# Configuration The configuration is saved in the database, you can change and view them via the admin interface. You can find them in the appconfig table. ```sql mysql> select * from oc_appconfig where appid = 'news'; +-------+--------------------------+-------------+ | appid | configkey | configvalue | +-------+--------------------------+-------------+ | news | autoPurgeCount | 200 | | news | autoPurgeMinimumInterval | 60 | | news | enabled | yes | | news | exploreUrl | | | news | feedFetcherTimeout | 60 | | news | installed_version | 15.0.0 | | news | maxRedirects | 10 | | news | types | | | news | updateInterval | 3600 | | news | useCronUpdates | 1 | +-------+--------------------------+-------------+ ``` # Legacy Configuration before News 15.0.0 All configuration values are set inside **nextcloud/data/news/config/config.ini** and can be edited in the admin panel. The configuration is in **INI** format and looks like this: ```ini autoPurgeMinimumInterval = 60 autoPurgeCount = 200 maxRedirects = 10 maxSize = 104857600 feedFetcherTimeout = 60 useCronUpdates = true exploreUrl = ``` * **autoPurgeMinimumInterval**: Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database. Values below 60 seconds are ignored * **autoPurgeCount**: Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off completely * **maxRedirects**: How many redirects the updater should follow * **maxSize**: Maximum feed size in bytes. If the RSS/Atom page is bigger than this value, the update will be aborted * **feedFetcherTimeout**: Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load. If a feed takes longer than that number of seconds to update, the update will be aborted * **useCronUpdates**: To use a custom update/cron script you need to disable the cronjob which is run by Nextcloud by default by setting this to false * **exploreUrl**: If given that url will be contacted for fetching content for the explore feed