path: root/js/tests/controllers/
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-ownCloud - News
-@author Bernhard Posselt
-@copyright 2012 Bernhard Posselt
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-License along with this library. If not, see <>.
-describe 'FeedController', ->
- beforeEach module 'News'
- beforeEach module ($provide) =>
- @imagePath = jasmine.createSpy('imagePath')
- @utils =
- imagePath: @imagePath
- $provide.value 'Utils', @utils
- @persistence = {}
- $provide.value 'Persistence', @persistence
- return
- beforeEach inject ($controller, @FolderBusinessLayer, @FeedBusinessLayer,
- $rootScope, @unreadCountFormatter, @FeedModel,
- @SubscriptionsBusinessLayer, @StarredBusinessLayer,
- @$window, @_ExistsError, @FolderModel, @FeedType) =>
- @scope = $rootScope.$new()
- replace =
- $scope: @scope
- @$window.document.title = ''
- @controller = $controller('FeedController', replace)
- it 'isAddingFolder should return false in the beginning', =>
- expect(@scope.isAddingFolder()).toBeFalsy()
- it 'isAddingFeed should return false in the beginning', =>
- expect(@scope.isAddingFeed()).toBeFalsy()
- it 'should make unreadCountFormatter available', =>
- expect(@scope.unreadCountFormatter).toBe(@unreadCountFormatter)
- it 'should make FeedBusinessLayer available', =>
- expect(@scope.feedBusinessLayer).toBe(@FeedBusinessLayer)
- it 'should make FolderBusinessLayer available', =>
- expect(@scope.folderBusinessLayer).toBe(@FolderBusinessLayer)
- it 'should make SubscriptionsBusinessLayer available', =>
- expect(@scope.subscriptionsBusinessLayer).toBe(
- @SubscriptionsBusinessLayer)
- it 'should make StarredBusinessLayer available', =>
- expect(@scope.starredBusinessLayer).toBe(@StarredBusinessLayer)
- it 'should set the window title to the total unread count', =>
- @scope.translations =
- appName: 'News'
- expect(@$window.document.title).toBe('')
- @scope.getTotalUnreadCount()
- expect(@$window.document.title).toBe('News | ownCloud')
- item = {id: 3, unreadCount: 5, faviconLink: 'test', url: 'hi'}
- @FeedModel.add(item)
- @scope.getTotalUnreadCount()
- expect(@$window.document.title).toBe('News (5) | ownCloud')
- it 'should show 99+ if in window title when more than 99 unread count', =>
- @scope.translations =
- appName: 'News'
- item = {id: 3, unreadCount: 1, faviconLink: 'test', url: 'hi'}
- item1 = {id: 5, unreadCount: 999, faviconLink: 'test', url: 'his'}
- @FeedModel.add(item)
- @FeedModel.add(item1)
- @scope.getTotalUnreadCount()
- expect(@$window.document.title).toBe('News (999+) | ownCloud')
- it 'should move a feed if moveFeedToFolder is broadcasted', =>
- item = {id: 3, unreadCount: 1, faviconLink: 'test', url: 'hi'}
- @FeedModel.add(item)
- @persistence.moveFeed = jasmine.createSpy('move feed')
- @scope.$broadcast 'moveFeedToFolder', {feedId: 3, folderId: 1}
- expect(@persistence.moveFeed).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3, 1)
- it 'should set isAddingFolder to true if there were no problems', =>
- @persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create')
- @scope.addFolder(' Ola')
- expect(@scope.isAddingFolder()).toBe(true)
- it 'should set isAddingFolder to false after a failed request', =>
- @persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create')
- @persistence.createFolder.andCallFake (name, id, onSuccess, onFailure) ->
- onFailure()
- @scope.addFolder(' Ola')
- expect(@scope.isAddingFolder()).toBe(false)
- it 'should show an error if the folder exists and reset the input', =>
- @FolderBusinessLayer.create = jasmine.createSpy('create')
- @FolderBusinessLayer.create.andCallFake =>
- throw new @_ExistsError('ye')
- @scope.addFolder(' Ola')
- expect(@scope.folderExistsError).toBe(true)
- expect(@scope.isAddingFolder()).toBe(false)
- it 'should reset the add folder form and set the created as selected', =>
- @persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('create')
- data =
- folders: [
- {id: 3, name: 'soba'}
- ]
- @persistence.createFolder.andCallFake (id, parent, onSuccess) =>
- @FolderModel.handle(data.folders)
- onSuccess(data)
- @scope.addFolder(' Soba')
- expect(@scope.folderName).toBe('')
- expect(@scope.addNewFolder).toBe(false)
- expect(@scope.isAddingFolder()).toBe(false)
- expect('soba')
- it 'should set isAddingFeed to true if there were no problems', =>
- @persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create')
- @scope.addFeed('Ola')
- expect(@scope.isAddingFeed()).toBe(true)
- it 'should set isAddingFeed to false after a failed request', =>
- @persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create')
- @persistence.createFeed.andCallFake (name, id, onSuccess, onFailure) ->
- onFailure()
- @scope.addFolder(' Ola')
- expect(@scope.isAddingFeed()).toBe(false)
- it 'should show an error if the feed exists and reset the input', =>
- @FeedBusinessLayer.create = jasmine.createSpy('create')
- @FeedBusinessLayer.create.andCallFake =>
- throw new @_ExistsError('ye')
- @scope.addFeed(' Ola')
- expect(@scope.feedExistsError).toBe(true)
- expect(@scope.isAddingFeed()).toBe(false)
- it 'should open the parent folder of the added feed', =>
- item = {opened: false, id: 3, name: 'john'}
- @FolderModel.add(item)
- @scope.addFeed(' Ola', 3)
- expect(item.opened).toBe(true)
- it 'should reset the add feed form and load the added feed', =>
- @persistence.createFeed = jasmine.createSpy('create')
- @persistence.getItems = jasmine.createSpy('load')
- data =
- feeds: [
- {id: 3, url: 'http://soba', title: 'hi'}
- ]
- status: 'success'
- @persistence.createFeed.andCallFake (id, parent, onSuccess) =>
- @FeedModel.handle(data.feeds)
- onSuccess(data)
- @scope.addFeed(' Soba')
- expect(@scope.feedUrl).toBe('')
- expect(@scope.isAddingFeed()).toBe(false)
- expect(@persistence.getItems).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
- @FeedType.Feed, 3, 0, jasmine.any(Function)
- ) \ No newline at end of file