path: root/l10n/id.php
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-02-19[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2015-02-06[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2015-02-05[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-12-07[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-12-03[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-11-20[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-11-06[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-10-27[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-10-25[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-10-23[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-10-22[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-10-06[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-09-20[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2014-05-04[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-12-21[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-12-13[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-09-24[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-09-13[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-07-20[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-07-19[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-05-02[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-04-20[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-04-18[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-04-16[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-02-21[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-02-12[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2013-01-28[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2012-11-06[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2012-11-03[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2012-10-31[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2012-10-30[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2012-10-23[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
2012-10-20[tx-robot] updated from transifexJenkins for ownCloud
9'>289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "plugin_diskspace.h"

#define PLUGIN_DISKSPACE_NAME "diskspace.plugin"

#define DELAULT_EXCLUDED_PATHS "/proc/* /sys/* /var/run/user/* /run/user/* /snap/* /var/lib/docker/*"
#define DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_FILESYSTEMS "*gvfs *gluster* *s3fs *ipfs *davfs2 *httpfs *sshfs *gdfs *moosefs fusectl"
#define CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE "plugin:proc:diskspace"

static struct mountinfo *disk_mountinfo_root = NULL;
static int check_for_new_mountpoints_every = 15;
static int cleanup_mount_points = 1;

static inline void mountinfo_reload(int force) {
    static time_t last_loaded = 0;
    time_t now = now_realtime_sec();

    if(force || now - last_loaded >= check_for_new_mountpoints_every) {
        // mountinfo_free_all() can be called with NULL disk_mountinfo_root

        // re-read mountinfo in case something changed
        disk_mountinfo_root = mountinfo_read(0);

        last_loaded = now;

// Data to be stored in DICTIONARY dict_mountpoints used by do_disk_space_stats().
// This DICTIONARY is used to lookup the settings of the mount point on each iteration.
struct mount_point_metadata {
    int do_space;
    int do_inodes;
    int shown_error;
    int updated;

    size_t collected; // the number of times this has been collected

    RRDSET *st_space;
    RRDDIM *rd_space_used;
    RRDDIM *rd_space_avail;
    RRDDIM *rd_space_reserved;

    RRDSET *st_inodes;
    RRDDIM *rd_inodes_used;
    RRDDIM *rd_inodes_avail;
    RRDDIM *rd_inodes_reserved;

static DICTIONARY *dict_mountpoints = NULL;

#define rrdset_obsolete_and_pointer_null(st) do { if(st) { rrdset_is_obsolete(st); (st) = NULL; } } while(st)

int mount_point_cleanup(void *entry, void *data) {

    struct mount_point_metadata *mp = (struct mount_point_metadata *)entry;
    if(!mp) return 0;

    if(likely(mp->updated)) {
        mp->updated = 0;
        return 0;

    if(likely(cleanup_mount_points && mp->collected)) {
        mp->collected = 0;
        mp->updated = 0;
        mp->shown_error = 0;

        mp->rd_space_avail = NULL;
        mp->rd_space_used = NULL;
        mp->rd_space_reserved = NULL;

        mp->rd_inodes_avail = NULL;
        mp->rd_inodes_used = NULL;
        mp->rd_inodes_reserved = NULL;


    return 0;

static inline void do_disk_space_stats(struct mountinfo *mi, int update_every) {
    const char *family = mi->mount_point;
    const char *disk = mi->persistent_id;

    static SIMPLE_PATTERN *excluded_mountpoints = NULL;
    static SIMPLE_PATTERN *excluded_filesystems = NULL;
    int do_space, do_inodes;

    if(unlikely(!dict_mountpoints)) {

        if(config_move("plugin:proc:/proc/diskstats", "exclude space metrics on paths", CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "exclude space metrics on paths") != -1) {
            // old configuration, enable backwards compatibility
            mode = SIMPLE_PATTERN_PREFIX;

        excluded_mountpoints = simple_pattern_create(
                config_get(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "exclude space metrics on paths", DELAULT_EXCLUDED_PATHS)
                , NULL
                , mode

        excluded_filesystems = simple_pattern_create(
                config_get(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "exclude space metrics on filesystems", DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_FILESYSTEMS)
                , NULL
                , SIMPLE_PATTERN_EXACT

        dict_mountpoints = dictionary_create(DICTIONARY_FLAG_SINGLE_THREADED);

    struct mount_point_metadata *m = dictionary_get(dict_mountpoints, mi->mount_point);
    if(unlikely(!m)) {
        char var_name[4096 + 1];
        snprintfz(var_name, 4096, "plugin:proc:diskspace:%s", mi->mount_point);

        int def_space = config_get_boolean_ondemand(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "space usage for all disks", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO);
        int def_inodes = config_get_boolean_ondemand(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "inodes usage for all disks", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO);

        if(unlikely(simple_pattern_matches(excluded_mountpoints, mi->mount_point))) {
            def_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
            def_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;

        if(unlikely(simple_pattern_matches(excluded_filesystems, mi->filesystem))) {
            def_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
            def_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;

        // check if the mount point is a directory #2407
        // but only when it is enabled by default #4491
        if(def_space != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO || def_inodes != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO) {
            struct stat bs;
            if(stat(mi->mount_point, &bs) == -1) {
                error("DISKSPACE: Cannot stat() mount point '%s' (disk '%s', filesystem '%s', root '%s')."
                      , mi->mount_point
                      , disk
                      , mi->filesystem?mi->filesystem:""
                      , mi->root?mi->root:""
                def_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
                def_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
            else {
                if((bs.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) {
                    error("DISKSPACE: Mount point '%s' (disk '%s', filesystem '%s', root '%s') is not a directory."
                          , mi->mount_point
                          , disk
                          , mi->filesystem?mi->filesystem:""
                          , mi->root?mi->root:""
                    def_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;
                    def_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;

        do_space = config_get_boolean_ondemand(var_name, "space usage", def_space);
        do_inodes = config_get_boolean_ondemand(var_name, "inodes usage", def_inodes);

        struct mount_point_metadata mp = {
                .do_space = do_space,
                .do_inodes = do_inodes,
                .shown_error = 0,
                .updated = 0,

                .collected = 0,

                .st_space = NULL,
                .rd_space_avail = NULL,
                .rd_space_used = NULL,
                .rd_space_reserved = NULL,

                .st_inodes = NULL,
                .rd_inodes_avail = NULL,
                .rd_inodes_used = NULL,
                .rd_inodes_reserved = NULL

        m = dictionary_set(dict_mountpoints, mi->mount_point, &mp, sizeof(struct mount_point_metadata));

    m->updated = 1;

    if(unlikely(m->do_space == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO && m->do_inodes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO))

    if(unlikely(mi->flags & MOUNTINFO_READONLY && !m->collected && m->do_space != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES && m->do_inodes != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))

    struct statvfs buff_statvfs;
    if (statvfs(mi->mount_point, &buff_statvfs) < 0) {
        if(!m->shown_error) {
            error("DISKSPACE: failed to statvfs() mount point '%s' (disk '%s', filesystem '%s', root '%s')"
                  , mi->mount_point
                  , disk
                  , mi->filesystem?mi->filesystem:""
                  , mi->root?mi->root:""
            m->shown_error = 1;
    m->shown_error = 0;

    // logic found at get_fs_usage() in coreutils
    unsigned long bsize = (buff_statvfs.f_frsize) ? buff_statvfs.f_frsize : buff_statvfs.f_bsize;

    fsblkcnt_t bavail         = buff_statvfs.f_bavail;
    fsblkcnt_t btotal         = buff_statvfs.f_blocks;
    fsblkcnt_t bavail_root    = buff_statvfs.f_bfree;
    fsblkcnt_t breserved_root = bavail_root - bavail;
    fsblkcnt_t bused;
    if(likely(btotal >= bavail_root))
        bused = btotal - bavail_root;
        bused = bavail_root - btotal;

    if(unlikely(btotal != bavail + breserved_root + bused))
        error("DISKSPACE: disk block statistics for '%s' (disk '%s') do not sum up: total = %llu, available = %llu, reserved = %llu, used = %llu", mi->mount_point, disk, (unsigned long long)btotal, (unsigned long long)bavail, (unsigned long long)breserved_root, (unsigned long long)bused);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    fsfilcnt_t favail         = buff_statvfs.f_favail;
    fsfilcnt_t ftotal         = buff_statvfs.f_files;
    fsfilcnt_t favail_root    = buff_statvfs.f_ffree;
    fsfilcnt_t freserved_root = favail_root - favail;
    fsfilcnt_t fused          = ftotal - favail_root;

    if(m->do_inodes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && favail == (fsfilcnt_t)-1) {
        // this file system does not support inodes reporting
        // eg. cephfs
        m->do_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO;

    if(unlikely(btotal != bavail + breserved_root + bused))
        error("DISKSPACE: disk inode statistics for '%s' (disk '%s') do not sum up: total = %llu, available = %llu, reserved = %llu, used = %llu", mi->mount_point, disk, (unsigned long long)ftotal, (unsigned long long)favail, (unsigned long long)freserved_root, (unsigned long long)fused);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    int rendered = 0;

    if(m->do_space == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (m->do_space == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO &&
                                             (bavail || breserved_root || bused ||
                                              netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) {
        if(unlikely(!m->st_space)) {
            m->do_space = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES;
            m->st_space = rrdset_find_active_bytype_localhost("disk_space", disk);
            if(unlikely(!m->st_space)) {
                char title[4096 + 1];
                snprintfz(title, 4096, "Disk Space Usage for %s [%s]", family, mi->mount_source);
                m->st_space = rrdset_create_localhost(
                        , disk
                        , NULL
                        , family
                        , ""
                        , title
                        , "GiB"
                        , PLUGIN_DISKSPACE_NAME
                        , NULL
                        , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_DISKSPACE_SPACE
                        , update_every
                        , RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED

            m->rd_space_avail    = rrddim_add(m->st_space, "avail", NULL, (collected_number)bsize, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);
            m->rd_space_used     = rrddim_add(m->st_space, "used", NULL, (collected_number)bsize, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);
            m->rd_space_reserved = rrddim_add(m->st_space, "reserved_for_root", "reserved for root", (collected_number)bsize, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);

        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_space, m->rd_space_avail,    (collected_number)bavail);
        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_space, m->rd_space_used,     (collected_number)bused);
        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_space, m->rd_space_reserved, (collected_number)breserved_root);


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if(m->do_inodes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (m->do_inodes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO &&
                                              (favail || freserved_root || fused ||
                                               netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) {
        if(unlikely(!m->st_inodes)) {
            m->do_inodes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES;
            m->st_inodes = rrdset_find_active_bytype_localhost("disk_inodes", disk);
            if(unlikely(!m->st_inodes)) {
                char title[4096 + 1];
                snprintfz(title, 4096, "Disk Files (inodes) Usage for %s [%s]", family, mi->mount_source);
                m->st_inodes = rrdset_create_localhost(
                        , disk
                        , NULL
                        , family
                        , "disk.inodes"
                        , title
                        , "inodes"
                        , PLUGIN_DISKSPACE_NAME
                        , NULL
                        , update_every
                        , RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED

            m->rd_inodes_avail    = rrddim_add(m->st_inodes, "avail", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);
            m->rd_inodes_used     = rrddim_add(m->st_inodes, "used", NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);
            m->rd_inodes_reserved = rrddim_add(m->st_inodes, "reserved_for_root", "reserved for root", 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);

        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_inodes, m->rd_inodes_avail,    (collected_number)favail);
        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_inodes, m->rd_inodes_used,     (collected_number)fused);
        rrddim_set_by_pointer(m->st_inodes, m->rd_inodes_reserved, (collected_number)freserved_root);


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------


static void diskspace_main_cleanup(void *ptr) {
    struct netdata_static_thread *static_thread = (struct netdata_static_thread *)ptr;
    static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITING;

    info("cleaning up...");

    static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITED;

void *diskspace_main(void *ptr) {
    netdata_thread_cleanup_push(diskspace_main_cleanup, ptr);

    int vdo_cpu_netdata = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc", "netdata server resources", 1);

    cleanup_mount_points = config_get_boolean(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "remove charts of unmounted disks" , cleanup_mount_points);

    int update_every = (int)config_get_number(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "update every", localhost->rrd_update_every);
    if(update_every < localhost->rrd_update_every)
        update_every = localhost->rrd_update_every;

    check_for_new_mountpoints_every = (int)config_get_number(CONFIG_SECTION_DISKSPACE, "check for new mount points every", check_for_new_mountpoints_every);
    if(check_for_new_mountpoints_every < update_every)
        check_for_new_mountpoints_every = update_every;

    struct rusage thread;

    usec_t duration = 0;
    usec_t step = update_every * USEC_PER_SEC;
    heartbeat_t hb;
    while(!netdata_exit) {
        duration = heartbeat_monotonic_dt_to_now_usec(&hb);
        /* usec_t hb_dt = */ heartbeat_next(&hb, step);

        if(unlikely(netdata_exit)) break;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // this is smart enough not to reload it every time


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // disk space metrics

        struct mountinfo *mi;
        for(mi = disk_mountinfo_root; mi; mi = mi->next) {

            if(unlikely(mi->flags & (MOUNTINFO_IS_DUMMY | MOUNTINFO_IS_BIND)))

            do_disk_space_stats(mi, update_every);
            if(unlikely(netdata_exit)) break;

        if(unlikely(netdata_exit)) break;

            dictionary_get_all(dict_mountpoints, mount_point_cleanup, NULL);

        if(vdo_cpu_netdata) {
            static RRDSET *stcpu_thread = NULL, *st_duration = NULL;
            static RRDDIM *rd_user = NULL, *rd_system = NULL, *rd_duration = NULL;

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, &thread);

            if(unlikely(!stcpu_thread)) {
                stcpu_thread = rrdset_create_localhost(
                        , "plugin_diskspace"
                        , NULL
                        , "diskspace"
                        , NULL
                        , "NetData Disk Space Plugin CPU usage"
                        , "milliseconds/s"
                        , PLUGIN_DISKSPACE_NAME
                        , NULL
                        , update_every
                        , RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED

                rd_user   = rrddim_add(stcpu_thread, "user", NULL, 1, 1000, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL);
                rd_system = rrddim_add(stcpu_thread, "system", NULL, 1, 1000, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL);

            rrddim_set_by_pointer(stcpu_thread, rd_user, thread.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + thread.ru_utime.tv_usec);
            rrddim_set_by_pointer(stcpu_thread, rd_system, thread.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + thread.ru_stime.tv_usec);

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            if(unlikely(!st_duration)) {
                st_duration = rrdset_create_localhost(
                        , "plugin_diskspace_dt"
                        , NULL
                        , "diskspace"
                        , NULL
                        , "NetData Disk Space Plugin Duration"
                        , "milliseconds/run"
                        , PLUGIN_DISKSPACE_NAME
                        , NULL
                        , 132021
                        , update_every
                        , RRDSET_TYPE_AREA

                rd_duration = rrddim_add(st_duration, "duration", NULL, 1, 1000, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE);

            rrddim_set_by_pointer(st_duration, rd_duration, duration);

            // ---------------------------------------