. * */ namespace OCA\News\ArticleEnhancer; use \OCA\News\Utility\SimplePieFileFactory; use \OCA\News\Db\Item; class XPathArticleEnhancer implements ArticleEnhancer { private $feedRegex; private $purifier; private $fileFactory; private $maximumTimeout; /** * @param $purifier the purifier object to clean the html which will be * matched * @param SimplePieFileFactory a factory for getting a simple pie file instance * @param array $regexXPathPair an associative array containing regex to * match the url and the xpath that should be used for it to extract the * page * @param int $maximumTimeout maximum timeout in seconds, defaults to 10 sec */ public function __construct($purifier, SimplePieFileFactory $fileFactory, array $regexXPathPair, $maximumTimeout=10){ $this->purifier = $purifier; $this->regexXPathPair = $regexXPathPair; $this->fileFactory = $fileFactory; $this->maximumTimeout = $maximumTimeout; } public function enhance(Item $item){ foreach($this->regexXPathPair as $regex => $search) { if(preg_match($regex, $item->getUrl())) { $file = $this->fileFactory->getFile($item->getUrl(), $this->maximumTimeout, "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit"); // convert encoding by detecting charset from header $contentType = $file->headers['content-type']; if( preg_match( '/(?<=charset=)[^;]*/', $contentType, $matches ) ) { $body = mb_convert_encoding($file->body, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $matches[0]); } else { $body = $file->body; } $dom = new \DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($body); $xpath = new \DOMXpath($dom); $xpathResult = $xpath->evaluate($search); // in case it wasnt a text query assume its a single if(!is_string($xpathResult)) { $xpathResult = $this->domToString($xpathResult); } // convert all relative to absolute URLs $xpathResult = $this->substituteRelativeLinks($xpathResult, $item->getUrl()); $sanitizedResult = $this->purifier->purify($xpathResult); if( $sanitizedResult ) { $item->setBody($sanitizedResult); } } } return $item; } /** * Method which converts all relative "href" and "src" URLs of * a HTML snippet with their absolute equivalent * @param string $xmlString a HTML snippet as string with the relative URLs to be replaced * @param string $absoluteUrl the approptiate absolute url of the HTML snippet * @return string the result HTML snippet as a string */ protected function substituteRelativeLinks($xmlString, $absoluteUrl) { $dom = new \DOMDocument(); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; // return, if xml is empty or loading the HTML fails if( trim($xmlString) == "" || !@$dom->loadHTML($xmlString) ) { return $xmlString; } // remove removeChild($dom->firstChild); // remove $dom->replaceChild($dom->firstChild->firstChild, $dom->firstChild); $substitution = array("href", "src"); foreach ($substitution as $attribute) { $xpath = new \DOMXpath($dom); $xpathResult = $xpath->query( "//*[@" . $attribute . " " . "and not(contains(@" . $attribute . ", '://')) " . "and not(starts-with(@" . $attribute . ", 'mailto:'))]"); foreach ($xpathResult as $linkNode) { $urlElement = $linkNode->attributes->getNamedItem($attribute); $abs = $this->relativeToAbsoluteUrl( $urlElement->nodeValue, $absoluteUrl ); $urlElement->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($abs); } } // save dom to string and remove
$xmlString = substr(trim($dom->saveHTML()), 6, -7); // domdocument spoils the string with line breaks between the elements. strip them. $xmlString = str_replace("\n", "", $xmlString); return $xmlString; } /** * Method which builds a URL by taking a relative URL and its corresponding * absolute URL * For examle relative URL "../example/path/file.php?a=1#anchor" and * absolute URL "https://username:password@www.website.com/subfolder/index.html" * will result in "https://username:password@www.website.com/example/path/file.php?a=1#anchor" * @param string $relativeUrl the relative URL * @param string $absoluteUrl the absolute URL with at least scheme and host * @return string the resulting absolute URL */ protected function relativeToAbsoluteUrl($relativeUrl, $absoluteUrl) { $abs = parse_url($absoluteUrl); $newUrl = $abs["scheme"]."://" .( (isset($abs["user"])) ? $abs["user"] . ( (isset($abs["pass"])) ? ":".$abs["pass"] : "") . "@" : "" ) .$abs["host"] .( (isset($abs["port"])) ? ":".$abs["port"] : "" ); if(substr(trim($relativeUrl), 0, 1) == "/") { // we have a relative url like "/a/path/file" return $newUrl . $relativeUrl; } else { // we have a relative url like "a/path/file", handle "."" and ".." directories // the starting point is the absolute path, but with out the last part (we don't need the file name) $newPath = explode("/", substr($abs["path"], 1) ); array_pop($newPath); $relPath = parse_url($relativeUrl, PHP_URL_PATH); $relPath = explode("/", $relPath); // cross the relative and the absolute path for($i=0; $i