name: Static analysis on: pull_request jobs: static-phpstan-analysis: runs-on: ubuntu-latest continue-on-error: true strategy: matrix: php-versions: [ '7.4', '8.0' ] nextcloud: [ 'stable23' ] database: [ 'sqlite' ] include: - php-versions: 8.1 nextcloud: pre-release database: sqlite experimental: true name: "phpstan: Nextcloud ${{ matrix.nextcloud }} with ${{ php-versions }}" steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up php uses: shivammathur/setup-php@master with: php-version: ${{ matrix.php-versions }} extensions: pdo_sqlite,pdo_mysql,pdo_pgsql,gd,zip coverage: none - name: Set up server non MySQL uses: SMillerDev/nextcloud-actions/setup-nextcloud@main with: cron: true version: ${{ matrix.nextcloud }} database-type: ${{ matrix.database }} - name: Build app run: make - name: Configure server with app uses: SMillerDev/nextcloud-actions/setup-nextcloud-app@main with: app: 'news' check-code: true force: true - name: Prep code scanning working-directory: ../server/apps/news run: make php-test-dependencies - name: PHPCS working-directory: ../server/apps/news run: make phpcs - name: PHPStan working-directory: ../server/apps/news run: make phpstan