path: root/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/sortable
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3 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..8d8786140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/sortable/
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+# ui-sortable directive
+This directive allows you to sort array with drag & drop.
+## Requirements
+- JQuery
+- JQueryUI
+## Usage
+Load the script file: sortable.js in your application:
+<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/directives/sortable/src/sortable.js"></script>
+Add the sortable module as a dependency to your application module:
+var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.directives.sortable'])
+Apply the directive to your form elements:
+<ul ui-sortable ng-model="items">
+ <li ng-repeat="item in items">{{ item }}</li>
+### Options
+All the jQueryUI Sortable options can be passed through the directive.
+myAppModule.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
+ $scope.items = ["One", "Two", "Three"];
+ $scope.sortableOptions = {
+ update: function(e, ui) { ... },
+ axis: 'x'
+ };
+<ul ui-sortable="sortableOptions" ng-model="items">
+ <li ng-repeat="item in items">{{ item }}</li>
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/sortable/sortable.js b/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/sortable/sortable.js
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index 000000000..d2a73032e
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+ jQuery UI Sortable plugin wrapper
+ @param [ui-sortable] {object} Options to pass to $.fn.sortable() merged onto ui.config
+angular.module('ui.directives').directive('uiSortable', [
+ 'ui.config', function(uiConfig) {
+ return {
+ require: '?ngModel',
+ link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
+ var onReceive, onRemove, onStart, onUpdate, opts, _receive, _remove, _start, _update;
+ opts = angular.extend({}, uiConfig.sortable, scope.$eval(attrs.uiSortable));
+ if (ngModel) {
+ ngModel.$render = function() {
+ element.sortable( "refresh" );
+ };
+ onStart = function(e, ui) {
+ // Save position of dragged item
+ ui.item.sortable = { index: ui.item.index() };
+ };
+ onUpdate = function(e, ui) {
+ // For some reason the reference to ngModel in stop() is wrong
+ ui.item.sortable.resort = ngModel;
+ };
+ onReceive = function(e, ui) {
+ ui.item.sortable.relocate = true;
+ // added item to array into correct position and set up flag
+ ngModel.$modelValue.splice(ui.item.index(), 0, ui.item.sortable.moved);
+ };
+ onRemove = function(e, ui) {
+ // copy data into item
+ if (ngModel.$modelValue.length === 1) {
+ ui.item.sortable.moved = ngModel.$modelValue.splice(0, 1)[0];
+ } else {
+ ui.item.sortable.moved = ngModel.$modelValue.splice(ui.item.sortable.index, 1)[0];
+ }
+ };
+ onStop = function(e, ui) {
+ // digest all prepared changes
+ if (ui.item.sortable.resort && !ui.item.sortable.relocate) {
+ // Fetch saved and current position of dropped element
+ var end, start;
+ start = ui.item.sortable.index;
+ end = ui.item.index();
+ if (start < end)
+ end--;
+ // Reorder array and apply change to scope
+ ui.item.sortable.resort.$modelValue.splice(end, 0, ui.item.sortable.resort.$modelValue.splice(start, 1)[0]);
+ }
+ if (ui.item.sortable.resort || ui.item.sortable.relocate) {
+ scope.$apply();
+ }
+ };
+ // If user provided 'start' callback compose it with onStart function
+ _start = opts.start;
+ opts.start = function(e, ui) {
+ onStart(e, ui);
+ if (typeof _start === "function")
+ _start(e, ui);
+ };
+ // If user provided 'start' callback compose it with onStart function
+ _stop = opts.stop;
+ opts.stop = function(e, ui) {
+ onStop(e, ui);
+ if (typeof _stop === "function")
+ _stop(e, ui);
+ };
+ // If user provided 'update' callback compose it with onUpdate function
+ _update = opts.update;
+ opts.update = function(e, ui) {
+ onUpdate(e, ui);
+ if (typeof _update === "function")
+ _update(e, ui);
+ };
+ // If user provided 'receive' callback compose it with onReceive function
+ _receive = opts.receive;
+ opts.receive = function(e, ui) {
+ onReceive(e, ui);
+ if (typeof _receive === "function")
+ _receive(e, ui);
+ };
+ // If user provided 'remove' callback compose it with onRemove function
+ _remove = opts.remove;
+ opts.remove = function(e, ui) {
+ onRemove(e, ui);
+ if (typeof _remove === "function")
+ _remove(e, ui);
+ };
+ }
+ // Create sortable
+ element.sortable(opts);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/sortable/test/sortableSpec.js b/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/sortable/test/sortableSpec.js
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+++ b/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/sortable/test/sortableSpec.js
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+describe('uiSortable', function() {
+ // Ensure the sortable angular module is loaded
+ beforeEach(module('ui.directives'));
+ describe('simple use', function() {
+ it('should have a ui-sortable class', function() {
+ inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
+ var element;
+ element = $compile("<ul ui-sortable></ul>")($rootScope);
+ expect(element.hasClass("ui-sortable")).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should update model when order changes', function() {
+ inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
+ var element;
+ element = $compile('<ul ui-sortable ng-model="items"><li ng-repeat="item in items" id="s-{{$index}}">{{ item }}</li></ul>')($rootScope);
+ $rootScope.$apply(function() {
+ return $rootScope.items = ["One", "Two", "Three"];
+ });
+ element.find('li:eq(1)').insertAfter(element.find('li:eq(2)'));
+ // None of this work, one way is to use .bind("sortupdate")
+ // and then use .trigger("sortupdate", e, ui) but I have no idea how to
+ // construct ui object
+ // element.sortable('refresh')
+ // element.sortable('refreshPositions')
+ // element.trigger('sortupdate')
+ // expect($rootScope.items).toEqual(["One", "Three", "Two"])
+ });
+ });
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file