ownCloud News Updater ===================== ownCloud does not require people to install threading or multiprocessing libraries. Because the feed update process is mainly limited by I/O, parallell fetching of RSS feed updates can speed up the updating process a lot. In addition the cronjob can get `into a deadlock `_ which will halt cause your feeds not to be updated. This can be soled by using a script that uses the `updater API `_ Preinstallation --------------- To run the updates via an external threaded script the cron updater has to be disabled. To do that go to the admin section an uncheck the "Use ownCloud cron" checkbox or open **owncloud/data/news/config/config.ini** set: :: useCronUpdates = true to :: useCronUpdates = false Installation: No init system ---------------------------- If you decide against using an init system to run the script simply run:: sudo setup.py install Then you can run the updater daemon using:: owncloud-news-updater --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD http://yourcloud.com or if you are using a config file:: owncloud-news-updater -c /path/to/config Installation: SystemD --------------------- To install the script for systemd run:: sudo make install-systemd Then edit the config in **/etc/owncloud/news/updater.ini** with your details and run:: owncloud-news-updater -c /etc/owncloud/news/updater.ini to test your settings. If everything worked out fine, enable the systemd unit with:: sudo systemctl enable owncloud-news sudo systemctl start owncloud-news Finally turn off the cron updates in the owncloud admin interface Self signed certificates ------------------------ Should you use a self signed certificate over SSL, first consider getting a free valid cert signed by `StartSSL `_. If you don't want to get a valid certificate, you need to add it to the installed certs:: cat /path/to/your/cert/cacert.pem >> /usr/local/lib/python3.X/dist-packages/requests/cacert.pem The directories might vary depending on your distribution and Python version. Development ----------- If you want to edit the python code and test it run:: python3 -m owncloud_news -c /path/to/config.ini