not defined and the name exists in the cache updateById = angular.isDefined(data.id) and angular.isDefined(@getById(data.id)) updateByName = angular.isDefined(item) and angular.isUndefined(item.id) if updateById or updateByName @update(data, clearCache) else # if the item is not yet in the name cache it must be added @_nameCache[data.name] = data # in case there is an id it can go through the normal add method if angular.isDefined(data.id) super(data, clearCache) # if there is no id we just want it to appear in the list else @_data.push(data) if clearCache @_invalidateCache() update: (data, clearCache=true) -> # only when the id on the updated item does not exist we wish # to update by name, otherwise we always update by id data.name = @_transformName(data.name) item = @_nameCache[data.name] # update by name if angular.isUndefined(data.id) and angular.isDefined(item) angular.extend(item, data) else # this case happens when there exists an element with the same # name but it has no id yet if angular.isDefined(data.id) and angular.isDefined(item) and angular.isUndefined(item.id) item.id = data.id @_dataMap[data.id] = item # if an update comes in and we update because of the id # we need to fix the name cache if the name was changed itemWithId = @getById(data.id) if angular.isDefined(itemWithId) and itemWithId.name != data.name delete @_nameCache[itemWithId.name] @_nameCache[data.name] = itemWithId super(data, clearCache) getByName: (folderName) -> folderName = @_transformName(folderName) return @_nameCache[folderName] clear: -> @_nameCache = {} super() removeById: (id, clearCache=true) -> item = @getById(id) delete @_nameCache[@_transformName(item.name)] super(id, clearCache) _transformName: (folderName) -> return folderName.trim().toLowerCase() removeByName: (name, clearCache=true) -> ### Remove an entry by id ### name = name.toLowerCase() # remove from data map for key, value of @_dataMap if @_dataMap[key].name == name delete @_dataMap[key] break for entry, counter in @_data if entry.name == name @_data.splice(counter, 1) delete @_nameCache[name] if clearCache @_invalidateCache() break return new FolderModel() ]