* @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Alessandro Cosentino 2012 * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2012, 2014 */ namespace OCA\News\Fetcher; use Exception; use PicoFeed\Parser\MalFormedXmlException; use PicoFeed\Reader\Reader; use PicoFeed\Parser\Parser; use PicoFeed\Reader\SubscriptionNotFoundException; use PicoFeed\Reader\UnsupportedFeedFormatException; use PicoFeed\Client\InvalidCertificateException; use PicoFeed\Client\InvalidUrlException; use PicoFeed\Client\MaxRedirectException; use PicoFeed\Client\MaxSizeException; use PicoFeed\Client\TimeoutException; use PicoFeed\Client\ForbiddenException; use PicoFeed\Client\UnauthorizedException; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\AppFramework\Utility\ITimeFactory; use OCA\News\Db\Item; use OCA\News\Db\Feed; use OCA\News\Utility\PicoFeedFaviconFactory; use OCA\News\Utility\PicoFeedReaderFactory; class FeedFetcher implements IFeedFetcher { private $faviconFactory; private $reader; private $l10n; private $time; public function __construct(Reader $reader, PicoFeedFaviconFactory $faviconFactory, IL10N $l10n, ITimeFactory $time){ $this->faviconFactory = $faviconFactory; $this->reader = $reader; $this->time = $time; $this->l10n = $l10n; } /** * This fetcher handles all the remaining urls therefore always returns true */ public function canHandle($url){ return true; } /** * Fetch a feed from remote * @param string $url remote url of the feed * @param boolean $getFavicon if the favicon should also be fetched, * defaults to true * @param string $lastModified a last modified value from an http header * defaults to false. If lastModified matches the http header from the feed * no results are fetched * @param string $etag an etag from an http header. * If lastModified matches the http header from the feed * no results are fetched * @param bool fullTextEnabled if true tells the fetcher to enhance the * articles by fetching custom enhanced content * @param string $basicAuthUser if given, basic auth is set for this feed * @param string $basicAuthPassword if given, basic auth is set for this * feed. Ignored if user is null or an empty string * @throws FetcherException if it fails * @return array an array containing the new feed and its items, first * element being the Feed and second element being an array of Items */ public function fetch($url, $getFavicon=true, $lastModified=null, $etag=null, $fullTextEnabled=false, $basicAuthUser=null, $basicAuthPassword=null) { try { if ($basicAuthUser !== null && trim($basicAuthUser) !== '') { $resource = $this->reader->discover($url, $lastModified, $etag, $basicAuthUser, $basicAuthPassword); } else { $resource = $this->reader->discover($url, $lastModified, $etag); } if (!$resource->isModified()) { return [null, null]; } $location = $resource->getUrl(); $etag = $resource->getEtag(); $content = $resource->getContent(); $encoding = $resource->getEncoding(); $lastModified = $resource->getLastModified(); $parser = $this->reader->getParser($location, $content, $encoding); if ($fullTextEnabled) { $parser->enableContentGrabber(); } $parsedFeed = $parser->execute(); $feed = $this->buildFeed( $parsedFeed, $url, $getFavicon, $lastModified, $etag, $location ); $items = []; foreach($parsedFeed->getItems() as $item) { $items[] = $this->buildItem($item, $parsedFeed); } return [$feed, $items]; } catch(Exception $ex){ $this->handleError($ex); } } private function handleError(Exception $ex) { $msg = $ex->getMessage(); if ($ex instanceof MalFormedXmlException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('Feed contains invalid XML'); } else if ($ex instanceof SubscriptionNotFoundException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('Feed not found: either the website ' . 'does not provide a feed or blocks access. To rule out ' . 'blocking, try to download the feed on your server\'s ' . 'command line using curl: curl http://the-feed.tld'); } else if ($ex instanceof UnsupportedFeedFormatException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('Detected feed format is not supported'); } else if ($ex instanceof InvalidCertificateException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('SSL Certificate is invalid'); } else if ($ex instanceof InvalidUrlException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('Website not found'); } else if ($ex instanceof MaxRedirectException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('More redirects than allowed, aborting'); } else if ($ex instanceof MaxSizeException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('Bigger than maximum allowed size'); } else if ($ex instanceof TimeoutException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('Request timed out'); } else if ($ex instanceof UnauthorizedException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('Required credentials for feed were ' . 'either missing or incorrect'); } else if ($ex instanceof ForbiddenException) { $msg = $this->l10n->t('Forbidden to access feed'); } throw new FetcherException($msg); } private function decodeTwice($string) { return html_entity_decode( html_entity_decode( $string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8' ), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8' ); } protected function determineRtl($parsedItem, $parsedFeed) { $itemLang = $parsedItem->getLanguage(); $feedLang = $parsedFeed->getLanguage(); if ($itemLang) { return Parser::isLanguageRTL($itemLang); } else { return Parser::isLanguageRTL($feedLang); } } protected function buildItem($parsedItem, $parsedFeed) { $item = new Item(); $item->setUnread(); $item->setUrl($parsedItem->getUrl()); $item->setGuid($parsedItem->getId()); $item->setGuidHash($item->getGuid()); $item->setPubDate($parsedItem->getDate()->getTimestamp()); $item->setLastModified($this->time->getTime()); $item->setRtl($this->determineRtl($parsedItem, $parsedFeed)); // unescape content because angularjs helps against XSS $item->setTitle($this->decodeTwice($parsedItem->getTitle())); $item->setAuthor($this->decodeTwice($parsedItem->getAuthor())); // purification is done in the service layer $body = $parsedItem->getContent(); $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($body)); $item->setBody($body); $enclosureUrl = $parsedItem->getEnclosureUrl(); if($enclosureUrl) { $enclosureType = $parsedItem->getEnclosureType(); if(stripos($enclosureType, 'audio/') !== false || stripos($enclosureType, 'video/') !== false) { $item->setEnclosureMime($enclosureType); $item->setEnclosureLink($enclosureUrl); } } $item->generateSearchIndex(); return $item; } protected function buildFeed($parsedFeed, $url, $getFavicon, $modified, $etag, $location) { $feed = new Feed(); $link = $parsedFeed->getSiteUrl(); if (!$link) { $link = $location; } // unescape content because angularjs helps against XSS $title = strip_tags($this->decodeTwice($parsedFeed->getTitle())); $feed->setTitle($title); $feed->setUrl($url); // the url used to add the feed $feed->setLocation($location); // the url where the feed was found $feed->setLink($link); // attribute in the feed $feed->setHttpLastModified($modified); $feed->setHttpEtag($etag); $feed->setAdded($this->time->getTime()); if ($getFavicon) { $faviconFetcher = $this->faviconFactory->build(); $favicon = $faviconFetcher->find($feed->getLink()); $feed->setFaviconLink($favicon); } return $feed; } }