path: root/composer.json
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-02-05Composer: Remove favicon hackSean Molenaar
2021-02-02Composer: Remove unneeded files in releasesSean Molenaar
2021-01-26Base: Update psalm definition and dependency listSean Molenaar
2021-01-21Bump christophwurst/nextcloud from 20.0.4 to 20.0.5dependabot[bot]
2021-01-08Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.4.4 to 9.5.0dependabot[bot]
2021-01-08Bump christophwurst/nextcloud from 20.0.0 to 20.0.4dependabot[bot]
2021-01-07Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.2.6 to 9.4.0dependabot[bot]
2021-01-07Add psalm for static code analysisBenjamin Brahmer
2020-11-07enable PHP 8.0 to validate for NC 21anoy
2020-09-29OPML export command and fixesSean Molenaar
2020-09-29Fix repair step and test itSean Molenaar
2020-09-27Create V2 mapper, Service and management commandsSean Molenaar
2020-09-25Move to nextcloud config and update phpunitSean Molenaar
2020-08-25Add phpstan checksSean Molenaar
2020-02-20Don't install symfony/console via composerDaniel Kesselberg
2019-12-27Release 14.1.0 (#597)14.1.0Benjamin Brahmer
2019-12-25Bump versions and remove outdated file (#583
require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe ConversationMute, type: :model do

item model (#43)
Daniel Schaal
2016-07-23removing owncloud references and updating linksBernhard Posselt
2016-04-18lock down versions in composer.jsonBernhard Posselt
2016-04-18lock picofeed versionBernhard Posselt
2016-04-16Update ircBernhard Posselt
2016-03-26update license idsBernhard Posselt
2015-08-15swap out unlicensed libBernhard Posselt
2015-08-13fix dependencyBernhard Posselt
2015-08-13update html purifier versionBernhard Posselt
2015-08-13remove net url package and update composer depsBernhard Posselt
2015-08-10make error output prettierBernhard Posselt