path: root/l10n/zh_HK.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n/zh_HK.json')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/zh_HK.json b/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 5e8f10823..6b4b2895c 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Request failed, network connection unavailable!" : "請求失敗,網路連線不可用!",
"Request unauthorized. Are you logged in?" : "請求未經授權。您登入了嗎?",
- "Request forbidden. Are you an admin?" : "請求被禁止。您是管理員嗎?",
+ "Request forbidden. Are you an administrator?" : "請求被禁止。您是管理員嗎?",
"Token expired or app not enabled! Reload the page!" : "權杖已過期或應用程式未啟用!請重新載入頁面!",
"Internal server error! Please check your data/nextcloud.log file for additional information!" : "內部伺服器錯誤!請檢查您的 data/nextcloud.log 檔案以取得額外資訊!",
"Request failed, Nextcloud is in currently in maintenance mode!" : "請求失敗,Nextcloud 目前正處於維護模式!",
@@ -9,51 +9,103 @@
"Unread articles" : "未讀文章",
"News" : "新聞",
"News folders" : "新聞資料夾",
+ "News articles" : "新聞文章",
"Shared with me" : "與我分享",
"An RSS/Atom feed reader" : "RSS/Atom feed 閱讀程式",
- "📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\nRequirements can be found [here](\nThe Changelog is available [here](\n\nCreate a [bug report](\nCreate a [feature request](\nReport a [feed issue](" : "📰 適用於 Nextcloud 的 RSS/Atom Feed 閱讀器應用程式\n\n- 📲 將您的 feed 與多個移動或桌面[客戶端]同步(\n- 🔄 自動更新您的新聞源\n- 🆓 在 AGPLv3 下免費且開源,沒有廣告或高級功能\n\n**此應用程式當前需要係統 Cron **\n需求可以在[此處]找到(\nChangelog可在[此處]獲得(\n\n創建一個[錯誤報告](\n創建一個[功能請求](\n報告[feed 問題](",
- "Use system cron for updates" : "使用系統 cron 來更新",
- "Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "如果使用自定義更新程序,請停用此功能。",
- "Purge interval" : "清除間距",
- "Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database; values below 60 seconds are ignored." : "從數據庫中移除已刪除的 feed 與資料夾後的最小秒數;低於60秒的值將會被忽略。",
+ "📰 A RSS/Atom Feed reader App for Nextcloud\n\n- 📲 Synchronize your feeds with multiple mobile or desktop [clients](\n- 🔄 Automatic updates of your news feeds\n- 🆓 Free and open source under AGPLv3, no ads or premium functions\n\n**System Cron is currently required for this app to work**\n\nRequirements can be found [here](\n\nThe Changelog is available [here](\n\nCreate a [bug report](\n\nCreate a [feature request](\n\nReport a [feed issue](" : "📰 Nextcloud 的 RSS/Atom Feed 閱讀器應用程式\n\n- 📲 讓您的 feed 在多個行動裝置與桌面[客戶端](間同步\n- 🔄 自動更新您的新聞 feed\n- 🆓 以 AGPLv3 授權的自由且開放原始碼軟體,無廣告或付費功能\n\n**此應用程式需要系統 Cron 才能正常運作**\n\n需求可以在[此處]找到(\n\nChangelog可在[此處]獲得(\n\n創建一個[錯誤報告](\n\n創建一個[功能請求](\n\n報告[feed 問題](",
+ "Download" : "下載",
+ "Close" : " 關閉",
+ "Web address" : "網址",
+ "No folder" : "無資料夾",
+ "Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
+ "Username" : "用戶名稱",
+ "Password" : "密碼",
+ "Feed exists already!" : "Feed 已存在!",
+ "New folder" : "新資料夾",
+ "Folder exists already!" : "資料夾已經存在!",
+ "HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "HTTP 基本身分驗證必須未加密儲存!每個可以存取伺服緝獲數據庫的人都將可以存取它們!",
+ "Credentials" : "身分驗證",
+ "Auto discover Feed" : "自動發現摘要",
+ "Subscribe" : "訂閱",
+ "Last job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong." : "上次執行作業的時間是 {relativeTime}。似乎有些不對勁。",
+ "Last job ran {relativeTime}." : "上次執行作業的時間是 {relativeTime}。",
"Maximum read count per feed" : "每個 feed 的最大閱讀次數",
- "Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which won't be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "定義每個 feed 可以讀取的最大文章數,清理作業不會刪除這些文章;如果舊文章在閱讀後又重新出現,請增加此值;負值,如 -1 將會把這個功能關閉。",
"Maximum redirects" : "最大重新導向",
- "How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Feed 擷取程式應遵循多少重新導向。",
"Feed fetcher timeout" : "Feed 擷取程式逾時",
- "Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "等待 RSS 或 Atom feed 載入的最大秒數;如果花了更長的時間,更新將會被中止。",
"Explore Service URL" : "探索服務 URL",
- "If given, this service's URL will be queried for displaying the feeds in the explore feed section. To fall back to the built in explore service, leave this input empty." : "若提供,將使用此服務的 URL 進行查詢以在探索 feed 區塊中顯示 feed。要汰退至內建的探索服務,請將此輸入留空。",
- "For more information check the wiki." : "要取得更多資訊,請看 wiki。",
"Update interval" : "更新間距",
+ "Successfully updated news configuration" : "成功更新新聞設定",
+ "Unable to update news config" : "無法更新新聞設定",
+ "Use system cron for updates" : "使用系統 cron 來更新",
+ "Disable this if you use a custom updater." : "如果使用自定義更新程序,請停用此功能。",
+ "Defines the maximum amount of articles that can be read per feed which will not be deleted by the cleanup job; if old articles reappear after being read, increase this value; negative values such as -1 will turn this feature off." : "定義每個 feed 可以讀取的最大文章數,清理作業不會刪除這些文章;如果舊文章在閱讀後又重新出現,請增加此值;負值(如 -1) 將會關閉此功能。",
+ "Delete unread articles automatically" : "自動刪除未讀文章",
+ "Enable this if you also want to delete unread articles." : "如果您還想刪除未讀的文章,請啟用此功能。",
+ "How many redirects the feed fetcher should follow." : "Feed 擷取程式應遵循多少重新導向。",
+ "Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load; if it takes longer the update will be aborted." : "等待 RSS 或 Atom feed 載入的最大秒數;如果花了更長的時間,更新將會被中止。",
"Interval in seconds in which the feeds will be updated." : "Feed 更新的時間間隔(以秒為單位)。",
- "For more information check the documentation." : "要取得更多資訊,請參見說明書。",
- "Saved" : "已儲存",
- "Download" : "下載",
- "Close" : " 關閉",
+ "No article selected" : "未選取文章",
+ "Please select an article from the list..." : "請從清單中選取文章 …",
+ "User Name" : "用戶名稱",
+ "Share" : "分享",
+ "Share with" : "分享與",
+ "Share with {num} users" : "與 {num} 個用戶分享",
+ "Mark read" : "標為已讀",
+ "All articles" : "所有文章",
+ "Starred" : "星號",
+ "Explore" : "探索",
+ "Are you sure you want to mark all read?" : "您真的想要標記全部為已讀嗎?",
+ "Rename Folder" : "重新命名資料夾",
+ "Rename" : "重新命名",
+ "Delete" : "刪除",
+ "Open Feed URL" : "開啟 feed URL",
+ "Rename Feed" : "重新命名 Feed",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete?" : "您確定要刪除嗎?",
+ "Unpin from top" : "取消置頂",
+ "Pin to top" : "置頂",
+ "Newest first" : "最新的放最前面",
+ "Oldest first" : "最舊的放最前面",
+ "Default order" : "默認排序",
+ "Enable full text" : "啟用全文",
+ "Disable full text" : "停用全文",
+ "Unread updated" : "已更新未讀項目",
+ "Ignore updated" : "略過更新",
+ "Share within Instance" : "在實例內分享",
+ "by" : "由",
+ "from" : "從",
+ "shared by" : "分享自",
+ "Play audio" : "播放音訊",
+ "Download audio" : "下載音訊",
+ "Download video" : "下載影片",
+ "Unread" : "未讀",
+ "Open website" : "開啟網站",
+ "{num} seconds" : "{num} 秒",
+ "{num} minutes ago" : "{num} 分鐘前",
+ "{num} hours ago" : "{num} 小時前",
+ "{num} days ago" : "{num} 日前",
+ "{num} months ago" : "{num} 個月前",
+ "{num} years ago" : "{num} 年前",
+ "All Articles" : "所有文章",
+ "No feeds found to add" : "找不到要新增的 feed",
"Subscribe to" : "訂閱",
+ "Unread Articles" : "未讀文章",
+ "If given, this service" : "若提供,此服務",
+ "Ajax or webcron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!" : "偵測到 Ajax 或 webcron!您的 feed 將無法更新!",
+ "How to set up the operating system cron" : "如何設定作業系統 cron",
+ "Install and set up a faster parallel updater that uses the News app's update API" : "安裝並設定新聞應用程式的更新 API 的較快平行更新程式",
"No articles available" : "沒有文章",
"No unread articles available" : "沒有未讀文章",
- "Open website" : "開啟網站",
"Star article" : "加上星號",
"Unstar article" : "移除星號",
"Keep article unread" : "維持未讀狀態",
"Remove keep article unread" : "停止維持未讀狀態",
- "Share" : "分享",
"Share with users" : "與用戶分享",
- "Username" : "用戶名稱",
"No users found" : "找不到用戶",
"Error while searching for users" : "搜尋用戶時發生錯誤",
"Share on social media" : "在社交媒體上分享",
"I wanted you to see this article" : "我希望你能看到這篇文章",
"Check out this article" : "看看這篇文章",
- "by" : "由",
- "from" : "從",
- "shared by" : "分享自",
- "Play audio" : "播放音訊",
- "Download audio" : "下載音訊",
- "Download video" : "下載影片",
- "Keyboard shortcut" : "快速鍵",
+ "Keyboard shortcut" : "鍵盤快捷鍵",
"Description" : "描述",
"right" : "右邊",
"Jump to next article" : "跳到下篇文章",
@@ -67,53 +119,23 @@
"Refresh" : "重新整理",
"Load next feed" : "載入下個饋流",
"Load previous feed" : "載入上個饋流",
- "Load next folder" : "載入下個資料夾",
"Load previous folder" : "載入上個資料夾",
+ "Load next folder" : "載入下個資料夾",
"Scroll to active navigation entry" : "捲動至使用中的導覽項",
- "Focus search field" : "進入搜尋框",
"Mark current article's feed/folder read" : "將目前文章所在的 feed 或資料夾標為已讀",
- "Ajax or webcron mode detected! Your feeds will not be updated!" : "偵測到 Ajax 或 webcron!您的 feed 將無法更新!",
- "How to set up the operating system cron" : "如何設定作業系統 cron",
- "Install and set up a faster parallel updater that uses the News app's update API" : "安裝並設定新聞應用程式的更新 API 的較快平行更新程式",
- "Subscribe" : "訂閱",
- "Web address" : "網址",
- "Feed exists already!" : "Feed 已存在!",
"Folder" : "資料夾",
- "No folder" : "無資料夾",
- "New folder" : "新資料夾",
- "Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
"Go back" : "返回",
- "Folder exists already!" : "資料夾已經存在!",
- "Credentials" : "身分驗證",
- "HTTP Basic Auth credentials must be stored unencrypted! Everyone with access to the server or database will be able to access them!" : "HTTP 基本身分驗證必須未加密儲存!每個可以存取伺服緝獲數據庫的人都將可以存取它們!",
- "Password" : "密碼",
- "Auto discover Feed" : "自動發現摘要",
"New Folder" : "新資料夾",
"Create" : "建立",
- "Explore" : "探索",
"Update failed more than 50 times" : "更新失敗超過 50 次",
"Deleted feed" : "刪除 feed",
"Undo delete feed" : "取消刪除 feed",
- "Rename" : "重新命名",
"Menu" : "選項單",
- "Mark read" : "標為已讀",
- "Unpin from top" : "取消置頂",
- "Pin to top" : "置頂",
- "Newest first" : "最新的放最前面",
- "Oldest first" : "最舊的放最前面",
- "Default order" : "默認排序",
- "Enable full text" : "啟用全文",
- "Disable full text" : "停用全文",
- "Unread updated" : "已更新未讀項目",
- "Ignore updated" : "略過更新",
"Open feed URL" : "開啟 feed URL",
- "Delete" : "刪除",
"Dismiss" : "撤銷",
"Collapse" : "收合",
"Deleted folder" : "已刪除的資料夾",
"Undo delete folder" : "取消刪除資料夾",
- "Starred" : "星號",
- "All articles" : "所有文章",
"Settings" : "設定",
"Disable mark read through scrolling" : "停用捲動時標記已讀",
"Compact view" : "簡潔檢視",