* @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Alessandro Cosentino 2012 * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2012, 2014 */ namespace OCA\News\Fetcher; use \OCA\News\Db\Item; use \OCA\News\Db\Feed; use \OCA\News\Utility\FaviconFetcher; use \OCA\News\Utility\SimplePieAPIFactory; use \OCA\News\Utility\Config; class FeedFetcher implements IFeedFetcher { private $cacheDirectory; private $cacheDuration; private $faviconFetcher; private $simplePieFactory; private $fetchTimeout; private $time; private $proxyHost; private $proxyPort; private $proxyAuth; public function __construct(SimplePieAPIFactory $simplePieFactory, FaviconFetcher $faviconFetcher, $time, $cacheDirectory, Config $config){ $this->cacheDirectory = $cacheDirectory; $this->cacheDuration = $config->getSimplePieCacheDuration(); $this->fetchTimeout = $config->getFeedFetcherTimeout(); $this->faviconFetcher = $faviconFetcher; $this->simplePieFactory = $simplePieFactory; $this->time = $time; $this->proxyHost = $config->getProxyHost(); $this->proxyPort = $config->getProxyPort(); $this->proxyAuth = $config->getProxyAuth(); } /** * This fetcher handles all the remaining urls therefore always returns true */ public function canHandle($url){ return true; } /** * Fetch a feed from remote * @param string url remote url of the feed * @throws FetcherException if simple pie fails * @return array an array containing the new feed and its items */ public function fetch($url, $getFavicon=true) { $simplePie = $this->simplePieFactory->getCore(); $simplePie->set_feed_url($url); $simplePie->enable_cache(true); $simplePie->set_stupidly_fast(true); // disable simple pie sanitation // we use htmlpurifier $simplePie->set_timeout($this->fetchTimeout); $simplePie->set_cache_location($this->cacheDirectory); $simplePie->set_cache_duration($this->cacheDuration); if(trim($this->proxyHost) !== '') { $simplePie->set_proxyhost($this->proxyHost); $simplePie->set_proxyport($this->proxyPort); $simplePie->set_proxyuserpwd($this->proxyAuth); } if (!$simplePie->init()) { throw new FetcherException('Could not initialize simple pie on feed with url ' . $url); } try { // somehow $simplePie turns into a feed after init $items = array(); $permaLink = $simplePie->get_permalink(); if ($feedItems = $simplePie->get_items()) { foreach($feedItems as $feedItem) { array_push($items, $this->buildItem($feedItem, $permaLink)); } } $feed = $this->buildFeed($simplePie, $url, $getFavicon); return array($feed, $items); } catch(\Exception $ex){ throw new FetcherException($ex->getMessage()); } } private function decodeTwice($string) { // behold! ' is not converted by PHP thats why we need to do it // manually (TM) return str_replace(''', '\'', html_entity_decode( html_entity_decode( $string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ) ); } protected function buildItem($simplePieItem, $feedLink) { $item = new Item(); $item->setStatus(0); $item->setUnread(); $url = $this->decodeTwice($simplePieItem->get_permalink()); if (!$url) { $url = $feedLink; } $item->setUrl($url); // unescape content because angularjs helps against XSS $item->setTitle($this->decodeTwice($simplePieItem->get_title())); $guid = $simplePieItem->get_id(); $item->setGuid($guid); // purification is done in the businesslayer $item->setBody($simplePieItem->get_content()); // pubdate is not required. if not given use the current date $date = $simplePieItem->get_date('U'); if(!$date) { $date = $this->time->getTime(); } $item->setPubDate($date); $item->setLastModified($this->time->getTime()); $author = $simplePieItem->get_author(); if ($author !== null) { $name = $this->decodeTwice($author->get_name()); if ($name) { $item->setAuthor($name); } else { $item->setAuthor($this->decodeTwice($author->get_email())); } } // TODO: make it work for video files also $enclosure = $simplePieItem->get_enclosure(); if($enclosure !== null) { $enclosureType = $enclosure->get_type(); if(stripos($enclosureType, "audio/") !== false) { $item->setEnclosureMime($enclosureType); $item->setEnclosureLink($enclosure->get_link()); } } return $item; } protected function buildFeed($simplePieFeed, $url, $getFavicon) { $feed = new Feed(); // unescape content because angularjs helps against XSS $title = strip_tags($this->decodeTwice($simplePieFeed->get_title())); // if there is no title use the url if(!$title) { $title = $url; } $feed->setTitle($title); $feed->setUrl($url); $link = $simplePieFeed->get_permalink(); if (!$link) { $link = $url; } $feed->setLink($link); $feed->setAdded($this->time->getTime()); if ($getFavicon) { // use the favicon from the page first since most feeds use a weird image $favicon = $this->faviconFetcher->fetch($feed->getLink()); if (!$favicon) { $favicon = $simplePieFeed->get_image_url(); } $feed->setFaviconLink($favicon); } return $feed; } }