request: get just starred items of a user SELECT * FROM items WHERE user_id = ? AND status = ? (AND id < ? LIMIT ?) (AND items.lastmodified >= ?) request: get all items of a user (unread and read) SELECT * FROM items WHERE user_id = ? AND status = ? (AND id < ? LIMIT ?) (AND items.lastmodified >= ?) request: get all items of a folder of a user (unread and read) SELECT * FROM items JOIN feeds ON = feed_id WHERE user_id = ? AND status = ? AND feed.folder_id = ? (AND id < ? LIMIT ?) (AND items.lastmodified >= ?) request: get all items of a feed of a user (unread and read) SELECT * FROM items WHERE user_id = ? AND status = ? AND feed_id = ? (AND id < ? LIMIT ?) (AND items.lastmodified >= ?) all requests: can be specified using an (offset (id), limit) or (updatedSince (timestamp))