* @author Bernhard Posselt * @copyright Alessandro Cosentino 2012 * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2012, 2014 */ namespace OCA\News\BusinessLayer; use \OCA\News\Db\Folder; use \OCA\News\Db\FolderMapper; use \OCA\News\Utility\Config; class FolderBusinessLayer extends BusinessLayer { private $l10n; private $timeFactory; private $autoPurgeMinimumInterval; private $folderMapper; public function __construct(FolderMapper $folderMapper, $l10n, $timeFactory, Config $config){ parent::__construct($folderMapper); $this->l10n = $l10n; $this->timeFactory = $timeFactory; $this->autoPurgeMinimumInterval = $config->getAutoPurgeMinimumInterval(); $this->folderMapper = $folderMapper; } /** * Returns all folders of a user * @param string $userId the name of the user * @return array of folders */ public function findAll($userId) { return $this->folderMapper->findAllFromUser($userId); } private function validateFolder($folderName, $userId){ $existingFolders = $this->folderMapper->findByName($folderName, $userId); if(count($existingFolders) > 0){ throw new BusinessLayerConflictException( $this->l10n->t('Can not add folder: Exists already')); } if(mb_strlen($folderName) === 0) { throw new BusinessLayerValidationException('Folder name can not be empty'); } } /** * Creates a new folder * @param string $folderName the name of the folder * @param string $userId the name of the user for whom it should be created * @param int $parentId the parent folder id, deprecated we dont nest folders * @throws BusinessLayerConflictException if name exists already * @throws BusinessLayerValidationException if the folder has invalid parameters * @return Folder the newly created folder */ public function create($folderName, $userId, $parentId=0) { $this->validateFolder($folderName, $userId); $folder = new Folder(); $folder->setName($folderName); $folder->setUserId($userId); $folder->setParentId($parentId); $folder->setOpened(true); return $this->folderMapper->insert($folder); } /** * @throws BusinessLayerException if the folder does not exist */ public function open($folderId, $opened, $userId){ $folder = $this->find($folderId, $userId); $folder->setOpened($opened); $this->folderMapper->update($folder); } /** * Renames a folder * @param int $folderId the id of the folder that should be deleted * @param string $folderName the new name of the folder * @param string $userId the name of the user for security reasons * @throws BusinessLayerConflictException if name exists already * @throws BusinessLayerValidationException if the folder has invalid parameters * @throws BusinessLayerException if the folder does not exist * @return Folder the updated folder */ public function rename($folderId, $folderName, $userId){ $this->validateFolder($folderName, $userId); $folder = $this->find($folderId, $userId); $folder->setName($folderName); return $this->folderMapper->update($folder); } /** * Use this to mark a folder as deleted. That way it can be undeleted * @param int $folderId the id of the folder that should be deleted * @param string $userId the name of the user for security reasons * @throws BusinessLayerException when folder does not exist */ public function markDeleted($folderId, $userId) { $folder = $this->find($folderId, $userId); $folder->setDeletedAt($this->timeFactory->getTime()); $this->folderMapper->update($folder); } /** * Use this to restore a folder * @param int $folderId the id of the folder that should be restored * @param string $userId the name of the user for security reasons * @throws BusinessLayerException when folder does not exist */ public function unmarkDeleted($folderId, $userId) { $folder = $this->find($folderId, $userId); $folder->setDeletedAt(0); $this->folderMapper->update($folder); } /** * Deletes all deleted folders * @param string $userId if given it purges only folders of that user * @param boolean $useInterval defaults to true, if true it only purges * entries in a given interval to give the user a chance to undo the * deletion */ public function purgeDeleted($userId=null, $useInterval=true) { $deleteOlderThan = null; if ($useInterval) { $now = $this->timeFactory->getTime(); $deleteOlderThan = $now - $this->autoPurgeMinimumInterval; } $toDelete = $this->folderMapper->getToDelete($deleteOlderThan, $userId); foreach ($toDelete as $folder) { $this->folderMapper->delete($folder); } } /** * Deletes all folders of a user * @param string $userId the name of the user */ public function deleteUser($userId) { $this->folderMapper->deleteUser($userId); } }