path: root/tests/Unit/Controller/FeedApiControllerTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/Unit/Controller/FeedApiControllerTest.php')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Controller/FeedApiControllerTest.php b/tests/Unit/Controller/FeedApiControllerTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f13e96660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Unit/Controller/FeedApiControllerTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ * ownCloud - News
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later. See the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * @author Alessandro Cosentino <>
+ * @author Bernhard Posselt <>
+ * @copyright Alessandro Cosentino 2012
+ * @copyright Bernhard Posselt 2012, 2014
+ */
+namespace OCA\News\Controller;
+use \OCP\AppFramework\Http;
+use \OCA\News\Service\ServiceNotFoundException;
+use \OCA\News\Service\ServiceConflictException;
+use \OCA\News\Db\Folder;
+use \OCA\News\Db\Feed;
+use \OCA\News\Db\Item;
+class FeedApiControllerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ private $feedService;
+ private $itemService;
+ private $feedAPI;
+ private $appName;
+ private $user;
+ private $request;
+ private $msg;
+ private $logger;
+ private $loggerParams;
+ protected function setUp() {
+ $this->user = 'tom';
+ $this->loggerParams = ['hi'];
+ $this->logger = $this->getMockBuilder(
+ '\OCP\ILogger')
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $this->appName = 'news';
+ $this->request = $this->getMockBuilder(
+ '\OCP\IRequest')
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $this->feedService = $this->getMockBuilder(
+ '\OCA\News\Service\FeedService')
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $this->itemService = $this->getMockBuilder(
+ '\OCA\News\Service\ItemService')
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $this->feedAPI = new FeedApiController(
+ $this->appName,
+ $this->request,
+ $this->feedService,
+ $this->itemService,
+ $this->logger,
+ $this->user,
+ $this->loggerParams
+ );
+ $this->msg = 'hohoho';
+ }
+ public function testIndex() {
+ $feeds = [new Feed()];
+ $starredCount = 3;
+ $newestItemId = 2;
+ $this->itemService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('starredCount')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($starredCount));
+ $this->itemService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getNewestItemId')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($newestItemId));
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('findAll')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($feeds));
+ $response = $this->feedAPI->index();
+ $this->assertEquals([
+ 'feeds' => [$feeds[0]->toAPI()],
+ 'starredCount' => $starredCount,
+ 'newestItemId' => $newestItemId
+ ], $response);
+ }
+ public function testIndexNoNewestItemId() {
+ $feeds = [new Feed()];
+ $starredCount = 3;
+ $this->itemService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('starredCount')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($starredCount));
+ $this->itemService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getNewestItemId')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user))
+ ->will($this->throwException(new ServiceNotFoundException('')));
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('findAll')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($feeds));
+ $response = $this->feedAPI->index();
+ $this->assertEquals([
+ 'feeds' => [$feeds[0]->toAPI()],
+ 'starredCount' => $starredCount,
+ ], $response);
+ }
+ public function testDelete() {
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('delete')
+ ->with(
+ $this->equalTo(2),
+ $this->equalTo($this->user));
+ $this->feedAPI->delete(2);
+ }
+ public function testDeleteDoesNotExist() {
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('delete')
+ ->will($this->throwException(
+ new ServiceNotFoundException($this->msg))
+ );
+ $response = $this->feedAPI->delete(2);
+ $data = $response->getData();
+ $this->assertEquals($this->msg, $data['message']);
+ $this->assertEquals(Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND, $response->getStatus());
+ }
+ public function testCreate() {
+ $feeds = [new Feed()];
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('purgeDeleted')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user), $this->equalTo(false));
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('create')
+ ->with(
+ $this->equalTo('url'),
+ $this->equalTo(3),
+ $this->equalTo($this->user))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($feeds[0]));
+ $this->itemService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getNewestItemId')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(3));
+ $response = $this->feedAPI->create('url', 3);
+ $this->assertEquals([
+ 'feeds' => [$feeds[0]->toAPI()],
+ 'newestItemId' => 3
+ ], $response);
+ }
+ public function testCreateNoItems() {
+ $feeds = [new Feed()];
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('purgeDeleted')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user), $this->equalTo(false));
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('create')
+ ->with(
+ $this->equalTo('ho'),
+ $this->equalTo(3),
+ $this->equalTo($this->user))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($feeds[0]));
+ $this->itemService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getNewestItemId')
+ ->will($this->throwException(new ServiceNotFoundException('')));
+ $response = $this->feedAPI->create('ho', 3);
+ $this->assertEquals([
+ 'feeds' => [$feeds[0]->toAPI()]
+ ], $response);
+ }
+ public function testCreateExists() {
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('purgeDeleted')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($this->user), $this->equalTo(false));
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('create')
+ ->will(
+ $this->throwException(new ServiceConflictException($this->msg))
+ );
+ $response = $this->feedAPI->create('ho', 3);
+ $data = $response->getData();
+ $this->assertEquals($this->msg, $data['message']);
+ $this->assertEquals(Http::STATUS_CONFLICT, $response->getStatus());
+ }
+ public function testCreateError() {
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('create')
+ ->will(
+ $this->throwException(new ServiceNotFoundException($this->msg))
+ );
+ $response = $this->feedAPI->create('ho', 3);
+ $data = $response->getData();
+ $this->assertEquals($this->msg, $data['message']);
+ $this->assertEquals(Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND, $response->getStatus());
+ }
+ public function testRead() {
+ $this->itemService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('readFeed')
+ ->with(
+ $this->equalTo(3),
+ $this->equalTo(30),
+ $this->equalTo($this->user));
+ $this->feedAPI->read(3, 30);
+ }
+ public function testMove() {
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('patch')
+ ->with(
+ $this->equalTo(3),
+ $this->equalTo($this->user),
+ $this->equalTo(['folderId' => 30]));
+ $this->feedAPI->move(3, 30);
+ }
+ public function testMoveDoesNotExist() {
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('patch')
+ ->will(
+ $this->throwException(new ServiceNotFoundException($this->msg))
+ );
+ $response = $this->feedAPI->move(3, 4);
+ $data = $response->getData();
+ $this->assertEquals($this->msg, $data['message']);
+ $this->assertEquals(Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND, $response->getStatus());
+ }
+ public function testRename() {
+ $feedId = 3;
+ $feedTitle = 'test';
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('patch')
+ ->with(
+ $this->equalTo($feedId),
+ $this->equalTo($this->user),
+ $this->equalTo(['title' => $feedTitle]));
+ $this->feedAPI->rename($feedId, $feedTitle);
+ }
+ public function testRenameError() {
+ $feedId = 3;
+ $feedTitle = 'test';
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('patch')
+ ->with(
+ $this->equalTo($feedId),
+ $this->equalTo($this->user),
+ $this->equalTo(['title' => $feedTitle]))
+ ->will($this->throwException(new ServiceNotFoundException('hi')));
+ $result = $this->feedAPI->rename($feedId, $feedTitle);
+ $data = $result->getData();
+ $code = $result->getStatus();
+ $this->assertSame(Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND, $code);
+ $this->assertSame('hi', $data['message']);
+ }
+ public function testfromAllUsers(){
+ $feed = new Feed();
+ $feed->setUrl(3);
+ $feed->setId(1);
+ $feed->setUserId('john');
+ $feeds = [$feed];
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('findAllFromAllUsers')
+ ->will($this->returnValue($feeds));
+ $response = json_encode($this->feedAPI->fromAllUsers());
+ $this->assertEquals('{"feeds":[{"id":1,"userId":"john"}]}', $response);
+ }
+ public function testUpdate() {
+ $feedId = 3;
+ $userId = 'hi';
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('update')
+ ->with($this->equalTo($feedId), $this->equalTo($userId));
+ $this->feedAPI->update($userId, $feedId);
+ }
+ public function testUpdateError() {
+ $feedId = 3;
+ $userId = 'hi';
+ $this->feedService->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('update')
+ ->will($this->throwException(new \Exception($this->msg)));
+ $this->logger->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('debug')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('Could not update feed ' . $this->msg),
+ $this->equalTo($this->loggerParams));
+ $this->feedAPI->update($userId, $feedId);
+ }