path: root/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/map/map.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/map/map.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/map/map.js b/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/map/map.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a0e4f0a..000000000
--- a/js/vendor/angular-ui/modules/directives/map/map.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-(function () {
- var app = angular.module('ui.directives');
- //Setup map events from a google map object to trigger on a given element too,
- //then we just use ui-event to catch events from an element
- function bindMapEvents(scope, eventsStr, googleObject, element) {
- angular.forEach(eventsStr.split(' '), function (eventName) {
- //Prefix all googlemap events with 'map-', so eg 'click'
- //for the googlemap doesn't interfere with a normal 'click' event
- var $event = { type: 'map-' + eventName };
- google.maps.event.addListener(googleObject, eventName, function (evt) {
- element.triggerHandler(angular.extend({}, $event, evt));
- //We create an $apply if it isn't happening. we need better support for this
- //We don't want to use timeout because tons of these events fire at once,
- //and we only need one $apply
- if (!scope.$$phase) scope.$apply();
- });
- });
- }
- app.directive('uiMap',
- ['ui.config', '$parse', function (uiConfig, $parse) {
- var mapEvents = 'bounds_changed center_changed click dblclick drag dragend ' +
- 'dragstart heading_changed idle maptypeid_changed mousemove mouseout ' +
- 'mouseover projection_changed resize rightclick tilesloaded tilt_changed ' +
- 'zoom_changed';
- var options = || {};
- return {
- restrict: 'A',
- //doesn't work as E for unknown reason
- link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
- var opts = angular.extend({}, options, scope.$eval(attrs.uiOptions));
- var map = new google.maps.Map(elm[0], opts);
- var model = $parse(attrs.uiMap);
- //Set scope variable for the map
- model.assign(scope, map);
- bindMapEvents(scope, mapEvents, map, elm);
- }
- };
- }]);
- app.directive('uiMapInfoWindow',
- ['ui.config', '$parse', '$compile', function (uiConfig, $parse, $compile) {
- var infoWindowEvents = 'closeclick content_change domready ' +
- 'position_changed zindex_changed';
- var options = uiConfig.mapInfoWindow || {};
- return {
- link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
- var opts = angular.extend({}, options, scope.$eval(attrs.uiOptions));
- opts.content = elm[0];
- var model = $parse(attrs.uiMapInfoWindow);
- var infoWindow = model(scope);
- if (!infoWindow) {
- infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(opts);
- model.assign(scope, infoWindow);
- }
- bindMapEvents(scope, infoWindowEvents, infoWindow, elm);
- /* The info window's contents dont' need to be on the dom anymore,
- google maps has them stored. So we just replace the infowindow element
- with an empty div. (we don't just straight remove it from the dom because
- straight removing things from the dom can mess up angular) */
- elm.replaceWith('<div></div>');
- //Decorate to $compile contents before opening
- var _open =;
- = function open(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) {
- $compile(elm.contents())(scope);
-, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
- };
- }
- };
- }]);
- /*
- * Map overlay directives all work the same. Take map marker for example
- * <ui-map-marker="myMarker"> will $watch 'myMarker' and each time it changes,
- * it will hook up myMarker's events to the directive dom element. Then
- * ui-event will be able to catch all of myMarker's events. Super simple.
- */
- function mapOverlayDirective(directiveName, events) {
- app.directive(directiveName, [function () {
- return {
- restrict: 'A',
- link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
- scope.$watch(attrs[directiveName], function (newObject) {
- bindMapEvents(scope, events, newObject, elm);
- });
- }
- };
- }]);
- }
- mapOverlayDirective('uiMapMarker',
- 'animation_changed click clickable_changed cursor_changed ' +
- 'dblclick drag dragend draggable_changed dragstart flat_changed icon_changed ' +
- 'mousedown mouseout mouseover mouseup position_changed rightclick ' +
- 'shadow_changed shape_changed title_changed visible_changed zindex_changed');
- mapOverlayDirective('uiMapPolyline',
- 'click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup rightclick');
- mapOverlayDirective('uiMapPolygon',
- 'click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup rightclick');
- mapOverlayDirective('uiMapRectangle',
- 'bounds_changed click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover ' +
- 'mouseup rightclick');
- mapOverlayDirective('uiMapCircle',
- 'center_changed click dblclick mousedown mousemove ' +
- 'mouseout mouseover mouseup radius_changed rightclick');
- mapOverlayDirective('uiMapGroundOverlay',
- 'click dblclick');
-})(); \ No newline at end of file