. * */ namespace OCA\News\Controller; use \OCP\IRequest; use \OCP\AppFramework\Controller; use \OCP\AppFramework\Http; use \OCP\AppFramework\Http\JSONResponse; use \OCA\News\Core\API; use \OCA\News\BusinessLayer\ItemBusinessLayer; use \OCA\News\BusinessLayer\FeedBusinessLayer; use \OCA\News\BusinessLayer\FolderBusinessLayer; use \OCA\News\BusinessLayer\BusinessLayerException; use \OCA\News\BusinessLayer\BusinessLayerConflictException; use \OCA\News\Db\FeedType; class FeedController extends Controller { private $feedBusinessLayer; private $folderBusinessLayer; private $itemBusinessLayer; private $api; public function __construct(API $api, IRequest $request, FolderBusinessLayer $folderBusinessLayer, FeedBusinessLayer $feedBusinessLayer, ItemBusinessLayer $itemBusinessLayer){ parent::__construct($api->getAppName(), $request); $this->feedBusinessLayer = $feedBusinessLayer; $this->folderBusinessLayer = $folderBusinessLayer; $this->itemBusinessLayer = $itemBusinessLayer; $this->api = $api; } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function feeds(){ $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); // this method is also used to update the interface // because of this we also pass the starred count and the newest // item id which will be used for marking feeds read $params = array( 'feeds' => $this->feedBusinessLayer->findAll($userId), 'starred' => $this->itemBusinessLayer->starredCount($userId) ); try { $params['newestItemId'] = $this->itemBusinessLayer->getNewestItemId($userId); } catch (BusinessLayerException $ex) {} return new JSONResponse($params); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function active(){ $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); $feedId = (int) $this->api->getUserValue('lastViewedFeedId'); $feedType = $this->api->getUserValue('lastViewedFeedType'); // cast from null to int is 0 if($feedType !== null){ $feedType = (int) $feedType; } // check if feed or folder exists try { if($feedType === FeedType::FOLDER){ $this->folderBusinessLayer->find($feedId, $userId); } elseif ($feedType === FeedType::FEED){ $this->feedBusinessLayer->find($feedId, $userId); // if its the first launch, those values will be null } elseif($feedType === null){ throw new BusinessLayerException(''); } } catch (BusinessLayerException $ex){ $feedId = 0; $feedType = FeedType::SUBSCRIPTIONS; } $params = array( 'activeFeed' => array( 'id' => $feedId, 'type' => $feedType ) ); return new JSONResponse($params); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function create(){ $url = $this->params('url'); $parentFolderId = (int) $this->params('parentFolderId'); $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); try { // we need to purge deleted feeds if a feed is created to // prevent already exists exceptions $this->feedBusinessLayer->purgeDeleted($userId, false); $feed = $this->feedBusinessLayer->create($url, $parentFolderId, $userId); $params = array( 'feeds' => array($feed) ); try { $params['newestItemId'] = $this->itemBusinessLayer->getNewestItemId($userId); } catch (BusinessLayerException $ex) {} return new JSONResponse($params); } catch(BusinessLayerConflictException $ex) { return new JSONResponse(array( 'msg' => $ex->getMessage() ), Http::STATUS_CONFLICT); } catch(BusinessLayerException $ex) { return new JSONResponse(array( 'msg' => $ex->getMessage() ), Http::STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function delete(){ $feedId = (int) $this->params('feedId'); $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); try { $this->feedBusinessLayer->markDeleted($feedId, $userId); return new JSONResponse(); } catch(BusinessLayerException $ex) { return new JSONResponse(array( 'msg' => $ex->getMessage() ), Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function update(){ try { $feedId = (int) $this->params('feedId'); $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); $feed = $this->feedBusinessLayer->update($feedId, $userId); $params = array( 'feeds' => array( // only pass unreadcount to not accidentally readd // the feed again array( 'id' => $feed->getId(), 'unreadCount' => $feed->getUnreadCount() ) ) ); return new JSONResponse($params); } catch(BusinessLayerException $ex) { return new JSONResponse(array( 'msg' => $ex->getMessage() ), Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function move(){ $feedId = (int) $this->params('feedId'); $parentFolderId = (int) $this->params('parentFolderId'); $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); try { $this->feedBusinessLayer->move($feedId, $parentFolderId, $userId); return new JSONResponse(); } catch(BusinessLayerException $ex) { return new JSONResponse(array( 'msg' => $ex->getMessage() ), Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function rename() { $feedId = (int) $this->params('feedId'); $feedTitle = $this->params('feedTitle'); $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); try { $this->feedBusinessLayer->rename($feedId, $feedTitle, $userId); return new JSONResponse(); } catch(BusinessLayerException $ex) { return new JSONResponse(array( 'msg' => $ex->getMessage() ), Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function importArticles() { $json = $this->params('json'); $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); $feed = $this->feedBusinessLayer->importArticles($json, $userId); $params = array(); if($feed) { $params['feeds'] = array($feed); } return new JSONResponse($params); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function read(){ $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); $feedId = (int) $this->params('feedId'); $highestItemId = (int) $this->params('highestItemId'); $this->itemBusinessLayer->readFeed($feedId, $highestItemId, $userId); $params = array( 'feeds' => array( array( 'id' => $feedId, 'unreadCount' => 0 ) ) ); return new JSONResponse($params); } /** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function restore(){ $feedId = (int) $this->params('feedId'); $userId = $this->api->getUserId(); try { $this->feedBusinessLayer->unmarkDeleted($feedId, $userId); return new JSONResponse(); } catch(BusinessLayerException $ex) { return new JSONResponse(array( 'msg' => $ex->getMessage() ), Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } }