### # ownCloud - News app # # @author Bernhard Posselt # Copyright (c) 2012 - Bernhard Posselt # # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. # See the COPYING-README file # ### app = angular.module('News', []).config ($provide) -> # enter your config values in here config = MarkReadTimeout: 500 ScrollTimeout: 500 initialLoadedItemsNr: 20 FeedUpdateInterval: 6000000 $provide.value('Config', config) app.run ['PersistenceNews', (PersistenceNews) -> PersistenceNews.loadInitial() ] $(document).ready -> # this is used to forces browser to reload content after refreshing # and thus clearing the scroll cache $(this).keyup (e) -> if (e.which == 116) || (e.which == 82 && e.ctrlKey) document.location.reload(true); return false # click on upload button should trigger the file input $('#browselink').click -> $('#file_upload_start').trigger('click');