AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-07Remove Totalbiscuit from ExploreFreddo
2020-05-07Add feed: The Regimental StandardFreddo3000
2020-05-04Release 14.1.714.1.7Benjamin Brahmer
2020-05-04update feed-io to 4.6.0 and update js packagesBenjamin Brahmer
2020-05-03Add sponsor note about Feed-IOSean Molenaar
2020-05-03Added Readrops Android client to client liste-alfred
2020-05-01[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-04-28Release 14.1.614.1.6Benjamin Brahmer
2020-04-28fix 'If-Modified-Since' causing BAD REQUEST (#684)Chris Noxz
2020-04-28bump version and npm audit fix14.1.5Benjamin Brahmer
2020-04-28Release 14.1.5Benjamin Brahmer
2020-04-24fixed active menu item and reload for unreadanoy
2020-04-24[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-04-23Release 14.1.414.1.4Benjamin Brahmer
2020-04-23Always show the unread articles.Cesar Enrique Garcia Dabo
2020-04-23Create feeds.cs.jsonMaceček Richard
2020-04-23Update for Nextcloud 19Benjamin Brahmer
2020-04-16[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-04-11[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-04-04[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-04-02[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-04-01[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-29[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-28[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-27[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-18Release 14.1.4-rc1 (#649)14.1.4-rc1Benjamin Brahmer
2020-03-16[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-15[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-14[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-12[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-11[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-03-09Add test to ensure that null will emit a exceptionDaniel Kesselberg
2020-03-09Check if $feed is nullDaniel Kesselberg
2020-03-01Different solution for ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY (see #406) (Issue #80) (#407)Talon24
2020-02-29Merge pull request #637 from marco44/index_improvementsBenjamin Brahmer
2020-02-28[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-02-27[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-02-24Index improvementsMarc Cousin
2020-02-24[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-02-22Merge pull request #636 from nextcloud/ignore-symfony-console-dependencyBenjamin Brahmer
2020-02-21[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-02-20Don't install symfony/console via composerDaniel Kesselberg
2020-02-20[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-02-16Basic Media-RSS support (#599)Éloi Rivard
2020-02-11[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-02-09[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-02-08Release 14.1.3 (#626)14.1.3Benjamin Brahmer
2020-02-08new test matrix (#596)Benjamin Brahmer
2020-02-08[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
2020-02-04[tx-robot] updated from transifexNextcloud bot
"k">* News version * Browser and version * PHP version * Distribution and version ### When Requesting Features Please always provide the use case in addition solution, e.g.: * "If I read feed that has comics, the newest first ordering does not work well because I have to read from the bottom up" is much more helpful than just writing: * "Please add reverse ordering". ## Translation For translations in other languages than English, we rely on the [Transifex]( platform. If you want to help with translating the app, please do not create a pull request. Instead, head over to and join the team of your native language. If approved, the translation will be automatically ported to the code within 24 hours. ## Explore feeds section You can help to improve our explore feeds section by [providing more feeds]( ## Development In general it's a good idea to **first create an issue where you explain why, what and how** you want to make a change **before writing any code**. That way we can talk about the problem first and discuss the implementation (and of course help you with your code) ### How to set up a development environment To get started after [cloning the repository](, install the [build dependencies]( and run: make in the app directory to fetch all dependencies and compile the JavaScript. The News app uses Composer for PHP dependencies, Gulp for building the JavaScript "binary" and Bower/npm as JavaScript package manager. For more information on JavaScript development [check out the in the js folder]( For running all tests suites you can run: make test Packaging is done via: make dist The packages are inside the top level **build/artifacts** folder ### Coding Style Guidelines The PHP code should all adhere to [PSR-2]( *Note that this is a different codestyle than nextcloud itself uses.* To test the codestyle you can run `make phpcs`. For linting JavaScript, a [jshint file]( is used that is run before compiling the JavaScript