### ownCloud - News @author Bernhard Posselt @copyright 2012 Bernhard Posselt dev@bernhard-posselt.com This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this library. If not, see . ### angular.module('News').directive 'itemShortcuts', ['$window', ($window) -> return (scope, elm, attr) -> jumpTo = ($scrollArea, $item) -> position = $item.offset().top - $scrollArea.offset().top + $scrollArea.scrollTop() $scrollArea.scrollTop(position) jumpToPreviousItem = (scrollArea) -> $scrollArea = $(scrollArea) $items = $scrollArea.find('.feed_item') notJumped = true for item in $items $item = $(item) if $item.position().top >= 0 $previous = $item.prev() # if there are no items before the current one if $previous.length > 0 jumpTo($scrollArea, $previous) notJumped = false break # in case we didnt jump if $items.length > 0 and notJumped jumpTo($scrollArea, $items.last()) jumpToNextItem = (scrollArea) -> $scrollArea = $(scrollArea) $items = $scrollArea.find('.feed_item') jumped = false for item in $items $item = $(item) if $item.position().top > 1 jumped = true jumpTo($scrollArea, $item) break # in case this is the last item it should still scroll below the # top if jumped == false $scrollArea.scrollTop($scrollArea.prop('scrollHeight')) getCurrentItem = (scrollArea) -> $scrollArea = $(scrollArea) $items = $scrollArea.find('.feed_item') for item in $items $item = $(item) # 130px of the item should be visible if ($item.height() + $item.position().top) > 30 return $item keepUnreadCurrentItem = (scrollArea) -> $item = getCurrentItem(scrollArea) $item.find('.keep_unread').trigger('click') starCurrentItem = (scrollArea) -> $item = getCurrentItem(scrollArea) $item.find('.item_utils .star').trigger('click') expandCurrentItem = (scrollArea) -> $item = getCurrentItem(scrollArea) $item.find('.item_heading a').trigger('click') openCurrentItem = (scrollArea) -> $item = getCurrentItem(scrollArea).find('.item_title a') $item.trigger('click') window.open($item.attr('href'), '_blank') $($window.document).keydown (e) -> # only activate if no input elements is focused focused = $(':focus') if not (focused.is('input') or focused.is('select') or focused.is('textarea') or focused.is('checkbox')) # activate shortcuts only if modifier keys are not pressed if not(e.shiftKey or e.altKey or e.ctrlKey or e.metaKey) scrollArea = elm # j or right or n if e.keyCode == 74 or e.keyCode == 39 or e.keyCode == 78 e.preventDefault() jumpToNextItem(scrollArea) # k or left or p else if e.keyCode == 75 or e.keyCode == 37 or e.keyCode == 80 e.preventDefault() jumpToPreviousItem(scrollArea) # u else if e.keyCode == 85 e.preventDefault() keepUnreadCurrentItem(scrollArea) # e else if e.keyCode == 69 e.preventDefault() expandCurrentItem(scrollArea) # s or i or l else if e.keyCode == 73 or e.keyCode == 83 or e.keyCode == 76 e.preventDefault() starCurrentItem(scrollArea) # h else if e.keyCode == 72 e.preventDefault() starCurrentItem(scrollArea) jumpToNextItem(scrollArea) # o else if e.keyCode == 79 e.preventDefault() openCurrentItem(scrollArea) ]