. * */ namespace OCA\News\Db; use \OCA\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException; use \OCA\AppFramework\Db\MultipleObjectsReturnedException; use \OCA\AppFramework\Db\Mapper; use \OCA\AppFramework\Core\API; class ItemMapper extends Mapper implements IMapper { public function __construct(API $api){ parent::__construct($api, 'news_items'); } public function findByUrlHash($urlHash, $userId){ $sql = 'SELECT `*dbprefix*news_items`.* FROM `*dbprefix*news_items` ' . 'JOIN `*dbprefix*news_feeds` ' . 'ON `*dbprefix*news_feeds`.`id` = `*dbprefix*news_items`.`feed_id` ' . 'WHERE `*dbprefix*news_items`.`url_hash` = ? ' . 'AND `*dbprefix*news_feeds`.`user_id` = ? '; $params = array($urlHash, $userId); $row = $this->findQuery($sql, $params); $item = new Item(); $item->fromRow($row); return $item; } protected function findAllRows($sql, $params, $limit=null, $offset=null) { $result = $this->execute($sql, $params, $limit, $offset); $items = array(); while($row = $result->fetchRow()){ $item = new Item(); $item->fromRow($row); array_push($items, $item); } return $items; } /** * Queries to find all items that belong to a user */ // private function makeFindAllFromFeedQuery($custom) { // return 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*news_items` ' . // 'WHERE user_id = ? ' . // 'AND feed_id = ?' . // $custom; // } // // public function findAllFromFeed($feedId, $userId){ // $sql = $this->makeFindAllFromFeedQuery(''); // $params = array($feedId, $userId); // return $this->findAllRows($sql, $params); // } // // public function findAllFromFeedByStatus($feedId, $userId, $status){ // $sql = $this->makeFindAllFromFeedQuery(' AND ((`*dbprefix*news_items`.`status` & ?) > 0)'); // $params = array($feedId, $userId, $status); // return $this->findAllRows($sql, $params); // } // // public function findAllFromFeedByLastMofified($userId, $feedId, $lastModified){ // $sql = $this->makeFindAllFromFeedQuery(' AND `*dbprefix*news_items`.last_modified >= ? '); // $params = array($feedId, $userId, $lastModified); // return $this->findAllRows($sql, $params); // } // // public function findAllFromFeedByOffset($userId, $feedId, $limit, $offset){ // $sql = $this->makeFindAllFromFeedQuery(' AND `*dbprefix*news_items`.last_modified >= ? '); // $params = array($feedId, $userId, $limit, $offset); // return $this->findAllRows($sql, $params); // } /** * Queries to find all items from a folder that belongs to a user */ private function makeFindAllFromFolderQuery($custom) { return 'SELECT `*dbprefix*news_items`.* FROM `*dbprefix*news_items` ' . 'JOIN `*dbprefix*news_feeds` ' . 'ON `*dbprefix*news_feeds`.`id` = `*dbprefix*news_items`.`feed_id` ' . 'WHERE `*dbprefix*news_feeds`.`user_id` = ? ' . 'AND `*dbprefix*news_feeds`.`folder_id` = ? ' . 'AND ((`*dbprefix*news_items`.`status` & ?) > 0) ' . $custom; } public function findAllFromFolderByOffset($userId, $folderId, $status, $limit=null, $offset=null) { $sql = $this->makeFindAllFromFolderQuery(''); $params = array($userId, $folderId, $status); return $this->findAllRows($sql, $params, $limit, $offset); } public function findAllFromFolderByLastMofified($userId, $folderId, $status, $lastModified) { $sql = $this->makeFindAllFromFolderQuery(' AND (`*dbprefix*news_items`.`last_modified` >= ?)'); $params = array($userId, $folderId, $status, $lastModified); return $this->findAllRows($sql, $params); } /* request: get all items of a folder of a user (unread and read) SELECT * FROM items JOIN feeds ON feed.id = feed_id WHERE user_id = ? AND status = ? AND feed.folder_id = ? (AND id < ? LIMIT ?) (AND items.lastmodified >= ?) */ public function find($id, $userId){ $sql = 'SELECT `*dbprefix*news_items`.* FROM `*dbprefix*news_items` ' . 'JOIN `*dbprefix*news_feeds` ' . 'ON `*dbprefix*news_feeds`.`id` = `*dbprefix*news_items`.`feed_id` ' . 'WHERE `*dbprefix*news_items`.`id` = ? ' . 'AND `*dbprefix*news_feeds`.`user_id` = ? '; $row = $this->findQuery($sql, array($id, $userId)); $item = new Item(); $item->fromRow($row); return $item; } public function readFeed($feedId, $userId){ // TODO } public function starredCount($userId){ // TODO } } /** * This class maps an item to a row of the items table in the database. * It follows the Data Mapper pattern (see http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/dataMapper.html). */ /* class ItemMapper { const tableName = '*PREFIX*news_items'; private $userid; public function __construct($userid = null) { if ($userid !== null) { $this->userid = $userid; } else { $this->userid = \OCP\USER::getUser(); } } * @brief * @param row a row from the items table of the database * @returns an object of the class OC_News_Item * public function fromRow($row) { $url = $row['url']; $title = $row['title']; $guid = $row['guid']; $body = $row['body']; $id = $row['id']; $item = new Item($url, $title, $guid, $body, $id); $item->setStatus($row['status']); $item->setAuthor($row['author']); $item->setFeedId($row['feed_id']); $item->setDate(Utils::dbtimestampToUnixtime($row['pub_date'])); $feedmapper = new FeedMapper($this->userid); $feed = $feedmapper->findById($row['feed_id']); $item->setFeedTitle($feed->getTitle()); if($row['enclosure_mime'] !== null && $row['enclosure_link'] !== null) { $enclosure = new Enclosure(); $enclosure->setMimeType($row['enclosure_mime']); $enclosure->setLink($row['enclosure_link']); $item->setEnclosure($enclosure); } return $item; } /** * @brief Retrieve all the item corresponding to a feed from the database * @param feedid The id of the feed in the database table. * public function findByFeedId($feedid) { $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . self::tableName . ' WHERE feed_id = ? ORDER BY pub_date DESC'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($feedid)); $items = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $item = $this->fromRow($row); $items[] = $item; } return $items; } /** * @brief Retrieve all the items corresponding to a feed from the database with a particular status * @param feedid The id of the feed in the database table. * @param status one of the constants defined in OCA\News\StatusFlag * public function findAllStatus($feedid, $status) { $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . self::tableName . ' WHERE feed_id = ? AND ((status & ?) > 0) ORDER BY pub_date DESC'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($feedid, $status)); $items = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $item = $this->fromRow($row); $items[] = $item; } return $items; } /* * @brief Retrieve all the items from the database with a particular status * @param status one of the constants defined in OCA\News\StatusFlag * public function findEveryItemByStatus($status) { $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT ' . self::tableName . '.* FROM ' . self::tableName . ' JOIN '. FeedMapper::tableName .' ON '. FeedMapper::tableName .'.id = ' . self::tableName . '.feed_id WHERE '. FeedMapper::tableName .'.user_id = ? AND ((' . self::tableName . '.status & ?) > 0) ORDER BY ' . self::tableName . '.pub_date DESC'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($this->userid, $status)); $items = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $item = $this->fromRow($row); $items[] = $item; } return $items; } public function countAllStatus($feedid, $status) { $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) as size FROM ' . self::tableName . ' WHERE feed_id = ? AND ((status & ?) > 0)'); $result=$stmt->execute(array($feedid, $status))->fetchRow(); return $result['size']; } /** * @brief Count all the items from the database with a particular status * @param status one of the constants defined in OCA\News\StatusFlag * public function countEveryItemByStatus($status) { $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) as size FROM ' . self::tableName . ' JOIN '. FeedMapper::tableName .' ON '. FeedMapper::tableName .'.id = ' . self::tableName . '.feed_id WHERE '. FeedMapper::tableName .'.user_id = ? AND ((' . self::tableName . '.status & ?) > 0)'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($this->userid, $status))->fetchRow();; return $result['size']; } public function findIdFromGuid($guid_hash, $guid, $feedid) { $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare(' SELECT * FROM ' . self::tableName . ' WHERE guid_hash = ? AND feed_id = ? '); $result = $stmt->execute(array($guid_hash, $feedid)); //TODO: if there is more than one row, falling back to comparing $guid $row = $result->fetchRow(); $id = null; if ($row != null) { $id = $row['id']; } return $id; } /** * @brief marks all items read * @param int $feedId: the id of the feed * @param int $mostRecentItemId: every item with the same or lower id will * be marked read * public function markAllRead($feedId, $mostRecentItemId){ if($mostRecentItemId === 0){ $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare(' UPDATE ' . self::tableName . ' SET status = status & ? WHERE feed_id = ?'); $params = array( ~StatusFlag::UNREAD, $feedId ); } else { $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare(' UPDATE ' . self::tableName . ' SET status = status & ? WHERE feed_id = ? AND id <= ?'); $params = array( ~StatusFlag::UNREAD, $feedId, $mostRecentItemId ); } $stmt->execute($params); } /** * @brief Update the item after its status has changed * @returns The item whose status has changed. * public function update(Item $item) { $itemid = $item->getId(); $status = $item->getStatus(); $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare(' UPDATE ' . self::tableName . ' SET status = ? WHERE id = ? '); $params=array( $status, $itemid ); $result = $stmt->execute($params); return true; } /** * @brief Save the feed and all its items into the database * @returns The id of the feed in the database table. * public function save(Item $item, $feedid) { $guid = $item->getGuid(); $guid_hash = md5($guid); $status = $item->getStatus(); $itemid = $this->findIdFromGuid($guid_hash, $guid, $feedid); if ($itemid == null) { $title = $item->getTitle(); $body = $item->getBody(); $author = $item->getAuthor(); $enclosure_mime = null; $enclosure_link = null; if($enclosure = $item->getEnclosure()) { $enclosure_mime = $enclosure->getMimeType(); $enclosure_link = $enclosure->getLink(); } $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare(' INSERT INTO ' . self::tableName . '(url, title, body, author, guid, guid_hash, pub_date, enclosure_mime, enclosure_link, feed_id, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) '); if(empty($title)) { $l = \OC_L10N::get('news'); $title = $l->t('no title'); } if(empty($body)) { $l = \OC_L10N::get('news'); $body = $l->t('no body'); } $pub_date = Utils::unixtimeToDbtimestamp($item->getDate()); $params=array( $item->getUrl(), $title, $body, $author, $guid, $guid_hash, $pub_date, $enclosure_mime, $enclosure_link, $feedid, $status ); $stmt->execute($params); $itemid = \OCP\DB::insertid(self::tableName); } else { $this->update($item); } $item->setId($itemid); return $itemid; } /** * @brief Retrieve an item from the database * @param id The id of the item in the database table. * public function findById($id) { $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT ' . self::tableName . '.id AS id, ' . self::tableName . '.url AS url, ' . self::tableName . '.title AS title, guid, body, status, author, feed_id, pub_date, enclosure_mime, enclosure_link' . ' FROM ' . self::tableName . ' JOIN ' . FeedMapper::tableName . ' ON ' . self::tableName . '.feed_id = ' . FeedMapper::tableName . '.id WHERE (' . self::tableName . '.id = ? AND ' . FeedMapper::tableName . '.user_id = ? )'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($id, $this->userid)); /* $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . self::tableName . ' WHERE id = ?'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($id)); * $row = $result->fetchRow(); $item = $this->fromRow($row); return $item; } /** * @brief Permanently delete all items belonging to a feed from the database * @param feedid The id of the feed that we wish to delete * @return * public function deleteAll($feedid) { if ($feedid == null) { return false; } $stmt = \OCP\DB::prepare('DELETE FROM ' . self::tableName .' WHERE feed_id = ?'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($feedid)); return $result; } /** * Returns the unread count * @param $feedType the type of the feed * @param $feedId the id of the feed or folder * @return the unread count * public function getUnreadCount($feedType, $feedId){ $unreadCount = 0; switch ($feedType) { case FeedType::STARRED: $unreadCount = $this->countEveryItemByStatus(StatusFlag::IMPORTANT); break; case FeedType::SUBSCRIPTIONS: $unreadCount = $this->countEveryItemByStatus(StatusFlag::UNREAD); break; case FeedType::FOLDER: $feedMapper = new FeedMapper($this->userid); $feeds = $feedMapper->findByFolderId($feedId); foreach($feeds as $feed){ $unreadCount += $this->countAllStatus($feed->getId(), StatusFlag::UNREAD); } break; case FeedType::FEED: $unreadCount = $this->countAllStatus($feedId, StatusFlag::UNREAD); break; } return (int)$unreadCount; } /** * Returns all items * @param $feedType the type of the feed * @param $feedId the id of the feed or folder * @param $showAll if true, it will also include unread items * @return an array with all items * public function getItems($feedType, $feedId, $showAll){ $items = array(); // starred or subscriptions if ($feedType === FeedType::STARRED || $feedType === FeedType::SUBSCRIPTIONS) { if($feedType === FeedType::STARRED){ $statusFlag = StatusFlag::IMPORTANT; } if($feedType === FeedType::SUBSCRIPTIONS){ $statusFlag = StatusFlag::UNREAD; } $items = $this->findEveryItemByStatus($statusFlag); // feed } elseif ($feedType === FeedType::FEED){ if($showAll) { $items = $this->findByFeedId($feedId); } else { $items = $this->findAllStatus($feedId, StatusFlag::UNREAD); } // folder } elseif ($feedType === FeedType::FOLDER){ $feedMapper = new FeedMapper($this->userid); $feeds = $feedMapper->findByFolderId($feedId); foreach($feeds as $feed){ if($showAll) { $items = array_merge($items, $this->findByFeedId($feed->getId())); } else { $items = array_merge($items, $this->findAllStatus($feed->getId(), StatusFlag::UNREAD)); } } } return $items; } } */